@phdthesis{Baselau2005, author = {Baselau, Christian}, title = {Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Beurteilung der Verkehrsqualit{\"a}t auf Straßen mit 2+1-Verkehrsf{\"u}hrung}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.737}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20060221-7754}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2005}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit hatte zum Ziel, f{\"u}r Strecken mit 2+1-Verkehrsf{\"u}hrung (Straßentyp RQ 15,5) ein Verfahren zum Nachweis der Verkehrsqualit{\"a}t zu entwickeln. Dabei wurden in einem ersten Schritt zun{\"a}chst f{\"u}r freie Streckenabschnitte Beziehungen zwischen den Verkehrsst{\"a}rken (q) und den mittleren Pkw-Reisegeschwindigkeiten (v) ermittelt und darauf aufbauend ein Bemessungsverfahren abgeleitet. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde das Verfahren erweitert, um f{\"u}r den Fall der Einbindung planfreier Knotenpunkte ebenfalls eine Bewertung vornehmen zu k{\"o}nnen. Bislang standen in Deutschland keine ausreichenden Erkenntnisse {\"u}ber den Zusammenhang zwischen q und v f{\"u}r Strecken mit einem RQ 15,5 zur Verf{\"u}gung. Eine Literaturanalyse ergab, dass sich fr{\"u}here Untersuchungen mehrheitlich mit dem Aspekt der Verkehrssicherheit besch{\"a}ftigten. Somit stellten die eigenen Messungen und die daran anschließende Erg{\"a}nzung von Daten mit Hilfe einer mikroskopischen Verkehrsflusssimulation den Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung dar. Die empirischen Untersuchungen hatten - verglichen mit q-v-Beziehungen f{\"u}r herk{\"o}mmliche Landstraßenabschnitte - ein zum Teil deutlich h{\"o}heres Geschwindigkeitsniveau bei vergleichbaren Verkehrsst{\"a}rken zum Ergebnis. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus konnten zum Teil wesentlich h{\"o}here {\"U}berholraten festgestellt werden als bei einbahnig zweistreifigen Streckenabschnitten, bei denen ein {\"U}berholen im Gegenverkehr erlaubt ist. Zweifellos tragen auch die zweistreifigen Abschnitte eines RQ 15,5 dazu bei, Fahrzeugpulks aufzul{\"o}sen. F{\"u}r die aus mehreren aufeinander folgenden ein- und zweistreifigen Abschnitten bestehenden Untersuchungsstrecken, konnte jedoch insgesamt keine bedeutsame Pulkaufl{\"o}sung festgestellt werden. Dies ist vor allem dadurch begr{\"u}ndet, dass die Strecken mit einem einstreifigen Abschnitt endeten. Das Simulationsprogramm LASI2+1 wurde speziell auf die Simulation des Verkehrsablaufs auf einer Strecke mit 2+1-Verkehrsf{\"u}hrung abgestimmt. Die Kalibrierung des Modells erfolgte auf Basis von Erkenntnissen lokaler Messungen (insbesondere Zeitl{\"u}cken und Geschwindigkeitsverteilungen). Im Rahmen der Validierung erfolgte ein Abgleich zwischen den Ergebnissen der Messungen mit den mit LASI2+1 simulierten f{\"u}r jede einzelne nachgebildete Untersuchungsstrecke anhand der Parameter q und v. Mit LASI2+1 wurden zahlreiche Simulationsl{\"a}ufe durchgef{\"u}hrt, bei denen eine Vielzahl von Kombinationen der Streckenparameter sowie der Verkehrszusammensetzung bei einem m{\"o}glichst breiten Spektrum von Verkehrsbelastungen betrachtet wurden. Die Ergebnisse lagen zun{\"a}chst in „Punktwolken" vor, wobei jeweils ein Punkt beschrieben wird durch eine in einem 5-Minuten-Intervall g{\"u}ltige Verkehrsst{\"a}rke q und der zu diesem Intervall geh{\"o}rigen mittleren Reisegeschwindigkeit der Pkw v. Zur Darstellung der den Verkehrsablauf beschreibenden Punktwolken wurden verschiedene makroskopische Modelle getestet. Dabei wurden ein- und zweistreifige Abschnitte getrennt voneinander betrachtet. Nach Anwendung mathematischer Verfahren zur Kurvenanpassung ergaben f{\"u}r die einstreifigen Abschnitte Wurzelfunktionen die besten N{\"a}herungen zur Beschreibung der Zusammenh{\"a}nge zwischen q und v. F{\"u}r die leicht konvexen Auspr{\"a}gungen in den q-v-Punktwolken der zweistreifigen Abschnitte lieferten lineare Funktionen, die {\"u}ber Verkehrsdichte (k)-Geschwindigkeits-Relationen hergeleitet wurden, die besten Ergebnisse. Mit Hilfe von varianzanalytischen Berechnungen konnten außerdem die Einfl{\"u}sse der verschiedenen Trassierungsparameter quantifiziert werden. L{\"a}ngsneigung und Schwerverkehrsanteile wurden direkt in den insgesamt zehn q-v-Diagrammen dargestellt. Einfl{\"u}sse durch die L{\"a}ngen der Teilabschnitte bzw. die Anzahl der Abschnitte wurden {\"u}ber Abminderungen bzw. Erh{\"o}hungen der Pkw-Reisegeschwindigkeiten ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Daraus wurden in einem weiteren Schritt Korrekturfaktoren ermittelt. F{\"u}r den konkreten Fall eines planfreien Knotenpunkttyps im so genannten unkritischen Wechselbereich wurden weitere Einfl{\"u}sse auf die Pkw-Reisegeschwindigkeit ermittelt, die die Auswirkungen der sich im Knotenpunkt {\"a}ndernden Verkehrsst{\"a}rke (n{\"a}mlich deutlich geringere Geschwindigkeiten gegen{\"u}ber dem durchgehenden Fahrstreifen) ber{\"u}cksichtigen. Durch die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit liegen erstmals abgesicherte q-v-Diagramme f{\"u}r freie Strecken mit 2+1-Verkehrsf{\"u}hrung einschließlich planfreier Knotenpunkte in unkritischen Wechselbereichen vor, die einen Diskussionsbeitrag f{\"u}r eine Aufnahme in Fortschreibungen der derzeit g{\"u}ltigen Regelwerke darstellen.}, subject = {Verkehrsablauf}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{ChengLauLaw2004, author = {Cheng, Jinxing and Lau, Gloria and Law, Kincho}, title = {A simulation access language and framework for project management applications}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.156}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1567}, year = {2004}, abstract = {As computer programs become ever more complex, software development has shifted from focusing on programming towards focusing on integration. This paper describes a simulation access language (SimAL) that can be used to access and compose software applications over the Internet. Specifically, the framework is developed for the integration of tools for project management applications. The infrastructure allows users to specify and to use existing heterogeneous tools (e.g., Microsoft Project, Microsoft Excel, Primavera Project Planner, and AutoCAD) for simulation of project scenarios. This paper describes the components of the SimAL language and the implementation efforts required in the development of the SimAL framework. An illustration example bringing on-line weather forecasting service for project scheduling and management applications is provided to demonstrate the use of the simulation language and the infrastructure framework.}, subject = {Hochschulbildung}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{JianpingTianyiQiping2004, author = {Jianping, Zhang and Tianyi, Ma and Qiping, Shen}, title = {Application of Data Warehouse and Data Mining in Construction Management}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.124}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1247}, year = {2004}, abstract = {All construction project are constrained by their schedules, budgets and specifications, and safety and environmental regulations. These constraints made construction management more complex and difficult. At the same time, many historical data that can support the decisions in the future are kept in construction enterprises,. To use the historical data effectively and efficiently, it is essential to apply the data warehouse and data mining technologies. This paper introduces a research which aims to develop a data warehouse system according to the requirements of construction enterprises and use data mining technology to learn useful information and knowledge from the data warehouse system. The design, the development and the application of this system are detailedly introduced in this paper.}, subject = {Bauwerk}, language = {en} } @article{Lizounov1997, author = {Lizounov, P. P.}, title = {Dynamics of solid and deformable Bodies Systems at complex Movements}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.541}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-5410}, year = {1997}, abstract = {Analytical models, describing oscillations of systems of interconnected solid and deformable bodies,making a complex movement in fields of inertia forces and gravitation forces, are resulted. Method of numerical investigation of dynamics of the specified systems, based on sharing of parameter prolongation method, Newton-Kantorovich algorithm, Flocke and Liapunov hteories, is developed. On the basis of constructed analytical models and numerical techniques a new, practically important problems of dynamics of systems, consisting of solid bodies, flexible rods, membranes and soft shells, which make a complex movement in fields of forces of inertia and gravity are solved. The received results are used during designing of responsible elements of structures, making a complex movement, which find application in construction and mechanical engineering.}, subject = {Festk{\"o}rpermechanik}, language = {en} } @article{WeiseKatranuschkovScherer2004, author = {Weise, Matthias and Katranuschkov, Peter and Scherer, Raimar J.}, title = {Generic Services for the Support of Evolving Building Model Data}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.207}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2077}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Many problems related to data integration in AEC can be better tackled by an approach that takes into account the heterogeneity of tasks, models and applications but does not require continuous consistency of the evolving design data, at each data management operation. Such an approach must incorporate adequate services that can facilitate reintegration of concurrently modified data at reasonably selected coordination points. In this paper we present a set of methods which, used in combination, can achieve that goal. After a description of the principal envisaged cooperative work scenario each of these methods is discussed in detail and current observations drawn from their software realisation are given. Whilst the suggested approach is valid for any EXPRESS-based data model, the practical focus of work has been on facilitating IFC-driven integration.}, subject = {Produktmodell}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KoepplerRoosBurkhardt1997, author = {K{\"o}ppler, H. and Roos, Dirk and Burkhardt, Gerhard}, title = {Zur Berechnung vielschichtiger Schalen mit orthotropen Schichten}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.437}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-4379}, year = {1997}, abstract = {Wirklichkeitsnahe Erfassung und Beschreibung des Trag- und Verformungsverhaltens von Strukturen baulicher Anlagen hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten st{\"a}ndig an Bedeutung gewonnen. Konstruktionen im Hoch- und Industriebau werden zunehmend multifunktional genutzt - die >Grenzen< zwischen Bauwerk und Tragwerk, zwischen H{\"u}ll- und Tragkonstruktion l{\"o}sen sich auf. Werden raumabschließende Elemente (W{\"a}nde, Decken, D{\"a}cher) gleichzeitig als Tragelemente und w{\"a}rme- und schalld{\"a}mmende Konstruktionen ausgef{\"u}hrt, so entstehen beispielsweise Sandwichplatten, deren Schichten sehr stark differierende Materialeigenschaften aufweisen. Beim Aufbau des FEM-Modells f{\"u}r vielschichtige Schalen k{\"o}nnen die Form{\"a}nderungshypothesen f{\"u}r jede Schicht einzeln als auch f{\"u}r die Schale insgesamt gegeben werden. Im ersten Fall ist der Knotenfreiheitsgrad von der Schichtenzahl abh{\"a}ngig, im zweiten Fall nicht. Im weiteren wird eine Form{\"a}nderungshypothese f{\"u}r das Schichtenpaket angenommen. Ausgegangen wird von den Gleichungen der 3D-Elastizit{\"a}tstheorie. Die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der Querkraftschubverformungen ergibt die M{\"o}glichkeit einer ad{\"a}quaten Beschreibung der Verformungen sowohl d{\"u}nner Schalen als auch von Schalen mittlerer Dicke; die Berechnung der Kr{\"u}mmungen und der LAMEschen Parameter der Bezugsfl{\"a}che zu umgehen, was f{\"u}r komplizierte Schalenformen eine selbst{\"a}ndige Aufgabe ist; eines nat{\"u}rlichen {\"U}bergangs von homogenen zu geschichteten Schalen. Das vielschichtige isoparametrische Schalen-FE wird vorgestellt, seine Implementierung in das in Entwicklung befindliche Programmsystem SLANG wird vorbereitet.}, subject = {Schale}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KoenigKlingerBerkhahn2004, author = {K{\"o}nig, Markus and Klinger, Axel and Berkhahn, Volker}, title = {Structural Correctness of Planning Processes in Building Engineering}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.169}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1690}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The planning of projects in building engineering is a complex process which is characterized by a dynamical composition and many modifications during the definition and execution time of processes. For a computer-aided and network-based cooperation a formal description of the planning process is necessary. In the research project "Relational Process Modelling in Cooperative Building Planning" a process model is described by three parts: an organizational structure with participants, a building structure with states and a process structure with activities. This research project is part of the priority program 1103 "Network-Based Cooperative Planning Processes in Structural Engineering" promoted by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Planning processes in civil engineering can be described by workflow graphs. The process structure describes the logical planning process and can be formally defined by a bipartite graph. This structure consists of activities, transitions and relationships between activities and transitions. In order to minimize errors at execution time of a planning process a consistent and structurally correct process model must be guaranteed. This contribution considers the concept and the algorithms for checking the consistency and the correctness of the process structure.}, subject = {Baubetrieb}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MuellerBrossmann2003, author = {M{\"u}ller, Karl-Heinz and Broßmann, Marko}, title = {Ber{\"u}cksichtigung des zeitlich zuf{\"a}lligen Lastverhaltens und zuf{\"a}lliger Systemeigenschaften bei der adaptiven Grenzlastanalyse}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.337}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-3372}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Werden bei der Tragwerksauslegung Schnittgr{\"o}ßenumlagerungen infolge Plastizierungen zugelassen, dann ist die Lastintensit{\"a}t durch die Einhaltung von entsprechenden Grenzzustandskriterien, passend zum physikalisch nichtlinearen Tragverhalten, zu begrenzen. F{\"u}r Tragwerke, die von mehreren unabh{\"a}ngig voneinander, wiederholt und in beliebiger Reihenfolge auftretenden Lasten beansprucht werden, stellt die adaptive Grenzlast (Einspiellast), ausgedr{\"u}ckt durch den adaptiven Grenzlastfaktor, ein geeignetes Grenzzustandskriterium dar. Bedingt durch zuf{\"a}llige Systemeigenschaften und zeitlich zuf{\"a}lliges Lastverhalten stellt der adaptive Grenzlastfaktor eine Zufallsgr{\"o}ße dar. F{\"u}r die Bestimmung des stochastischen adaptiven Grenzlastfaktors und der Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit gegen{\"u}ber dem Grenzzustand der Adaption f{\"u}r einen Zeitraum [0,T] werden die mathematische Optimierung (mechanische Probleml{\"o}sung) und die Monte-Carlo-Simulation (stochastische Probleml{\"o}sung) herangezogen, wobei eine {\"U}berf{\"u}hrung von zeitvarianten Lastmodellen in {\"a}quivalente zeitinvariante Lastmodelle erforderlich wird. Am Beispiel eines eingespannten Stahlbetonrahmens wird untersucht, wie sich eine unterschiedliche stochastische Modellbildung des Tragwerks und eine unterschiedliche Vorgehensweise bei der {\"U}berlagerung von Extremwerten der Belastung auf die Beurteilung der Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit des Tragwerks f{\"u}r verschiedene Lebensdauern auswirken. Im Ergebnis dieser Untersuchungen zeigt sich, dass sich die Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit signifikant erh{\"o}ht, wenn stochastische Tragwerkseigenschaften in Ansatz gebracht werden. Die gr{\"o}ßte Bedeutung besitzt dabei die Zuf{\"a}lligkeit der Zugfestigkeit der Bewehrung. Alle anderen Zufallsgr{\"o}ßen beeinflussen die Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit nur in ihrer Gesamtheit, einzeln betrachtet sind sie nahezu bedeutungslos. Es stellt sich weiterhin heraus, dass eine vereinfachte {\"U}berlagerung der Last-Extremwerte zu einer deutlichen {\"U}bersch{\"a}tzung der Versagenswahrscheinlichkeit f{\"u}hrt und somit als konservatives Modell zu bewerten ist.}, subject = {Tragwerk}, language = {de} } @article{Abdalla2004, author = {Abdalla, Jamal}, title = {Elements of an Agent-based Mediative Communication Protocol for Design Objects}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.220}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2207}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Integrated structural engineering system usually consists of large number of design objects that may be distributed across different platforms. These design objects need to communicate data and information among each other. For efficient communication among design objects a common communication protocol need to be defined. This paper presents the elements of a communication protocol that uses a mediator agent to facilitate communication among design objects. This protocol is termed the Mediative Communication Protocol (MCP). The protocol uses certain design communication performatives and the semantics of an Agent Communication language (ACL) mainly the Knowledge and Query Manipulation Language (KQML) to implement its steps. Details of a Mediator Agent, that will facilitate the communication among design objects, is presented. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used to present the Meditative protocol and show how the mediator agent can be use to execute the steps of the meditative communication protocol. An example from structural engineering application is presented to demonstrate and validate the protocol. It is concluded that the meditative protocol is a viable protocol to facilitate object-to-object communication and also has potential to facilitate communication among the different project participants at the higher level of integrated structural engineering systems.}, subject = {Mehragentensystem}, language = {en} } @article{GaoWuRen2004, author = {Gao, Zuoren and Wu, Weiyu and Ren, Aizhu}, title = {Physically Based Modeling and Multi-Physical Simulation System for Wood Structure Fire Performance}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.238}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2381}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This research is devoted to promoting the performance-based engineering in wood structure fire. It looks into the characteristic of the material, structural composing and collapse detecting to find out the main factors in the wood structure collapse in fire. The aim of the research is to provide an automatic simulation platform for the complicated circulation. A physically based model for slim member for beams and columns and a frame of multi-physical simulation are provided to implement the system. The physically based model contains material model, structural mechanics model, material mechanics model, as well as geometry model for the compositive simulation. The multi-physical simulation is built on the model and has the capacity to carry out a simulation combining structural, fire (thermal, CFD) and material degradation simulation. The structural and fire simulation rely on two sophisticated software respectively, ANSYS (an FEA software) and FDS (with a core of CFD). Researchers of the paper develop system by themselves to combine the two existing ones. The system has the capability to calculate the wood char to find out the loss of cross-section and to detect the collapse caused in different ways. The paper gives a sample of Chinese traditional house to show how this simulation system works.}, subject = {Produktmodell}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KaminskiMajSchmidt2003, author = {Kami{\~n}ski, Mieczysław and Maj, Marek and Schmidt, Egon}, title = {Berechnungsmodell der Polystyrol-Massiv-Rippendecken}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.318}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-3185}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Neue Konstruktionsentwicklungen erwarten von Bauingenieuren auch neue Berechnungs- und Analysenmethoden. Zu solchen Konstruktionen geh{\"o}ren Polystyrol-Massiv-Rippendecken. Die Decken, die eine wichtige Rolle im Neubau sowie in der Sanierung und Rekonstruktion von Altbauten spielen, haben eine umfangreiche Technologiebeschreibung, jedoch relativ kleine Berechnungsbase zur statischen Analyse der Ausnutzugs- und Statischfestigkeitsparametern. In den Vortrag wurde eine Methode zu Analyse solche Decken dargestellt. Das interessante Problem befindet sich in der sogennaten zweiten Phase, wenn der Decke keine elastische Platte ist. Eine wichtige Rolle bei Berechnung spielen die ver{\"a}nderte Steifigkeit und Rheology.}, subject = {Stahlbeton}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KohlerBodin2003, author = {Kohler, Niklaus and Bodin, Olivier}, title = {Dealing with sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in integrated buildung LCA model : Dealing with Uncertainty in Life Cyle Analysis of Building Model by Using Experiment Design Methods}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.322}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-3220}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Building design, realization, operation and refurbishment have to take into account the environmental impacts as well as the resulting costs over a long period of time. LCA methods had to be developed for buildings because of their complexity, their long life duration and through a large number of actors who are involved. This was realized by integrating life cycle analysis, life cycle costing and building product models in integrated LCA models. However the use of such models leads to difficulties. The principal ones are the uncertainty treatment in LCA models and the lack of experience of practitioners who are not LCA specialists. Answers to these problems are the management of uncertainty and the development of simplified models for building design, construction and operation. This can be achieved with the mean of experimental plans or Monte Carlo simulation. The paper will focus on how these techniques can be used, what are their possibilities and disadvantages, particularly concerning the development of simplified models.}, subject = {Bauwerk}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MahdaviMathewHartkopf1997, author = {Mahdavi, A. and Mathew, P. and Hartkopf, V.}, title = {Real-time Coupling of Multi-Domain Representational and Analytical Building Object Models via Homology-based Mapping}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.446}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-4461}, year = {1997}, abstract = {Ideally, multiple computational building evaluation routines (particularly simulation tools) should be coupled in real-time to the representational design model to provide timely performance feed-back to the system user. In this paper we demonstrate how this can be achieved effectively and conveniently via homology-based mapping. We consider two models as homologous if they entail isomorphic topological information. If the general design representation (i.e., a shared object model) is generated in a manner so as to include both the topological building information and pointers to the semantic information base, it can be used to directly derive the domain representations (>enriched< object models with detailed configurational information and filtered semantic data) needed for evaluation purposes. As a proof of concept, we demonstrate a computational design environment that dynamically links an object-oriented space-based design model, with structurally homologous object models of various simulation routines.}, subject = {Geb{\"a}ude}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Suzuki2004, author = {Suzuki, Aketo}, title = {Numerical Analysis for Prediction as to Influence of Digging a Tunnel on Groundwater}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.113}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1133}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This paper describes monitoring of the in-valley discharge and underground water level at the place where the tunnel will be constructed and also, the numerical analysis for prediction applying the Tank Model and Linear Filter Method to calculate the prediction. The application of these analyses has actually allowed the change of underground water level to be grasped and more effective information system to be established by comparing the real-time monitoring data with the real-time calculation of prediction.}, subject = {Mobile Computing}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{XieIssaO'Brien2004, author = {Xie, Haiyan and Issa, Raja and O'Brien, William}, title = {Structure of a Formal User Model for Construction Information Retrieval}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.129}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1296}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Information science researchers and developers have spent many years addressing the problem of retrieving the exact information needed and using it for analysis purposes. In informationseeking dialogues, the user, i.e. construction project manager or supplier, often asks questions about specific aspects of the tasks they want to perform. But most of the time it is difficult for the software systems to unambiguously understand their overall intentions. The existence of information tunnels (Tannenbaum 2002) aggravates this phenomenon. This study includes a detailed case study of the material management process in the construction industry. Based on this case study, the structure of a formal user model for information retrieval in construction management is proposed. This prototype user model will be incorporated into the system design for construction information management and retrieval. This information retrieval system is a user-centered product based on the development of a user configurable visitor mechanism for managing and retrieving project information without worrying too much about the underlying data structure of the database system. An executable UML model combined with OODB is used to reduce the ambiguity in the user's intentions and to achieve user satisfaction.}, subject = {Bauwerk}, language = {en} } @article{TakagiTaniKawamura2004, author = {Takagi, Kousuke and Tani, Akinori and Kawamura, Hiroshi}, title = {Research on Intelligent Fuzzy Optimal Active and Hybrid Control Systems of Building Structures - Verification of Optimization Method on Switching Rules of Control Forces}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.223}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2238}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Recently, many reseraches on active control systems of building structures are preformed based on modern control theory and are installed real buildings. The authors have already proposed intelligent fuzzy optimal active control (IFOAC) systems. IFOAC systems imitate intelligent activities of human brains such as prediction, adaptation, decision-kaking and so on. In IFOAC systems, objective and subjective judgements on the active control can be taken into account. However, IFOAC systems are considered to be suitable for far-field erathquake and control effect becomes small in case of near-field earthqaukes which include a few velosity pules with large amplitudes. To improve control effect in case of near-souece earthquakes, the authors have also proposed hybrid control (HC) systems, in which IFOAC systems and fuzzy control system are combined. In HC systems, the fuzzy control systems are introduced as a reflective fuzzy active control (RFAC) system and imitates spinal reflection of human. In HC systems, active control forces are activated to buildings in accordance with switching rules on active control forces. In this paper, optimizations on fuzzy control rules in RFAC system and switching rules of active control forces in HC system are performed by Parameter-Free Genetic Algorithms (PfGAs). Here, the optimization is performed by using different earthquake inputs. The results of digital simulations show that the HC system can reduce maximal response displacements under restrictions on strokes of the actuator effectively in case of a near-source earthquake and the effectiveness of the proposed HC system is discussed and clarified.}, subject = {Mehragentensystem}, language = {en} } @article{WillenbacherHuebler2004, author = {Willenbacher, Heiko and H{\"u}bler, Reinhard}, title = {Intelligent Link-Management for the Support of Integration in Building Life Cycle}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.222}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2223}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The processes in the life cycle of buildings are characterised by highly distinct teamwork. The integration of all the distributed working participants, by providing an environment, which especially supports the communication and collaboration between the actors, is a fundamental step to improve the efficiency of the involved processes and to reduce the total costs. In this article, a link based modelling approach and its "intelligent" link management is introduced (1). This approach realises an integration environment based on a special building model that acts as a decision support system. The link-based modelling is characterised by the definition and specialisation of links between partial models. These intelligent managed links enable a very flexible and task specific data access and exchange between all the different views and partial models of the participants.}, subject = {Mehragentensystem}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MilesCenTaylor2004, author = {Miles, John and Cen, Mei and Taylor, Mark}, title = {Linking Sketching and Constraint Checking for Early Conceptual Design}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.1548}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1547}, year = {2004}, abstract = {At the start of the conceptual design process, designers start to give tangible form to their thoughts by sketching. This helps with reasoning and communicates ideas to other members of the team. Sketches are gradually worked up into more formal drawings which are then passed to the other stages of the design process. There are however some problems with basing early ideas on sketching. For example, due to their ad-hoc nature, sketches tend only to be diagrammatic representations and so designers cannot be sure that their ideas are feasible and what is being proposed meets the constraints described in the client brief. This can result in designers wasting time working up ideas which prove to be unsuitable. Also the process of constraint checking is complex and time consuming and so designers tend limit their search of possible options and instead choose satisfying rather than good solutions. This paper describes the INTEGRA project which examines the role of sketching in early conceptual design and how this can be linked to other aspects of the process and particularly automated constraint checking using an IT based approach. The focus for the work is the design of framed buildings. A multi-disciplinary approach has been adopted and the work has been undertaken in close collaboration with practising designers and clients.}, subject = {Konzipieren }, language = {en} } @article{MotawaAnumbaElHamalawi2004, author = {Motawa, Ibrahim and Anumba, Chimay and El-Hamalawi, A.}, title = {Development of a Fuzzy System for Change Prediction in Construction Projects}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.218}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2180}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Change management has been the focus of different IT systems. These IT systems were developed to represent design information, record design rationale, facilitate design coordination and changes. They are largely based on managing reactive changes, particularly design changes, in which changes are recorded and then propagated to the relevant project members. However, proactive changes are hardly dealt with in IT systems. Proactive changes require estimating the likelihood of occurrence of a change event as well as estimating the degree of change impacts on project parameters. Changes in construction projects often result from the uncertainty associated with the imprecise and vague knowledge of much project information at the early stages of projects. This is a major outcome of the case studies carried out as part of this research. Therefore, the proposed model considers that incomplete knowledge and certain project characteristics are always behind change causes. For proactive changes, predicting a change event is the main task for modelling. The prediction model should strive to integrate these main elements: 1) project characteristics that lead to change 2) causes of change, 3) the likelihood of change occurrence, and 4) the change consequences. It should also define the dependency relationships between these elements. However, limited data (documented) are only available from previous projects for change cases and many of the above elements can only be expressed in linguistic terms. This means that the model will simulate the uncertainty and subjectivity associated with these sets of elements. Therefore, a fuzzy model is proposed in this research to capture these elements. The model analyses the impact of each set of elements on the other by assigning fuzzy values for these elements that express the uncertainty and subjectivity of their impact. The main aim is to predict change events and evaluate change effects on project parameters. The fuzzy model described above was developed in an IT system for operational purposes and was designed as a Java package of components with their supporting classes, beans, and files. This paper describes the development and the architecture of the proposed IT system to achieve these requirements. The system is intended to help project teams in dealing with change causes and then the change consequences in construction projects.}, subject = {Mehragentensystem}, language = {en} } @article{FoorgberMueller1997, author = {Foorgber, U. and M{\"u}ller, Christian}, title = {A Planning Process Model for Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Building Construction}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.492}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-4922}, year = {1997}, abstract = {Increasing complexity of today's buildings requires a high level of integration in the planning process. Common planning strategies, where individual project partners cooperate mainly to exchange results, are not suitable to jointly develop project goals and objectives. Integrated planning, a more holistic approach to deal with complex problems, is based on a high degree of communication amoung team members and leads to a goal oriented cooperation. Current approaches in the reasearch area of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) poorly meet the requirements in planning. A planning process model, based on the principles of integrated planning will be introduced, aimed to provide the background for the implementation of a CSCW-platform.}, subject = {Bauwesen}, language = {en} }