@phdthesis{Bock2010, author = {Bock, Sebastian}, title = {{\"U}ber funktionentheoretische Methoden in der r{\"a}umlichen Elastizit{\"a}tstheorie}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.1417}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20100407-15030}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2010}, abstract = {Die Behandlung von geometrischen Singularit{\"a}ten bei der L{\"o}sung von Randwertaufgaben der Elastostatik stellt erh{\"o}hte Anforderungen an die mathematische Modellierung des Randwertproblems und erfordert f{\"u}r eine effiziente Auswertung speziell angepasste Berechnungsverfahren. Diese Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der systematischen Verallgemeinerung der Methode der komplexen Spannungsfunktionen auf den Raum, wobei der Schwerpunkt in erster Linie auf der Begr{\"u}ndung des mathematischen Verfahrens unter besonderer Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der praktischen Anwendbarkeit liegt. Den theoretischen Rahmen hierf{\"u}r bildet die Theorie quaternionenwertiger Funktionen. Dementsprechend wird die Klasse der monogenen Funktionen als Grundlage verwendet, um im ersten Teil der Arbeit ein r{\"a}umliches Analogon zum Darstellungssatz von Goursat zu beweisen und verallgemeinerte Kolosov-Muskhelishvili Formeln zu konstruieren. Im Hinblick auf die vielf{\"a}ltigen Anwendungsbereiche der Methode besch{\"a}ftigt sich der zweite Teil der Arbeit mit der lokalen und globalen Approximation von monogenen Funktionen. Hierzu werden vollst{\"a}ndige Orthogonalsysteme monogener Kugelfunktionen konstruiert, infolge dessen neuartige Darstellungen der kanonischen Reihenentwicklungen (Taylor, Fourier, Laurent) definiert werden. In Analogie zu den komplexen Potenz- und Laurentreihen auf der Grundlage der holomorphen z-Potenzen werden durch diese monogenen Orthogonalreihen alle wesentlichen Eigenschaften bez{\"u}glich der hyperkomplexen Ableitung und der monogenen Stammfunktion verallgemeinert. Anhand repr{\"a}sentativer Beispiele werden die qualitativen und numerischen Eigenschaften der entwickelten funktionentheoretischen Verfahren abschließend evaluiert. In diesem Kontext werden ferner einige weiterf{\"u}hrende Anwendungsbereiche im Rahmen der r{\"a}umlichen Funktionentheorie betrachtet, welche die speziellen Struktureigenschaften der monogenen Potenz- und Laurentreihenentwicklungen ben{\"o}tigen.}, subject = {Lineare Elastizit{\"a}tstheorie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Thumser2009, author = {Thumser, Rayk}, title = {Simulation des Rissfortschritts in autofrettierten und nicht autofrettierten Bohrungsverschneidungen auf der Grundlage der linear-elastischen Bruchmechanik}, isbn = {978-3-86068-389-7}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.1389}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20090609-14729}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2009}, abstract = {Die betriebsfeste Auslegung von Hochdruckbauteilen ist technisch-wirtschaftlich notwendig. In dieser Arbeit werden die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen daf{\"u}r erarbeitet. Die technische Entwicklung der Hochdruckbauteile f{\"u}hrt insbesondere bei Dieselmotoren zu stetig steigenden Dr{\"u}cken und damit zu einer wachsenden Herausforderung bei der Festigkeitsauslegung. Bei Hochdruckbauteilen sind die M{\"o}glichkeiten der Schwingfestigkeitssteigerung, z. B. durch Wanddickenvergr{\"o}ßerung oder durch den Einsatz h{\"o}herfester Werkstoffe, begrenzt. Eine breite industrielle Anwendung findet derzeit die Autofrettage. Bei diesem Verfahren erzeugt eine einmalige statische {\"U}berlast tief in das Bauteil reichende Druckeigenspannungsfelder, die zu einer erheblichen Schwingfestigkeitssteigerung, insbesondere in der Rissfortschrittsphase, f{\"u}hren. Zuverl{\"a}ssige Lebensdauervorhersageverfahren f{\"u}r diese Phase existieren derzeit nicht. Sie werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit entwickelt und anhand experimenteller Ergebnisse verifiziert. F{\"u}r das Berechnungsverfahren fand ein ingenieurm{\"a}ßiger Ansatz Verwendung. Darin sollten zwar alle relevanten Effekte abgebildet werden, jedoch Komplexit{\"a}t und Modellierungsaufwand so gering wie m{\"o}glich gehalten werden. Die gew{\"a}hlten Berechnungsmodule sind nach erfolgter Analyse der Literatur entnommen. Sie umfassen die Berechnung der Autofrettageeigenspannungen, der Spannungsintensit{\"a}t, des Riss{\"o}ffnungs- und Rissschließverhalten und des Rissfortschrittes. Das Modul Eigenspannungsberechnung f{\"u}r die Autofrettage basiert auf der Superposition von Autofrettagebe- und -entlastung und erm{\"o}glicht die notwendige Ber{\"u}cksichtung des Bauschinger-Effektes. Spannungsintensit{\"a}ten werden mit einer 3D-Gewichtsfunktion f{\"u}r einen ebenen Riss unter Mode I Beanspruchung ermittelt, weil aufgrund der Symmetrie der meisten Hochdruckbauteile das stabile Langrisswachstum ausschließlich unter Mode I Beanspruchung stattfindet. Die Riss{\"o}ffnungs- und -schließeffekte werden {\"u}ber N{\"a}herungsformeln abgebildet. In der Anwendung dieser N{\"a}herungsformeln hat sich die Riss{\"o}ffnungsbeziehung nach Ibrahim et. al. durch den Vergleich mit von rechnerischen mit experimentellen Lebensdaueren als am Besten geeignet erwiesen. Bei dem untersuchten Werkstoff 42CrMo4 spielen die Reihenfolgeeffekte eine untergeordnete Bedeutung und werden deshlab nicht modelliert. F{\"u}r die Rissfortschrittsbeziehung konnte auf die Formulierung der Paris-Erdogan Beziehung f{\"u}r effektive Schwingweiten zur{\"u}ckgegriffen werden. Die gew{\"a}hlten Berechnungsmodule sind nach erfolgter Analyse der Literatur entnommen, aber in dieser Zusammenstellung ein neuer Ansatz. Da die Einzelmodule nur in geringem Umfang zu verifizieren sind, kann das Berechnungsverfahren nur in seiner Gesamtheit durch den Vergleich von experimentellen zu vorhergesagten Lebensdauern und Dauerfestigkeiten {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft werden. In verschiedenen Sensitivit{\"a}tsanalysen konnten f{\"u}r die Berechnungsparameter Riss{\"o}ffnungsbeziehung, Anfangsrissl{\"a}nge, Bruchz{\"a}higkeit, Rissfortschrittsgleichung und Schwellwert der Spannungsintensit{\"a}t der Einfluss auf die berechnete Rissfortschrittslebensdauer und -dauerfestigkeit aufgezeigt werden. So hat der Schwellwert der Spannungsintensit{\"a}t einen geringen Einfluss auf die Vorhersage der Rissstillstandsdauerfestigkeit autofrettierter Kreuzbohrungen, weil der Riss{\"o}ffnungsdruck sehr nahe am Maximaldruck ist. Eine andere Sensitivit{\"a}tsanalyse zeigt beispielsweise, dass sich die l{\"a}ngsten Rissfortschrittslebensdauern bei Verwendung der Riss{\"o}ffnungsbeziehung nach Ibrahim et. al. ergeben, weil diese Beziehung die gr{\"o}ßten Riss{\"o}ffnungsdr{\"u}cke vorhersagt. F{\"u}r die Verifikation des Berechnungsverfahrens sind Innendruckschwellversuche an insgesamt 14 Versuchsreihen mit Kreuzbohrungen durchgef{\"u}hrt worden. Die allgemeine Anwendbarkeit des Berechnungsverfahrens konnte durch die Anwendung auf Kreuzbohrungen aus den Forschungsvorhaben Autofrettage I-III, auf Railst{\"u}cke und auf Hochdruckverteilerleisten nachgewiesen werden. Auch hier st{\"u}tzt sich die Verifikation auf umfangreiche experimentelle Ergebnisse. Die statistische Auswertung des Verh{\"a}ltnisses der vorhergesagten zu experimentellen Lebensdauern und Schwingfestigkeiten aller untersuchten Bohrungsverschneidungen zeigt eine gute mittlere Vorhersageg{\"u}te bei geringer Streuung. Damit ist die Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit der vorgestellten Lebensdauervorhersagemethode nachgewiesen.}, subject = {Bruchmechanik}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Grosse2005, author = {Grosse, Marco}, title = {Zur numerischen Simulation des physikalisch nichtlinearen Kurzzeittragverhaltens von Nadelholz am Beispiel von Holz-Beton-Verbundkonstruktionen}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.734}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20060215-7725}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2005}, abstract = {In der Arbeit wird ein r{\"a}umliches Materialmodell f{\"u}r den anisotropen Werkstoff Holz vorgestellt. Dessen Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit wird durch Verifikationsrechnungen und die Simulation eigener Versuche aufgezeigt. In diesen Versuchen wurde das Tragverhalten spezieller Schubverbindungselemente der Brettstapel-Beton-Verbundbauweise untersucht. Die Kombination eines Brettstapels mit einer schubfest angeschlossenen Betonplatte ist eine vorteilhafte M{\"o}glichkeit, Schnittholz mit geringem Querschnitt effektiv in biegebeanspruchten Bauteilen einzusetzen. Es werden die Ergebnisse der experimentellen Untersuchungen zu den Schubverbindungselementen Flachstahlschloss und Nutverbindung vorgestellt. Diese zeichnen sich durch eine {\"u}ber die gesamte Plattenbreite kontinuierliche {\"U}bertragung der Schubkraft per Kontaktpressung aus. Vor allem in Brettstapel-Beton-Verbunddecken werden somit ein sehr hoher Verschiebungsmodul sowie eine eminente Tragf{\"a}higkeit erreicht. Um mit numerischen Strukturanalysen die in den Versuchen beobachteten Versagensmechanismen ad{\"a}quat abbilden und realistische Prognosen f{\"u}r das Tragverhalten von Bauteilen oder Verbindungen treffen zu k{\"o}nnen, muss das physikalisch nichtlineare Verhalten aller beteiligter Baustoffe in die Berechnungen einbezogen werden. Im Rahmen der Dissertation wurde ein auf der Plastizit{\"a}tstheorie basierendes Materialmodell f{\"u}r Nadelholz hergeleitet und in das FE-Programm ANSYS implementiert, welches die Mikrostruktur des Holzes als verschmierendes Ersatzkontinuum erfasst. Anhand des anatomischen Aufbaus des inhomogenen, anisotropen und porigen Werkstoffs werden die holzspezifischen Versagensmechanismen und die daraus abgeleiteten konstitutiven Beziehungen erl{\"a}utert. Das ausgepr{\"a}gt anisotrope Tragverhalten von Holz ist vor allem durch erstaunliche Duktilit{\"a}t bei Stauchung, spr{\"o}des Versagen bei Zug- und Schubbeanspruchung und enorme Festigkeitsunterschiede in den Wuchsrichtungen gekennzeichnet. Die Auswirkungen der gr{\"o}ßtenteils unabh{\"a}ngig voneinander auftretenden, mikromechanischen Versagensmechanismen auf die Spannungs-Verformungsbeziehungen wurden durch die Formulierung ad{\"a}quater Ver- resp. Entfestigungsfunktionen in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit der Beanspruchungsmodi erfasst. Das dem Materialmodell zu Grunde liegende mehrfl{\"a}chige Fließkriterium ber{\"u}cksichtigt die Interaktion aller sechs Komponenten des r{\"a}umlichen Spannungszustandes. Die durchgef{\"u}hrten Verifikations- und Simulationsberechnungen belegen, dass der erarbeitete Ansatz sowohl zur Bewertung des Tragverm{\"o}gens als auch zur Beurteilung von Riss- bzw. Sch{\"a}digungsursachen von Holzbauteilen eingesetzt werden kann. Die numerische Simulation er{\"o}ffnet neue, bisher wenig beachtete M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Untersuchung komplexer Holzstrukturen sowie Anschlussdetails und wird sich auf Grund der Aussagekraft und Flexibilit{\"a}t auch im Ingenieurholzbau mehr und mehr gegen{\"u}ber ausschließlich experimenteller Untersuchung durchsetzen.}, subject = {Holzbau}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Malik, author = {Malik, Irfan}, title = {An adaptive contact formulation for Isogeometric Finite Element Analysis}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4612}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20220324-46129}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {124}, abstract = {Numerical simulation of physical phenomena, like electro-magnetics, structural and fluid mechanics is essential for the cost- and time-efficient development of mechanical products at high quality. It allows to investigate the behavior of a product or a system far before the first prototype of a product is manufactured. This thesis addresses the simulation of contact mechanics. Mechanical contacts appear in nearly every product of mechanical engineering. Gearboxes, roller bearings, valves and pumps are only some examples. Simulating these systems not only for the maximal/minimal stresses and strains but for the stress-distribution in case of tribo-contacts is a challenging task from a numerical point of view. Classical procedures like the Finite Element Method suffer from the nonsmooth representation of contact surfaces with discrete Lagrange elements. On the one hand, an error due to the approximate description of the surface is introduced. On the other hand it is difficult to attain a robust contact search because surface normals can not be described in a unique form at element edges. This thesis introduces therefore a novel approach, the adaptive isogeometric contact formulation based on polynomial Splines over hierarchical T-meshes (PHT-Splines), for the approximate solution of the non-linear contact problem. It provides a more accurate, robust and efficient solution compared to conventional methods. During the development of this method the focus was laid on the solution of static contact problems without friction in 2D and 3D in which the structures undergo small deformations. The mathematical description of the problem entails a system of partial differential equations and boundary conditions which model the linear elastic behaviour of continua. Additionally, it comprises side conditions, the Karush-Kuhn-Tuckerconditions, to prevent the contacting structures from non-physical penetration. The mathematical model must be transformed into its integral form for approximation of the solution. Employing a penalty method, contact constraints are incorporated by adding the resulting equations in weak form to the overall set of equations. For an efficient space discretization of the bulk and especially the contact boundary of the structures, the principle of Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) is applied. Isogeometric Finite Element Methods provide several advantages over conventional Finite Element discretization. Surface approximation with Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) allow a robust numerical solution of the contact problem with high accuracy in terms of an exact geometry description including the surface smoothness. The numerical evaluation of the contact integral is challenging due to generally non-conforming meshes of the contacting structures. In this work the highly accurate Mortar Method is applied in the isogeometric setting for the evaluation of contact contributions. This leads to an algebraic system of equations that is linearized and solved in sequential steps. This procedure is known as the Newton Raphson Method. Based on numerical examples, the advantages of the isogeometric approach with classical refinement strategies, like the p- and h-refinement, are shown and the influence of relevant algorithmic parameters on the approximate solution of the contact problem is verified. One drawback of the Spline approximations of stresses though is that they lack accuracy at the contact edge where the structures change their boundary from contact to no contact and where the solution features a kink. The approximation with smooth Spline functions yields numerical artefacts in the form of non-physical oscillations. This property of the numerical solution is not only a drawback for the simulation of e.g. tribological contacts, it also influences the convergence properties of iterative solution procedures negatively. Hence, the NURBS discretized geometries are transformed to Polynomial Splines over Hierarchical T-meshes (PHT-Splines), for the local refinement along contact edges to reduce the artefact of pressure oscillations. NURBS have a tensor product structure which does not allow to refine only certain parts of the geometrical domain while leaving other parts unchanged. Due to the B{\´e}zier Extraction, lying behind the transformation from NURBS to PHT-Splines, the connected mesh structure is broken up into separate elements. This allows an efficient local refinement along the contact edge. Before single elements are refined in a hierarchical form with cross-insertion, existing basis functions must be modified or eliminated. This process of truncation assures local and global linear independence of the refined basis which is needed for a unique approximate solution. The contact boundary is a priori unknown. Local refinement along the contact edge, especially for 3D problems, is for this reason not straight forward. In this work the use of an a posteriori error estimation procedure, the Super Convergent Recovery Solution Based Error Estimation Scheme, together with the D{\"o}rfler Marking Method is suggested for the spatial search of the contact edge. Numerical examples show that the developed method improves the quality of solutions along the contact edge significantly compared to NURBS based approximate solutions. Also, the error in maximum contact pressures, which correlates with the pressure artefacts, is minimized by the adaptive local refinement. In a final step the practicability of the developed solution algorithm is verified by an industrial application: The highly loaded mechanical contact between roller and cam in the drive train of a high-pressure fuel pump is considered.}, subject = {Isogeometrische Analyse}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ebert2002, author = {Ebert, Matthias}, title = {Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchung des dynamischen Verhaltens von Stahlbetontragwerken unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung stochastischer Eigenschaften}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.51}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20040302-531}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2002}, abstract = {Der Zusammenhang zwischen Sch{\"a}digung und der Ver{\"a}nderung dynamischer und statischer Eigenschaften von Stahlbetonstrukturen wird untersucht. Auf der einen Seite stehen die statischen Lastversuche in Verbindung mit dynamischen Experimenten an Stahlbetonstrukturen (Platten und Balken). Auf der anderen Seite wird f{\"u}r die Balkenstrukturen ein nichtlineares Stochastisches Finite Elemente Modell entwickelt. Dies ber{\"u}cksichtigt zuf{\"a}llige Material- und Festigkeitseigenschaften durch r{\"a}umlich korrelierte Zufallsfelder. So werden stochastische Rissentwicklungen f{\"u}r den Stahlbeton simuliert. F{\"u}r die Berechnungen vieler Realisationen und damit verschiedenartige "Lebensgeschichten" einer Struktur wird als Monte Carlo Methode Latin Hypercube Sampling verwendet. Die Auswertung der Strukturantworten f{\"u}r die Lastgeschichte zeigt den Einfluss der zuf{\"a}lligen Eigenschaften auf die Sch{\"a}digungsentwicklung. Die Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zur Bewertung und zum zuk{\"u}nftigen Einsatz dynamischer Untersuchungsmethoden im Bauwesen.}, subject = {Stahlbetonkonstruktion}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Most2005, author = {Most, Thomas}, title = {Stochastic crack growth simulation in reinforced concrete structures by means of coupled finite element and meshless methods}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.725}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20051219-7623}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2005}, abstract = {The complex failure process of concrete structures can not be described in detail by standard engineering design formulas. The numerical analysis of crack development in concrete is essential for several problems. In the last decades a large number of research groups have dealt with this topic and several models and algorithms were developed. However, most of these methods show some difficulties and are limited to special cases. The goal of this study was to develop an automatic algorithm for the efficient simulation of multiple cracking in plain and reinforced concrete structures of medium size. For this purpose meshless methods were used to describe the growth of crack surfaces. Two meshless interpolation schemes were improved for a simple application. The cracking process of concrete has been modeled using a stable criterion for crack growth in combination with an improved cohesive crack model which can represent the failure process under combined crack opening and crack sliding very well. This crack growth algorithm was extended in order to represent the fluctuations of the concrete properties by enlarging the single-parameter random field concept for multiple correlated material parameters.}, subject = {Gitterfreie Methode}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Msekh, author = {Msekh, Mohammed Abdulrazzak}, title = {Phase Field Modeling for Fracture with Applications to Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Materials}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3229}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170615-32291}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {190}, abstract = {The thesis presents an implementation including different applications of a variational-based approach for gradient type standard dissipative solids. Phase field model for brittle fracture is an application of the variational-based framework for gradient type solids. This model allows the prediction of different crack topologies and states. Of significant concern is the application of theoretical and numerical formulation of the phase field modeling into the commercial finite element software Abaqus in 2D and 3D. The fully coupled incremental variational formulation of phase field method is implemented by using the UEL and UMAT subroutines of Abaqus. The phase field method considerably reduces the implementation complexity of fracture problems as it removes the need for numerical tracking of discontinuities in the displacement field that are characteristic of discrete crack methods. This is accomplished by replacing the sharp discontinuities with a scalar damage phase field representing the diffuse crack topology wherein the amount of diffusion is controlled by a regularization parameter. The nonlinear coupled system consisting of the linear momentum equation and a diffusion type equation governing the phase field evolution is solved simultaneously via a Newton- Raphson approach. Post-processing of simulation results to be used as visualization module is performed via an additional UMAT subroutine implemented in the standard Abaqus viewer. In the same context, we propose a simple yet effective algorithm to initiate and propagate cracks in 2D geometries which is independent of both particular constitutive laws and specific element technology and dimension. It consists of a localization limiter in the form of the screened Poisson equation with, optionally, local mesh refinement. A staggered scheme for standard equilibrium and screened Cauchy equations is used. The remeshing part of the algorithm consists of a sequence of mesh subdivision and element erosion steps. Element subdivision is based on edge split operations using a given constitutive quantity (either damage or void fraction). Mesh smoothing makes use of edge contraction as function of a given constitutive quantity such as the principal stress or void fraction. To assess the robustness and accuracy of this algorithm, we use both quasi-brittle benchmarks and ductile tests. Furthermore, we introduce a computational approach regarding mechanical loading in microscale on an inelastically deforming composite material. The nanocomposites material of fully exfoliated clay/epoxy is shaped to predict macroscopic elastic and fracture related material parameters based on their fine-scale features. Two different configurations of polymer nanocomposites material (PNCs) have been studied. These configurations are fully bonded PNCs and PNCs with an interphase zone formation between the matrix and the clay reinforcement. The representative volume element of PNCs specimens with different clay weight contents, different aspect ratios, and different interphase zone thicknesses are generated by adopting Python scripting. Different constitutive models are employed for the matrix, the clay platelets, and the interphase zones. The brittle fracture behavior of the epoxy matrix and the interphase zones material are modeled using the phase field approach, whereas the stiff silicate clay platelets of the composite are designated as a linear elastic material. The comprehensive study investigates the elastic and fracture behavior of PNCs composites, in addition to predict Young's modulus, tensile strength, fracture toughness, surface energy dissipation, and cracks surface area in the composite for different material parameters, geometry, and interphase zones properties and thicknesses.}, subject = {Finite-Elemente-Methode}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Zabel2003, author = {Zabel, Volkmar}, title = {Anwendungen der Wavelet-Transformation in der Systemidentifikation}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.5}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20040202-66}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Die meisten traditionellen Methoden der Systemidentifikation beruhen auf der Abbildung der Meßwerte entweder im Zeit- oder im Frequenzbereich. In j{\"u}ngerer Zeit wurden im Zusammenhang mit der Systemidentifikation Verfahren entwicklet, die auf der Anwendung der Wavelet-Transformation beruhen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war, einen Algorithmus zu entwickeln, der die Identifikation von Parametern eines Finite-Elemente-Modells, das ein experimentell untersuchtes mechanisches System beschreibt, erm{\"o}glicht. Es wurde eine Methode erarbeitet, mit deren Hilfe die gesuchten Parameter durch L{\"o}sen eines Systems von Bewegungsgleichungen im Zeit-Skalen-Bereich ermittelt werden. Durch die Anwendung dieser Darstellung k{\"o}nnen Probleme, die durch Rauschanteile in den Meßdaten entstehen, reduziert werden. Die Ergebnisse numerischer Simulation und einer experimentellen Studie best{\"a}tigen die Vorteile einer Anwendung der Wavelet-Transformation in der vorgeschlagenen Weise. ...}, subject = {Wavelet}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Hossain, author = {Hossain, Md Naim}, title = {Isogeometric analysis based on Geometry Independent Field approximaTion (GIFT) and Polynomial Splines over Hierarchical T-meshes}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4037}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20191129-40376}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {157}, abstract = {This thesis addresses an adaptive higher-order method based on a Geometry Independent Field approximatTion(GIFT) of polynomial/rationals plines over hierarchical T-meshes(PHT/RHT-splines). In isogeometric analysis, basis functions used for constructing geometric models in computer-aided design(CAD) are also employed to discretize the partial differential equations(PDEs) for numerical analysis. Non-uniform rational B-Splines(NURBS) are the most commonly used basis functions in CAD. However, they may not be ideal for numerical analysis where local refinement is required. The alternative method GIFT deploys different splines for geometry and numerical analysis. NURBS are utilized for the geometry representation, while for the field solution, PHT/RHT-splines are used. PHT-splines not only inherit the useful properties of B-splines and NURBS, but also possess the capabilities of local refinement and hierarchical structure. The smooth basis function properties of PHT-splines make them suitable for analysis purposes. While most problems considered in isogeometric analysis can be solved efficiently when the solution is smooth, many non-trivial problems have rough solutions. For example, this can be caused by the presence of re-entrant corners in the domain. For such problems, a tensor-product basis (as in the case of NURBS) is less suitable for resolving the singularities that appear since refinement propagates throughout the computational domain. Hierarchical bases and local refinement (as in the case of PHT-splines) allow for a more efficient way to resolve these singularities by adding more degrees of freedom where they are necessary. In order to drive the adaptive refinement, an efficient recovery-based error estimator is proposed in this thesis. The estimator produces a recovery solution which is a more accurate approximation than the computed numerical solution. Several two- and three-dimensional numerical investigations with PHT-splines of higher order and continuity prove that the proposed method is capable of obtaining results with higher accuracy, better convergence, fewer degrees of freedom and less computational cost than NURBS for smooth solution problems. The adaptive GIFT method utilizing PHT-splines with the recovery-based error estimator is used for solutions with discontinuities or singularities where adaptive local refinement in particular domains of interest achieves higher accuracy with fewer degrees of freedom. This method also proves that it can handle complicated multi-patch domains for two- and three-dimensional problems outperforming uniform refinement in terms of degrees of freedom and computational cost.}, subject = {Finite-Elemente-Methode}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{ZHANG2018, author = {ZHANG, CHAO}, title = {Crack Identification using Dynamic Extended Finite Element Method and Thermal Conductivity Engineering for Nanomaterials}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3847}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20190119-38478}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Identification of flaws in structures is a critical element in the management of maintenance and quality assurance processes in engineering. Nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques based on a wide range of physical principles have been developed and are used in common practice for structural health monitoring. However, basic NDT techniques are usually limited in their ability to provide the accurate information on locations, dimensions and shapes of flaws. One alternative to extract additional information from the results of NDT is to append it with a computational model that provides detailed analysis of the physical process involved and enables the accurate identification of the flaw parameters. The aim here is to develop the strategies to uniquely identify cracks in two-dimensional 2D) structures under dynamic loadings. A local NDT technique combined eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) with dynamic loading in order to identify the cracks in the structures quickly and accurately is developed in this dissertation. The Newmark-b time integration method with Rayleigh damping is used for the time integration. We apply Nelder-Mead (NM)and Quasi-Newton (QN) methods for identifying the crack tip in plate. The inverse problem is solved iteratively, in which XFEM is used for solving the forward problem in each iteration. For a timeharmonic excitation with a single frequency and a short-duration signal measured along part of the external boundary, the crack is detected through the solution of an inverse time-dependent problem. Compared to the static load, we show that the dynamic loads are more effective for crack detection problems. Moreover, we tested different dynamic loads and find that NM method works more efficient under the harmonic load than the pounding load while the QN method achieves almost the same results for both load types. A global strategy, Multilevel Coordinate Search (MCS) with XFEM (XFEM-MCS) methodology under the dynamic electric load, to detect multiple cracks in 2D piezoelectric plates is proposed in this dissertation. The Newmark-b method is employed for the time integration and in each iteration the forward problem is solved by XFEM for various cracks. The objective functional is minimized by using a global search algorithm MCS. The test problems show that the XFEM-MCS algorithm under the dynamic electric load can be effectively employed for multiple cracks detection in piezoelectric materials, and it proves to be robust in identifying defects in piezoelectric structures. Fiber-reinforced composites (FRCs) are extensively applied in practical engineering since they have high stiffness and strength. Experiments reveal a so-called interphase zone, i.e. the space between the outside interface of the fiber and the inside interface of the matrix. The interphase strength between the fiber and the matrix strongly affects the mechanical properties as a result of the large ratio of interface/volume. For the purpose of understanding the mechanical properties of FRCs with functionally graded interphase (FGI), a closed-form expression of the interface strength between a fiber and a matrix is obtained in this dissertation using a continuum modeling approach according to the ver derWaals (vdW) forces. Based on the interatomic potential, we develop a new modified nonlinear cohesive law, which is applied to study the interface delamination of FRCs with FGI under different loadings. The analytical solutions show that the delamination behavior strongly depends on the interphase thickness, the fiber radius, the Young's moduli and Poisson's ratios of the fiber and the matrix. Thermal conductivity is the property of a material to conduct heat. With the development and deep research of 2D materials, especially graphene and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), the thermal conductivity of 2D materials attracts wide attentions. The thermal conductivity of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) is found to appear a tendency of decreasing under tensile strain by classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Hence, the strain effects of graphene can play a key role in the continuous tunability and applicability of its thermal conductivity property at nanoscale, and the dissipation of thermal conductivity is an obstacle for the applications of thermal management. Up to now, the thermal conductivity of graphene under shear deformation has not been investigated yet. From a practical point of view, good thermal managements of GNRs have significantly potential applications of future GNR-based thermal nanodevices, which can greatly improve performances of the nanosized devices due to heat dissipations. Meanwhile, graphene is a thin membrane structure, it is also important to understand the wrinkling behavior under shear deformation. MoS2 exists in the stable semiconducting 1H phase (1H-MoS2) while the metallic 1T phase (1T-MoS2) is unstable at ambient conditions. As it's well known that much attention has been focused on studying the nonlinear optical properties of the 1H-MoS2. In a very recent research, the 1T-type monolayer crystals of TMDCs, MX2 (MoS2, WS2 ...) was reported having an intrinsic in-plane negative Poisson's ratio. Luckily, nearly at the same time, unprecedented long-term (>3months) air stability of the 1T-MoS2 can be achieved by using the donor lithium hydride (LiH). Therefore, it's very important to study the thermal conductivity of 1T-MoS2. The thermal conductivity of graphene under shear strain is systematically studied in this dissertation by MD simulations. The results show that, in contrast to the dramatic decrease of thermal conductivity of graphene under uniaxial tensile, the thermal conductivity of graphene is not sensitive to the shear strain, and the thermal conductivity decreases only 12-16\%. The wrinkle evolves when the shear strain is around 5\%-10\%, but the thermal conductivity barely changes. The thermal conductivities of single-layer 1H-MoS2(1H-SLMoS2) and single-layer 1T-MoS2 (1T-SLMoS2) with different sample sizes, temperatures and strain rates have been studied systematically in this dissertation. We find that the thermal conductivities of 1H-SLMoS2 and 1T-SLMoS2 in both the armchair and the zigzag directions increase with the increasing of the sample length, while the increase of the width of the sample has minor effect on the thermal conductions of these two structures. The thermal conductivity of 1HSLMoS2 is smaller than that of 1T-SLMoS2 under size effect. Furthermore, the temperature effect results show that the thermal conductivities of both 1H-SLMoS2 and 1T-SLMoS2 decrease with the increasing of the temperature. The thermal conductivities of 1HSLMoS2 and 1T-SLMoS2 are nearly the same (difference <6\%) in both of the chiral orientations under corresponding temperatures, especially in the armchair direction (difference <2.8\%). Moreover, we find that the strain effects on the thermal conductivity of 1HSLMoS2 and 1T-SLMoS2 are different. More specifically, the thermal conductivity decreases with the increasing tensile strain rate for 1T-SLMoS2, while fluctuates with the growth of the strain for 1HSLMoS2. Finally, we find that the thermal conductivity of same sized 1H-SLMoS2 is similar with that of the strained 1H-SLMoS2 structure.}, subject = {crack}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Schlegel2004, author = {Schlegel, Roger}, title = {Numerische Berechnung von Mauerwerkstrukturen in homogenen und diskreten Modellierungsstrategien}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.229}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20041213-2369}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Im Zentrum der Arbeit stehen die Entwicklung, Verifikation, Implementierung und Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit numerischer Berechnungsmodelle f{\"u}r Mauerwerk im Rahmen der Kontinuums- und Diskontinuumsmechanik. Makromodelle beschreiben das Mauerwerk als verschmiertes Ersatzkontinuum. Mikromodelle ber{\"u}cksichtigen durch die Modellierung der einzelnen Steine und Fugen die Struktur des Mauerwerkverbandes. Soll dar{\"u}ber hinaus der durch die Querdehnungsinteraktion zwischen Stein und M{\"o}rtel hervorgerufene heterogene Spannungszustand im Mauerwerk abgebildet werden, so ist ein detailliertes Mikromodell, welches Steine und Fugen in ihren exakten geometrischen Dimensionen ber{\"u}cksichtigt, erforderlich. Demgegen{\"u}ber steht die vereinfachte Mikromodellierung, bei der die Fugen mit Hilfe von Kontaktalgorithmen beschrieben werden. Im Rahmen der Makromodellierung werden neue r{\"a}umliche Materialmodelle f{\"u}r verschiedene ein- und mehrschalige Mauerwerkarten hergeleitet. Die vorgestellten Modelle ber{\"u}cksichtigen die Anisotropie der Steifigkeiten, der Festigkeiten sowie des Ver- und Entfestigungsverhaltens. Die numerische Implementation erfolgt mit Hilfe moderner elastoplastischer Algorithmen im Rahmen der impliziten Finite Element Methode in das Programm ANSYS. Innerhalb der detaillierten Mikromodellierung wird ein neues, aus Materialbeschreibungen f{\"u}r Stein, M{\"o}rtel sowie deren Verbund bestehendes nichtlineares Berechnungsmodell entwickelt und in das Programm ANSYS implementiert. Die diskontinuumsmechanische Beschreibung von Mauerwerk im Rahmen der vereinfachten Mikromodellierung erfolgt unter Verwendung der expliziten Distinkt Element Methode mit Hilfe der Programme UDEC und 3DEC. An praktischen Beispielen werden Probleme der Tragf{\"a}higkeitsbewertung gemauerter Bogenbr{\"u}cken, M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Bewertung vorhandener Rissbildungen und Sch{\"a}digungen an historischen Mauerwerkstrukturen und Traglastberechnungen an gemauerten St{\"u}tzen ausgewertet und analysiert.}, subject = {Mauerwerk}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Jia, author = {Jia, Yue}, title = {Methods based on B-splines for model representation, numerical analysis and image registration}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.2484}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20151210-24849}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {200}, abstract = {The thesis consists of inter-connected parts for modeling and analysis using newly developed isogeometric methods. The main parts are reproducing kernel triangular B-splines, extended isogeometric analysis for solving weakly discontinuous problems, collocation methods using superconvergent points, and B-spline basis in image registration applications. Each topic is oriented towards application of isogeometric analysis basis functions to ease the process of integrating the modeling and analysis phases of simulation. First, we develop reproducing a kernel triangular B-spline-based FEM for solving PDEs. We review the triangular B-splines and their properties. By definition, the triangular basis function is very flexible in modeling complicated domains. However, instability results when it is applied for analysis. We modify the triangular B-spline by a reproducing kernel technique, calculating a correction term for the triangular kernel function from the chosen surrounding basis. The improved triangular basis is capable to obtain the results with higher accuracy and almost optimal convergence rates. Second, we propose an extended isogeometric analysis for dealing with weakly discontinuous problems such as material interfaces. The original IGA is combined with XFEM-like enrichments which are continuous functions themselves but with discontinuous derivatives. Consequently, the resulting solution space can approximate solutions with weak discontinuities. The method is also applied to curved material interfaces, where the inverse mapping and the curved triangular elements are considered. Third, we develop an IGA collocation method using superconvergent points. The collocation methods are efficient because no numerical integration is needed. In particular when higher polynomial basis applied, the method has a lower computational cost than Galerkin methods. However, the positions of the collocation points are crucial for the accuracy of the method, as they affect the convergent rate significantly. The proposed IGA collocation method uses superconvergent points instead of the traditional Greville abscissae points. The numerical results show the proposed method can have better accuracy and optimal convergence rates, while the traditional IGA collocation has optimal convergence only for even polynomial degrees. Lastly, we propose a novel dynamic multilevel technique for handling image registration. It is application of the B-spline functions in image processing. The procedure considered aims to align a target image from a reference image by a spatial transformation. The method starts with an energy function which is the same as a FEM-based image registration. However, we simplify the solving procedure, working on the energy function directly. We dynamically solve for control points which are coefficients of B-spline basis functions. The new approach is more simple and fast. Moreover, it is also enhanced by a multilevel technique in order to prevent instabilities. The numerical testing consists of two artificial images, four real bio-medical MRI brain and CT heart images, and they show our registration method is accurate, fast and efficient, especially for large deformation problems.}, subject = {Finite-Elemente-Methode}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chan, author = {Chan, Chiu Ling}, title = {Smooth representation of thin shells and volume structures for isogeometric analysis}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4208}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20200812-42083}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {162}, abstract = {The purpose of this study is to develop self-contained methods for obtaining smooth meshes which are compatible with isogeometric analysis (IGA). The study contains three main parts. We start by developing a better understanding of shapes and splines through the study of an image-related problem. Then we proceed towards obtaining smooth volumetric meshes of the given voxel-based images. Finally, we treat the smoothness issue on the multi-patch domains with C1 coupling. Following are the highlights of each part. First, we present a B-spline convolution method for boundary representation of voxel-based images. We adopt the filtering technique to compute the B-spline coefficients and gradients of the images effectively. We then implement the B-spline convolution for developing a non-rigid images registration method. The proposed method is in some sense of "isoparametric", for which all the computation is done within the B-splines framework. Particularly, updating the images by using B-spline composition promote smooth transformation map between the images. We show the possible medical applications of our method by applying it for registration of brain images. Secondly, we develop a self-contained volumetric parametrization method based on the B-splines boundary representation. We aim to convert a given voxel-based data to a matching C1 representation with hierarchical cubic splines. The concept of the osculating circle is employed to enhance the geometric approximation, where it is done by a single template and linear transformations (scaling, translations, and rotations) without the need for solving an optimization problem. Moreover, we use the Laplacian smoothing and refinement techniques to avoid irregular meshes and to improve mesh quality. We show with several examples that the method is capable of handling complex 2D and 3D configurations. In particular, we parametrize the 3D Stanford bunny which contains irregular shapes and voids. Finally, we propose the B´ezier ordinates approach and splines approach for C1 coupling. In the first approach, the new basis functions are defined in terms of the B´ezier Bernstein polynomials. For the second approach, the new basis is defined as a linear combination of C0 basis functions. The methods are not limited to planar or bilinear mappings. They allow the modeling of solutions to fourth order partial differential equations (PDEs) on complex geometric domains, provided that the given patches are G1 continuous. Both methods have their advantages. In particular, the B´ezier approach offer more degree of freedoms, while the spline approach is more computationally efficient. In addition, we proposed partial degree elevation to overcome the C1-locking issue caused by the over constraining of the solution space. We demonstrate the potential of the resulting C1 basis functions for application in IGA which involve fourth order PDEs such as those appearing in Kirchhoff-Love shell models, Cahn-Hilliard phase field application, and biharmonic problems.}, subject = {Modellierung}, language = {en} }