@phdthesis{Moosbrugger, author = {Moosbrugger, Jennifer}, title = {Design Intelligence - Human-Centered-Design for the development of industrial AI/ML agents}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.6409}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230719-64098}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {201}, abstract = {This study deals with design for AI/ML systems, more precisely in the industrial AI context based on case studies from the factory automation field. It therefore touches on core concepts from Human-Centered-Design (HCD), User Experience (UX) and Human Computer Interaction (HCI) on one hand, as well as concepts from Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and the impact of technology on the other. The case studies the research is based on are within the industrial AI domain. However, the final outcomes, the findings, solutions, artifacts and so forth, should be transferable to a wider spectrum of domains. The study's aim is to examine the role of designers in the age of AI and the factors which are relevant, based on the hypothesis that current AI/ML development lacks the human perspective, which means that there are pitfalls and challenges that design can help resolve. The initial literature review revealed that AI/ML are perceived as a new design material that calls for a new design paradigm. Additional research based on qualitative case study research was conducted to gain an overview of the relevant issues and challenges. From this, 17 themes emerged, which together with explorative expert interviews and a structured literature review, were further analyzed to produce the relevant HCD, UX and HCI themes. It became clear that designers need new processes, methods, and tools in the age of AI/ML in combination with not only design, but also data science and business expertise, which is why the proposed solution in this PhD features process modules for design, data science and business collaboration. There are seven process modules and their related activities and dependencies that serve as guidelines for practitioners who want to design intelligence. A unified framework for collecting use case exemplars was created, based on a workshop with different practitioners and researchers from the area of AI/ML to support and enrich the process modules with concrete projects examples.}, subject = {K{\"u}nstliche Intelligenz}, language = {en} } @techreport{Zanders, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Zanders, Theresa}, title = {Teilhabe an Gesundheitsversorgung von aufenthaltsrechtlich illegalisierten Menschen in Deutschland}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.6396}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230530-63968}, pages = {25}, abstract = {Die Gesundheitsversorgung in Deutschland ist seit den Bismarckschen Sozialreformen ein zunehmend institutionalisierter Teil der staatlichen Daseinsvorsorge im wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Gef{\"u}ge. Institutionalisiert ist die Gesundheitsversorgung in korporatistischer Logik, das heißt in kooperativen Beziehungen zum privatwirtschaftlichen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Sektor und mit Befugnissen der Selbstverwaltung. Zudem fußt das Gesundheitssystem auf einem Versicherungssystem mit lohnabh{\"a}ngigen Abgaben. Institutionalisiert ist die staatliche Daseinsvorsorge jedoch auch in seinen Ausschl{\"u}ssen. So werden Menschen ohne B{\"u}rgerrechte von vielen sozialen Rechten, wie von der Gesundheitsversorgung, ausgeschlossen, obwohl dieser Ausschluss im Widerspruch zu anderen konstitutiven Elementen des Nationalstaats steht. In diesem Working Paper werden die grundlegende Strukturen des deutschen Gesundheitssystems und darin innewohnende Funktionslogiken der Produktion von Teilhabe dargestellt. Abschließend werden in Anlehnung an Kronauer die verschiedenen Dimensionen von Teilhabe an Gesundheitsversorgung in ihrer Produktions- und Ausschlusslogik im Wohlfahrtsregime dargelegt dabei auf die Gruppe der aufenthaltsrechtlich Illegalisierten fokussiert, denen gesellschaftliche Teilhabe in vielen Lebensbereichen, wie auch stark im Gesundheitsbereich, untersagt wird. Gleichzeitig soll dargestellt werden, wie zivilgesellschaftliche Akteur*innen auch gegen staatliche Vorgaben oder Anreize, Teilhabe (wieder-)herstellen.}, subject = {Gesundheit}, language = {de} } @techreport{Raab, type = {Working Paper}, author = {Raab, Susanna}, title = {Ern{\"a}hrungsgerechtigkeit im deutschen Wohlfahrtsregime. Teilhabe und Ausschl{\"u}sse}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.6395}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230530-63952}, pages = {25}, abstract = {Ern{\"a}hrung bestimmt unser t{\"a}gliches Leben. Sie erf{\"u}llt in erster Linie die physiologische Notwendigkeit unseren K{\"o}rper am Leben zu halten und ist gleichzeitig Alltagspraxis, durch welche gesamtgesellschaftliche Strukturen sichtbar werden. Innerhalb dieser Alltagspraxen erf{\"u}llt Ern{\"a}hrung vor allem eine wichtige Funktion in der Herstellung gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe oder kann strukturelle Ausschl{\"u}sse und soziale Ungleichheit bedingen. Dem Wohlfahrtsregime kommt somit eine wichtige Aufgabe in der Grundversorgung der Bev{\"o}lkerung zu und muss innerhalb der Daseinsvorsorge auf Ausschl{\"u}sse von ern{\"a}hrungsbezogener Teilhabe einzelner Bev{\"o}lkerungsschichten eingehen und sozialer Ungleichheit entgegenwirken. In diesem Working Paper soll der Fragestellung nachgegangen werden, inwiefern Teilhabe bzw. strukturelle Ausschl{\"u}sse von Ern{\"a}hrung innerhalb des bundesdeutschen Wohlfahrtsregimes hergestellt werden und durch welche politischen Praktiken und Forderungen aus der Zivilgesellschaft bzw. sozialen Bewegungen ern{\"a}hrungsvermittelte Teilhabe (wieder) hergestellt wird.}, subject = {Ern{\"a}hrung}, language = {de} } @misc{OPUS4-6372, title = {Programm gemeinn{\"u}tzige Liegenschaften. Strategie zur F{\"o}rderung der {\"o}ffentlich-zivilgesellschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit}, organization = {Stadt Barcelona / Referat B{\"u}rger*innenrechte und Partizipation}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.6372}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230523-63724}, pages = {23}, abstract = {St{\"a}dten kam bei demokratischen Innovationsprozessen immer eine zentrale Rolle zu. Die {\"o}ffentlichen Verwaltungen der großen St{\"a}dte stellten Regeln f{\"u}r die Einf{\"u}hrung und Ausweitung der b{\"u}rgerschaftlichen Partizipation auf und reagierten damit auf Erfahrungen und Forderungen, die von der sch{\"o}pferischen politischen Kraft der sozialen und urbanen Bewegungen getragen wurden. Die Geschichte Barcelonas ist daf{\"u}r ein typisches Beispiel. Dank dieser sozialen Errungenschaften k{\"o}nnen wir von einer Reihe von G{\"u}tern und Dienstleistungen profitieren, die lokale Wohlfahrtssysteme ausmachen. Die Stadtverwal-tungen {\"u}bernehmen die Aufgabe, Ressourcen und Dienstleistungen bereitzustellen, die nicht nur mit Wohlfahrt und Gesundheit in Verbindung stehen, sondern auch mit der Sorge um Umfeld und Umwelt, mit der F{\"o}rderung von Maßnahmen in Bereichen wie Bildung, Kultur, Kunst oder Sport sowie mit der Dynamisierung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Ob zust{\"a}ndig oder nicht, die Kommunen m{\"u}ssen auf die Forderungen der B{\"u}rger*innen reagieren, sind sie doch die Verwaltungen, die den allt{\"a}glichen Problemen und Bed{\"u}rfnissen am n{\"a}chsten stehen. Daher liegt es weniger im Belieben der Stadtverwaltungen, ob sie notwendige Innova¬tionen anstoßen, sondern diese sind vielmehr Teil ihres Aufgabenbereichs. Um den Bed{\"u}rfnissen der B{\"u}rger*innen seitens der {\"o}ffentlichen Verwaltung gerecht zu werden, kam in den meisten F{\"a}llen eine von zwei Methoden zur Anwendung: die direkte Verwaltung durch die Beh{\"o}rden oder die indirekte Verwaltung mit dem privaten Sektor. Mit dem Anbruch einer neuen Zeit, in der alternative Methoden an Bedeutung gewonnen haben, w{\"a}chst das Interesse an Modellen {\"o}ffentlich-zivilgesellschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit. Hauptziel dieser Modelle ist es, Verwaltungen und B{\"u}rgerschaft eine Zusammenarbeit im gemeinsamen und allgemeinen Interesse zu erm{\"o}glichen, indem Projekte unterst{\"u}tzt werden, die Zugang, N{\"a}he und Partizipation in sich vereinen. Vor diesem Hintergrund bietet die Verwaltung {\"o}ffent¬licher Ressourcen M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Entwicklung neuer Formen kollektiver Intelligenz, mit ge¬meinsamer Verantwortung und Synergie zwischen Institution und B{\"u}rgerschaft, sodass die St{\"a}dte zu wahrhaft kooperativen Plattformen f{\"u}r {\"o}ffentliche Innovationen werden.}, subject = {Gemeinwohl}, language = {de} } @article{KraazKoopWunschetal., author = {Kraaz, Luise and Koop, Maria and Wunsch, Maximilian and Plank-Wiedenbeck, Uwe}, title = {The Scaling Potential of Experimental Knowledge in the Case of the Bauhaus.MobilityLab, Erfurt (Germany)}, series = {Urban Planning}, volume = {2022}, journal = {Urban Planning}, number = {Volume 7, Issue 3}, doi = {10.17645/up.v7i3.5329}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230509-63633}, pages = {274 -- 284}, abstract = {Real-world labs hold the potential to catalyse rapid urban transformations through real-world experimentation. Characterised by a rather radical, responsive, and location-specific nature, real-world labs face constraints in the scaling of experimental knowledge. To make a significant contribution to urban transformation, the produced knowledge must go beyond the level of a building, street, or small district where real-world experiments are conducted. Thus, a conflict arises between experimental boundaries and the stimulation of broader implications. The challenges of scaling experimental knowledge have been recognised as a problem, but remain largely unexplained. Based on this, the article will discuss the applicability of the "typology of amplification processes" by Lam et al. (2020) to explore and evaluate the potential of scaling experimental knowledge from real-world labs. The application of the typology is exemplified in the case of the Bauhaus.MobilityLab. The Bauhaus.MobilityLab takes a unique approach by testing and developing cross-sectoral mobility, energy, and logistics solutions with a distinct focus on scaling knowledge and innovation. For this case study, different qualitative research techniques are combined according to "within-method triangulation" and synthesised in a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. The analysis of the Bauhaus.MobilityLab proves that the "typology of amplification processes" is useful as a systematic approach to identifying and evaluating the potential of scaling experimental knowledge.}, subject = {Stadtplanung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Drescher, author = {Drescher, Marcel}, title = {Open Innovation in KMU - Eine empirische Analyse der offenen Innovationsaktivit{\"a}ten im Kontext der Entrepreneurial Orientation}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4946}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230314-49463}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {211}, abstract = {Open Innovation in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) hat sich stark ausdifferenziert. Dabei zeigt die Empirie, dass KMU unterschiedliche Wege in der offenen Entwicklung von Innovationen begehen. Um die bestehende Literatur zu erweitern, wurden mit dieser Dissertation die Ziele verfolgt 1) offene Innovationsaktivit{\"a}ten in KMU aus einer Prozessperspektive aufzudecken und genau zu beschreiben und 2) zu erkl{\"a}ren, warum sich die {\"O}ffnung von Innovationsprozessen in KMU unterscheidet. Daf{\"u}r wurde auf eine multiple Fallstudienanalyse zur{\"u}ckgegriffen. Untersuchungsobjekte waren kleine etablierte High-Tech Unternehmen aus den neuen Bundesl{\"a}ndern. Die Ergebnisse zeigen sechs Prozessmodelle der offenen Innovationsentwicklung, beschrieben als Open Innovation Muster. Deskriptionen dieser Muster unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von formenden Innovationsaktivit{\"a}ten, ausgetauschtem Wissen, beteiligten externen Akteuren und Gr{\"u}nden f{\"u}r und gegen Open Innovation vermitteln ein {\"u}ber den bisherigen Forschungsstand hinausgehendes Verst{\"a}ndnis von Open Innovation in KMU. Zudem zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die Entrepreneurial Orientation erkl{\"a}rt, warum KMU bei der Ausgestaltung von offenen Innovationsprozessen unterschiedlich vorgehen. In der Dissertation wird detailliert dargelegt, welche Open Innovation Muster sich anhand der Entrepreneurial Orientation von KMU (nicht-entrepreneurial bis entrepreneurial) zeigen. Die Ergebnisse liefern sowohl wissenschaftliche Implikationen, als auch Handlungsempfehlungen f{\"u}r die Unternehmenspraxis.}, subject = {Open Innovation}, language = {de} } @article{AicherBoermelLondongetal., author = {Aicher, Andreas and B{\"o}rmel, Melanie and Londong, J{\"o}rg and Beier, Silvio}, title = {Vertical green system for gray water treatment: Analysis of the VertiKKA-module in a field test}, series = {Frontiers in Environmental Science}, volume = {2022}, journal = {Frontiers in Environmental Science}, number = {Volume 10 (2022), article 976005}, publisher = {Frontiers Media}, address = {Lausanne}, doi = {10.3389/fenvs.2022.976005}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230124-48840}, pages = {1 -- 7}, abstract = {This work presents a modular Vertical Green System (VGS) for gray water treatment, developed at the Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar. The concept was transformed into a field study with four modules built and tested with synthetic gray water. Each module set contains a small and larger module with the same treatment substrate and was fed hourly. A combination of lightweight structural material and biochar of agricultural residues and wood chips was used as the treatment substrate. In this article, we present the first 18 weeks of operation. Regarding the treatment efficiency, the parameters chemical oxygen demand (COD), total phosphorous (TP), ortho-phosphate (ortho-P), total bound nitrogen (TNb), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), and nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) were analyzed and are presented in this work. The results of the modules with agricultural residues are promising. Up to 92\% COD reduction is stated in the data. The phosphate and nitrogen fractions are reduced significantly in these modules. By contrast, the modules with wood chips reduce only 67\% of the incoming COD and respectively less regarding phosphates and the nitrogen fraction.}, subject = {Grauwasser}, language = {en} } @article{Coenen, author = {Coenen, Ekkehard}, title = {Communicative Action, Objectifications, and the Triad of Violence}, series = {Human Studies}, volume = {2022}, journal = {Human Studies}, number = {45 (2022)}, publisher = {Springer Science + Business Media B.V}, address = {Dordrecht}, doi = {10.1007/s10746-022-09639-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230124-48828}, pages = {447 -- 468}, abstract = {This article aims to develop a social theory of violence that emphasizes the role of the third party as well as the communication between the involved subjects. For this Teresa Koloma Beck's essay 'The Eye of the Beholder: Violence as a Social Process' is taken as a starting point, which adopts a social-constructivist perspective. On the one hand, the basic concepts and the benefits of this approach are presented. On the other hand, social-theoretical problems of this approach are revealed. These deficits are counteracted by expanding Koloma Beck's approach with a communicative-constructivist framework. Thus, the role of communicative action and the 'objectification of violence' is emphasized. These aspects impact the perception, judgement and (de-)legitimation of violence phenomena and the emergence of a 'knowledge of violence'. Communicative actions and objectifications form a key to understanding violent interactions and the link between the micro and macro levels. Finally, the methodological consequences for the research of violence and Communicative Constructivism are discussed. Furthermore, possible research fields are outlined, which open up by looking at communicative action and the objectifications within the 'triads of violence'.}, subject = {Gewalt}, language = {en} } @article{Stadler, author = {Stadler, Max}, title = {Gr{\"u}nderzeit. Hightech und Alternativen der Wissenschaft in West-Berlin}, series = {NTM Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin}, volume = {2022}, journal = {NTM Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin}, number = {30 (2022)}, publisher = {Basel}, address = {Birkh{\"a}user}, doi = {10.1007/s00048-022-00352-9}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230124-48800}, pages = {599 -- 632}, abstract = {Zu den diversen Unternehmungen sozialbewegter „Gegenwissenschaft", die um 1980 auf der Bildfl{\"a}che der BRD erschienen, z{\"a}hlte der 1982 gegr{\"u}ndete Berliner Wissenschaftsladen e. V., kurz WILAB - eine Art „alternatives" Spin-off der Technischen Universit{\"a}t Berlin. Der vorliegende Beitrag situiert die Ausgr{\"u}ndung des „Ladens" im Kontext zeitgen{\"o}ssischer Fortschritte der (regionalen) Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik. Gezeigt wird, wie der deindustrialisierenden Inselstadt, qua „innovationspolitischer" Gegensteuerung, dabei sogar eine gewisse Vorreiterrolle zukam: {\"u}ber die Stadtgrenzen hinaus sichtbare Neuerungen wie die Gr{\"u}ndermesse BIG TECH oder das 1983 er{\"o}ffnete Berliner Innovations- und Gr{\"u}nderzentrum (BIG), der erste „Incubator" [sic] der BRD, etwa gingen auf das Konto der 1977/78 lancierten Technologie-Transferstelle der TU Berlin, TU-transfer. Anders gesagt: tendenziell bekam man es hier nun mit Verh{\"a}ltnissen zu tun, die immer weniger mit den Tr{\"a}umen einer „kritischen", nicht-fremdbestimmten (Gegen‑)Wissenschaft kompatibel waren. Latent kontr{\"a}r zur historiographischen Prominenz des wissenschaftskritischen Zeitgeists fristeten „alternativen" Zielsetzungen verpflichtete Unternehmungen wie „WILAB" ein relativ marginalisiertes Nischendasein. Dennoch wirft das am WILAB verfolgte, so gesehen wenig aussichtsreiche Anliegen, eine andere, n{\"a}mlich „humanere" Informationstechnologie in die Wege zu leiten, ein instruktives Licht auf die Aufbr{\"u}che „unternehmerischer" Wissenschaft in der BRD um 1980.}, subject = {Berlin }, language = {de} } @article{HahlbrockBraunHeideletal., author = {Hahlbrock, David and Braun, Michael and Heidel, Robin and Lemmen, Patrik and Boumann, Roland and Bruckmann, Tobias and Schramm, Dieter and Helm, Volker and Willmann, Jan}, title = {Cable Robotic 3D-printing: additive manufacturing on the construction site}, series = {Construction Robotics}, volume = {2022}, journal = {Construction Robotics}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, address = {Cham}, doi = {10.1007/s41693-022-00082-3}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230124-48791}, pages = {1 -- 14}, abstract = {This paper outlines an important step in characterizing a novel field of robotic construction research where a cable-driven parallel robot is used to extrude cementitious material in three-dimensional space, and thus offering a comprehensive new approach to computational design and construction, and to robotic fabrication at larger scales. Developed by the Faculty of Art and Design at Bauhaus-University Weimar (Germany), the faculty of Architecture at the University of Applied Sciences Dortmund (Germany) and the Chair of Mechatronics at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany), this approach offers unique advantages over existing additive manufacturing methods: the system is easily transportable and scalable, it does not require additional formwork or scaffolding, and it offers digital integration and informational oversight across the entire design and building process. This paper considers 1) key research components of cable robotic 3D-printing (such as computational design, material exploration, and robotic control), and 2) the integration of these parameters into a unified design and building process. The demonstration of the approach at full-scale is of particular concern.}, subject = {Robotik}, language = {en} } @article{MoscosoKraus, author = {Moscoso, Caridad and Kraus, Matthias}, title = {On the Verification of Beams Subjected to Lateral Torsional Buckling by Simplified Plastic Structural Analysis}, series = {ce/papers}, volume = {2022}, journal = {ce/papers}, number = {Volume 5, Issue 4}, publisher = {Ernst \& Sohn}, address = {Berlin}, doi = {10.1002/cepa.1835}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230124-48782}, pages = {914 -- 923}, abstract = {Plastic structural analysis may be applied without any difficulty and with little effort for structural member verifications with regard to lateral torsional buckling of doubly symmetric rolled I sections. Suchlike analyses can be performed based on the plastic zone theory, specifically using finite beam elements with seven degrees of freedom and 2nd order theory considering material nonlinearity. The existing Eurocode enables these approaches and the coming-up generation will provide corresponding regulations in EN 1993-1-14. The investigations allow the determination of computationally accurate limit loads, which are determined in the present paper for selected structural systems with different sets of parameters, such as length, steel grade and cross section types. The results are compared to approximations gained by more sophisticated FEM analyses (commercial software Ansys Workbench applying solid elements) for reasons of verification/validation. In this course, differences in the results of the numerical models are addressed and discussed. In addition, results are compared to resistances obtained by common design regulations based on reduction factors χlt including regulations of EN 1993-1-1 (including German National Annex) as well as prEN 1993-1-1: 2020-08 (proposed new Eurocode generation). Concluding, correlations of results and their advantages as well as disadvantages are discussed.}, subject = {Stahl}, language = {en} } @article{Morawski, author = {Morawski, Tommaso}, title = {La tavola e la mappa. Paradigmi per una metaforologia mediale dell'immaginazione cartografica in Kant}, series = {Philosophy Kitchen}, volume = {2022}, journal = {Philosophy Kitchen}, number = {17, II/2022}, publisher = {Universit{\`a} degli Studi di Torino}, address = {Turino}, doi = {10.13135/2385-1945/7191}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230124-48766}, pages = {137 -- 152}, abstract = {Immanuel Kant's thought is a central historical and theoretical reference in Hans Blumenberg's metaphorological project. This is demonstrated by the fact that in the Paradigms the author outlines the concept of absolute metaphor by explicitly referring to \S59 of the Critique of the Power of Judgment and recognizing in the Kantian symbol a model for his own metaphorics. However, Kant's name also appears in the chapter on the metaphor of the "terra incognita" that not only did he theorize the presence of symbolic hypotyposis in our language [...] but also made extensive use of metaphors linked to "determinate historical experiences". In particular: geographical metaphors. In my essay, I would like to start from the analysis of Kant's geographical metaphors in order to try to rethink Blumenberg's archaeological method as an archaeology of media that grounds the study of metaphors in the materiality of communication and the combination of tools, agents and media.}, subject = {Kant, Immanuel}, language = {it} } @article{BuschowWellbrock, author = {Buschow, Christopher and Wellbrock, Christian-Mathias}, title = {"Spotify for News"? User Perception of Subscription-Based Content Platforms for News Media}, series = {Journalism and Media}, volume = {2022}, journal = {Journalism and Media}, number = {2023, 4}, publisher = {MDPI}, address = {Basel}, doi = {10.3390/journalmedia4010001}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230124-48740}, pages = {1 -- 15}, abstract = {Subscription-based news platforms (such as "Apple News+" or "Readly") that bundle content from different publishers into one comprehensive package and offer it to media users at a fixed monthly rate are a new way of accessing and consuming digital journalism. These services have received little attention in journalism studies, although they differ greatly from traditional media products and distribution channels. This article empirically investigates the perception of journalism platforms based on eight qualitative focus group discussions with 55 German news consumers. Results show that the central characteristics these platforms should fulfill in order to attract users are strikingly similar to the characteristics of media platforms from the music and video industries, in particular regarding price points, contract features, and modes of usage. Against this background, the potential and perspectives of a subscription-based news platform for journalism's societal role are discussed.}, subject = {Journalistik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Held, author = {Held, Tobias}, title = {Einblick: Gestalterische Potentiale und Perspektiven der Videotelefonie im Kontext von N{\"a}he und Distanz. Eine praxis-basierte, (re-)kontextualisierende und diskursanalytische Studie.}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4886}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230111-48867}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {534}, abstract = {Inhaltlich besch{\"a}ftigt sich die Arbeit, die im Rahmen des Promotionsstudiengangs Kunst und Gestaltung an der Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t entstand, mit der Erforschung sozio-interaktiver Potentiale der Videotelefonie im Kontext von N{\"a}he und Verbundenheit mit Fokus auf Eigenbild, Embodiment sowie den Rederechtswechsel. Die Videotelefonie als Kommunikationsform hat sich - und darauf deuten die Erfahrungen der Co- vid-19-Pandemie hin - im lebensweltlichen Alltag der Menschen etabliert und wird dort in naher Zukunft nicht mehr wegzudenken sein. Auf Basis ihrer M{\"o}glichkeiten und Errungenschaften ist es inzwischen Realit{\"a}t und Lebenswirklichkeit, dass die Kommunikation sowohl im privaten als auch im gesch{\"a}ftlichen Kontext mittels verschiedenster Kan{\"a}le stattfindet. Der Videotelefonie kommt hierbei als solche nicht nur eine tragende Funktion, sondern auch eine herausragende Rolle bei der vermeintlichen Reproduktion der Face-to-Face-Kommunikation im digitalen Raum zu und wird wie selbstverst{\"a}ndlich zum zwischenmenschlichen Austausch genutzt. Just an diesem Punkt kn{\"u}pft die Forschungsarbeit an. Zentral stand dabei das Vorhaben einer dezidierte Untersuchung des Forschungsgegenstandes Videotelefonie, sowohl aus Kultur- als auch Technikhistorischer, aber auch Medien-, Wahrnehmungs- wie Kommunikations- theoretischer Perspektive, indem analytische und ph{\"a}nosemiotische Perspektiven miteinander in Beziehung gesetzt werden (z.B. Wahrnehmungsbedingungen, Interaktionsmerkmale, realisierte Kommunikationsprozesse etc.). Damit verbundenes, w{\"u}nschenswertes Ziel war es, eine m{\"o}glichst zeitgem{\"a}ße wie relevante Forschungsfrage zu adressieren, die neben den kulturellen Technisierungs- und Mediatisierungstendenzen in institutionellen und privaten Milieus ebenfalls eine conditio sine qua non der pandemischen (Massen-)Kommunikation entwirft. Die Arbeit ist damit vor allem im Bereich des Produkt- und Interactiondesigns zu verorten. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus hatte sie das Ziel der Darlegung und Begr{\"u}ndung der Videotelefonie als eigenst{\"a}ndige Kommunikationsform, welche durch eigene, kommunikative Besonderheiten, die sich in ihrer jeweiligen Ingebrauchnahme sowie durch spezielle Wahrnehmungsbedingungen {\"a}ußern, und die die Videotelefonie als »Rederechtswechselmedium« avant la lettre konsolidieren, gekennzeichnet ist. Dabei sollte der Beweis erbracht werden, dass die Videotelefonie nicht als Schwundstufe einer Kommunikation Face-to-Face, sondern als ein eigenst{\"a}ndiges Mediatisierungs- und Kommunikationsereignis zu verstehen sei. Und eben nicht als eine beliebige - sich linear vom Telefon ausgehende - entwickelte Form der audio-visuellen Fernkommunikation darstellt, sondern die gestalterische (Bewegtbild-)Technizit{\"a}t ein eigenst{\"a}ndiges Funktionsmaß offeriert, welches wiederum ein innovatives Kommunikationsmilieu im Kontext einer Rederechtswechsel-Medialit{\"a}t stabilisiert.}, subject = {Videotelefonie}, language = {de} } @misc{PachecoAlvim, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Pacheco Alvim, Sarah}, title = {Falsa Seringueira: Rubber Trees and the Materiality of the Unseen}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4846}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230105-48467}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {128}, abstract = {The theme of this project is the colonial history of the natural rubber industry. It focuses on two species of tropical plants: Ficus elastica and Hevea brasiliensis. Geographically their native habitat is very distant from each other, but they connect by European influence through the exploitation of latex. The many forms and outcomes from this work manifest the attempt of the artist to create an association between a common household plant, the origin of its name, and the source of rubber. As a ghostly connective tissue, the latex surrounds reconstructed history, old prints, live plants, and drawings, accepting the material's capacity to both erase and preserve the past.}, subject = {Kautschuk}, language = {en} } @periodical{BognerKarpfWilleretal., author = {Bogner, Simone and Karpf, Michael and Willer, Stefan and Aquilar, Giorgia and Springer, J{\"o}rg and Euler-Rolle, Bernd and Sikiaridi, Elizabeth and Vogelaar, Frans and von Beckerath, Verena and Klei, Alexandra and Raheem, Oluwafunminiyi and Grundig, Ronny and Sezer, {\"O}zge and Kutkina, Anna and Manka, Inge and Hettchen, Karolina and J{\"u}ttner, Monique and Blunk, Julian}, title = {Praktiken des Erbens. Metaphern, Materialisierungen, Machtkonstellationen}, editor = {Bogner, Simone and Karpf, Michael and Meier, Hans-Rudolf}, publisher = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}tsverlag}, address = {Weinstraße-Ilmtal}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4702}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20220810-47025}, abstract = {Ausgehend von der Bemerkung des Philosophen Jacques Derrida, dass Erbe immer auch eine Aufgabe sei, widmet sich der dritte Band der Schriftenreihe des Graduiertenkollegs „Identit{\"a}t und Erbe" den sozialen und kulturellen Praktiken der Bezugnahme auf Vergangenheit(en) und Identit{\"a}t(en). Mit einem (kulturellen) Erbe soll und muss etwas getan werden, um es {\"u}berhaupt hervorzubringen. Es konstituiert sich erst im Akt des (Nicht-)Erbens, das heißt im Wechselverh{\"a}ltnis mit den mit und an ihm ausgef{\"u}hrten Praktiken. Gleichwohl erm{\"o}glicht erst deren Verbindung mit den materiellen {\"U}berresten und {\"U}berlieferungen des Erbes eine Aneignung oder Ablehnung der Vergangenheit sowie die Fort- und Umschreibung eines bereits bestehenden Erbes. Diese Vorg{\"a}nge sind nicht willk{\"u}rlicher Natur: Die M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Interpretation und Deutung werden durch die sozialen, politischen, kulturellen, {\"o}konomischen und technischen Bedingungen der Gegenwart sowie durch die Geschichte und Materialit{\"a}t des Erbes beschr{\"a}nkt, erweitert und gelenkt. Erbe und Erbeprozesse m{\"u}ssen deshalb notwendigerweise miteinander in Beziehung gesetzt werden. Mit Beitr{\"a}gen von Simone Bogner und Michael Karpf, Stefan Willer, Giorgia Aquilar, J{\"o}rg Springer, Bernd Euler-Rolle, Elizabeth Sikiaridi und Frans Vogelaar, Verena von Beckerath, Alexandra Klei, Oluwafunminiyi Raheem, Ronny Grundig, {\"O}zge Sezer, Anna Kutkina, Inge Manka, Karolina Hettchen und Monique J{\"u}ttner sowie Julian Blunk.}, subject = {Kulturerbe}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Mueller, author = {M{\"u}ller, Matthias}, title = {Salt-frost Attack on Concrete - New Findings regarding the Damage Mechanism}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4868}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230103-48681}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, abstract = {The reduction of the cement clinker content is an important prerequisite for the improvement of the CO2-footprint of concrete. Nevertheless, the durability of such concretes must be sufficient to guarantee a satisfactory service life of structures. Salt frost scaling resistance is a critical factor in this regard, as it is often diminished at increased clinker substitution rates. Furthermore, only insufficient long-term experience for such concretes exists. A high salt frost scaling resistance thus cannot be achieved by applying only descriptive criteria, such as the concrete composition. It is therefore to be expected, that in the long term a performance based service life prediction will replace the descriptive concept. To achieve the important goal of clinker reduction for concretes also in cold and temperate climates it is important to understand the underlying mechanisms for salt frost scaling. However, conflicting damage theories dominate the current State of the Art. It was consequently derived as the goal of this thesis to evaluate existing damage theories and to examine them experimentally. It was found that only two theories have the potential to describe the salt frost attack satisfactorily - the glue spall theory and the cryogenic suction theory. The glue spall theory attributes the surface scaling to the interaction of an external ice layer with the concrete surface. Only when moderate amounts of deicing salt are present in the test solution the resulting mechanical properties of the ice can cause scaling. However, the results in this thesis indicate that severe scaling also occurs at deicing salt levels, at which the ice is much too soft to damage concrete. Thus, the inability of the glue spall theory to account for all aspects of salt frost scaling was shown. The cryogenic suction theory is based on the eutectic behavior of salt solutions, which consist of two phases - water ice and liquid brine - between the freezing point and the eutectic temperature. The liquid brine acts as an additional moisture reservoir, which facilitates the growth of ice lenses in the surface layer of the concrete. The experiments in this thesis confirmed, that the ice formation in hardened cement paste increases due to the suction of brine at sub-zero temperatures. The extent of additional ice formation was influenced mainly by the porosity and by the chloride binding capacity of the hardened cement paste. Consequently, the cryogenic suction theory plausibly describes the actual generation of scaling, but it has to be expanded by some crucial aspects to represent the salt frost scaling attack completely. The most important aspect is the intensive saturation process, which is ascribed to the so-called micro ice lens pump. Therefore a combined damage theory was proposed, which considers multiple saturation processes. Important aspects of this combined theory were confirmed experimentally. As a result, the combined damage theory constitutes a good basis to understand the salt frost scaling attack on concrete on a fundamental level. Furthermore, a new approach was identified, to account for the reduced salt frost scaling resistance of concretes with reduced clinker content.}, subject = {Beton}, language = {en} } @periodical{BognerGourinovitchBaetal., author = {Bogner, Simone and Gourinovitch, Oxana and Ba, Claudia and Kibel, Jochen and Stapel, G{\"u}l{\c{s}}ah and Krajewsky, Georg and Fr{\"o}lich-Kulik, Maria and Masoud, Zoya and W{\"a}chter, Konstantin and H{\"a}ger, Benjamin and H{\"o}hne, Wolfram and Alberti, Sarah and Tr{\"o}tschel-Daniels, Bianka and Helas, Luise and Selitz, Lisa Marie and Torreiter, Laura}, title = {Instabile Konstruktionen. Interdisziplin{\"a}re Forschungen zu »Identit{\"a}t und Erbe«}, editor = {Bogner, Simone and Dolff-Bonek{\"a}mper, Gabi and Meier, Hans-Rudolf}, publisher = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}tsverlag}, address = {Ilmtal-Weinstraße}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4606}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20220315-46066}, pages = {264}, abstract = {Wer von Erbe im Zusammenhang mit Identit{\"a}t spricht, verspricht sich und Anderen »Kontinuit{\"a}t« und »Stabilit{\"a}t«. Das Versprechen h{\"a}lt indes nur so lange, wie sich Menschen auf die damit verbundenen Erz{\"a}hlungen einlassen. Da diese zunehmend hinterfragt werden und der Begriff »Identit{\"a}t« im politischen Raum zu einer umk{\"a}mpften Kategorie avanciert ist, werden auch die lange gehegten, gewohnten »Konstruktionen« instabil. Dies zeigt sich insbesondere in Momenten des Konflikts, der {\"u}bergriffigen Inanspruchnahme und des Verlusts. Der Titel »Instabile Konstruktionen« verweist zugleich auf die beiden Kernbereiche des Kollegs: einerseits auf Architektur und Denkmalpflege, in denen der Begriff Konstruktion sich auf bauliche Manifestationen bezieht, von denen eine gewisse Haltbarkeit und Dauerhaftigkeit erwartet wird und andererseits auf die Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften, wo Konstruktion die soziale Herstellung symbolischer Sinnwelten meint. Ins Zentrum r{\"u}ckt so der Anspruch, die materielle Umwelt im Wechselverh{\"a}ltnis zu ihrer sozialen Gemachtheit zu verstehen.}, subject = {Identit{\"a}t}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Mojahedin, author = {Mojahedin, Arvin}, title = {Analysis of Functionally Graded Porous Materials Using Deep Energy Method and Analytical Solution}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4867}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20221220-48674}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, abstract = {Porous materials are an emerging branch of engineering materials that are composed of two elements: One element is a solid (matrix), and the other element is either liquid or gas. Pores can be distributed within the solid matrix of porous materials with different shapes and sizes. In addition, porous materials are lightweight, and flexible, and have higher resistance to crack propagation and specific thermal, mechanical, and magnetic properties. These properties are necessary for manufacturing engineering structures such as beams and other engineering structures. These materials are widely used in solid mechanics and are considered a good replacement for classical materials by many researchers recently. Producing lightweight materials has been developed because of the possibility of exploiting the properties of these materials. Various types of porous material are generated naturally or artificially for a specific application such as bones and foams. Like functionally graded materials, pore distribution patterns can be uniform or non-uniform. Biot's theory is a well-developed theory to study the behavior of poroelastic materials which investigates the interaction between fluid and solid phases of a fluid-saturated porous medium. Functionally graded porous materials (FGPM) are widely used in modern industries, such as aerospace, automotive, and biomechanics. These advanced materials have some specific properties compared to materials with a classic structure. They are extremely light, while they have specific strength in mechanical and high-temperature environments. FGPMs are characterized by a gradual variation of material parameters over the volume. Although these materials can be made naturally, it is possible to design and manufacture them for a specific application. Therefore, many studies have been done to analyze the mechanical and thermal properties of FGPM structures, especially beams. Biot was the pioneer in formulating the linear elasticity and thermoelasticity equations of porous material. Since then, Biot's formulation has been developed in continuum mechanics which is named poroelasticity. There are obstacles to analyzing the behavior of these materials accurately like the shape of the pores, the distribution of pores in the material, and the behavior of the fluid (or gas) that saturated pores. Indeed, most of the engineering structures made of FGPM have nonlinear governing equations. Therefore, it is difficult to study engineering structures by solving these complicated equations. The main purpose of this dissertation is to analyze porous materials in engineering structures. For this purpose, the complex equations of porous materials have been simplified and applied to engineering problems so that the effect of all parameters of porous materials on the behavior of engineering structure has been investigated. The effect of important parameters of porous materials on beam behavior including pores compressibility, porosity distribution, thermal expansion of fluid within pores, the interaction of stresses between pores and material matrix due to temperature increase, effects of pore size, material thickness, and saturated pores with fluid and unsaturated conditions are investigated. Two methods, the deep energy method, and the exact solution have been used to reduce the problem hypotheses, increase accuracy, increase processing speed, and apply these in engineering structures. In both methods, they are analyzed nonlinear and complex equations of porous materials. To increase the accuracy of analysis and study of the effect of shear forces, Timoshenko and Reddy's beam theories have been used. Also, neural networks such as residual and fully connected networks are designed to have high accuracy and less processing time than other computational methods.}, subject = {Por{\"o}ser Stoff}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Legatiuk, author = {Legatiuk, Anastasiia}, title = {Discrete potential and function theories on a rectangular lattice and their applications}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4865}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20221220-48654}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, abstract = {The growing complexity of modern engineering problems necessitates development of advanced numerical methods. In particular, methods working directly with discrete structures, and thus, representing exactly some important properties of the solution on a lattice and not just approximating the continuous properties, become more and more popular nowadays. Among others, discrete potential theory and discrete function theory provide a variety of methods, which are discrete counterparts of the classical continuous methods for solving boundary value problems. A lot of results related to the discrete potential and function theories have been presented in recent years. However, these results are related to the discrete theories constructed on square lattices, and, thus, limiting their practical applicability and potentially leading to higher computational costs while discretising realistic domains. This thesis presents an extension of the discrete potential theory and discrete function theory to rectangular lattices. As usual in the discrete theories, construction of discrete operators is strongly influenced by a definition of discrete geometric setting. For providing consistent constructions throughout the whole thesis, a detailed discussion on the discrete geometric setting is presented in the beginning. After that, the discrete fundamental solution of the discrete Laplace operator on a rectangular lattice, which is the core of the discrete potential theory, its numerical analysis, and practical calculations are presented. By using the discrete fundamental solution of the discrete Laplace operator on a rectangular lattice, the discrete potential theory is then constructed for interior and exterior settings. Several discrete interior and exterior boundary value problems are then solved. Moreover, discrete transmission problems are introduced and several numerical examples of these problems are discussed. Finally, a discrete fundamental solution of the discrete Cauchy-Riemann operator on a rectangular lattice is constructed, and basics of the discrete function theory on a rectangular lattice are provided. This work indicates that the discrete theories provide solution methods with very good numerical properties to tackle various boundary value problems, as well as transmission problems coupling interior and exterior problems. The results presented in this thesis provide a basis for further development of discrete theories on irregular lattices.}, subject = {Diskrete Funktionentheorie}, language = {en} }