@inproceedings{Oestman1997, author = {{\"O}stman, L.}, title = {Knowledge Elicitation through a Pragmatic Inquiry}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.454}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-4547}, year = {1997}, abstract = {This is a paper about knowledge in design and how to elicit knowledge from design processes. The paper is a preparation for an empirical study of interaction in the design process. Reasonings of three authors - Sch{\"o}n, Broadbent and Lundequist - on design processes is presented. They all have a pragmatic perspective in common, and regard the process as an activity without a definite form. Design is seen as an activity of creating models of forms and shapes, by addressing expert knowledge ­ in a dialogic way ­ to problematic situations. Due to the pragmatic approach I find the pragmatist Dewey´s understanding of knowledge and elecitation of knowledge appropiate for studying design processes. According to him it is possible to build up objectified descriptions of experiences, also of such, which are based on experiences of emotional and intuitive nature. There need not be a definite border, which separates tacit knowledge from explicit knowledge - when it comes to the question of the possibility of verbal descriptions. Tacit knowledge is possible to articulate within pragmatic thinking. The conclusion is, that it is possible to study the tacit knowledge of design processes, and get some qualitative insights useful for theory building. A study of design processes can look at three different forms of knowledge. It appears as a pre­cognitive understanding of the design situation, as integrated in the design activity - seeing the situation as something known - and in the process of creating something new.}, subject = {Entwurf}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ZolotovAkimovSidorov, author = {Zolotov, Alexander B. and Akimov, Pavel and Sidorov, Vladimir}, title = {DISCRETE-CONTINUAL BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHODS OF ANALYSIS FOR TWO-DIMENSIONAL AND THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES}, editor = {G{\"u}rlebeck, Klaus and K{\"o}nke, Carsten}, organization = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3041}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170327-30419}, pages = {22}, abstract = {The aim of this paper is to present so-called discrete-continual boundary element method (DCBEM) of structural analysis. Its field of application comprises buildings constructions, structures and also parts and components for the residential, commercial and un-inhabitant structures with invariability of physical and geometrical parameters in some dimensions. We should mention here in particular such objects as beams, thin-walled bars, strip foundations, plates, shells, deep beams, high-rise buildings, extensional buildings, pipelines, rails, dams and others. DCBEM comes under group of semianalytical methods. Semianalytical formulations are contemporary mathematical models which currently becoming available for realization due to substantial speed-up of computer productivity. DCBEM is based on the theory of the pseudodifferential boundary equations. Corresponding pseudodifferential operators are discretely approximated using Fourier analysis or wavelet analysis. The main DCBEM advantages against the other methods of the numerical analysis is a double reduction in dimension of the problem (discrete numerical division applied not to the full region of the interest but only to the boundary of the region cross section, as a matter of fact one is solving an one-dimensional problem with the finite step on the boundary area of the region), one has opportunities to carrying out very detailed analysis of the specific chosen zones, simplified initial data preparation, simplistic and adaptive algorithms. There are two methods to define and conduct DCBEM analysis developed - indirect (IDCBEM) and direct (DDCBEM), thus indirect like in boundary element method (BEM) applied and used little bit more than direct.}, subject = {Architektur }, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ZimmermannBartels, author = {Zimmermann, J{\"u}rgen and Bartels, Jan-Hendrik}, title = {TREE-BASED METHODS FOR RESOURCE INVESTMENT AND RESOURCE LEVELLING PROBLEMS}, editor = {G{\"u}rlebeck, Klaus and K{\"o}nke, Carsten}, organization = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3040}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170327-30405}, pages = {6}, abstract = {The execution of project activities generally requires the use of (renewable) resources like machines, equipment or manpower. The resource allocation problem consists in assigning time intervals to the execution of the project activities while taking into account temporal constraints between activities emanating from technological or organizational requirements and costs incurred by the resource allocation. If the total procurement cost of the different renewable resources has to be minimized we speak of a resource investment problem. If the cost depends on the smoothness of the resource utilization over time the underlying problem is called a resource levelling problem. In this paper we consider a new tree-based enumeration method for solving resource investment and resource levelling problems exploiting some fundamental properties of spanning trees. The enumeration scheme is embedded in a branch-and-bound procedure using a workload-based lower bound and a depth first search. Preliminary computational results show that the proposed procedure is promising for instances with up to 30 activities.}, subject = {Architektur }, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ZangSommer, author = {Zang, Di and Sommer, G.}, title = {ALGEBRAICALLY EXTENDED 2D IMAGE REPRESENTATION}, editor = {G{\"u}rlebeck, Klaus and K{\"o}nke, Carsten}, organization = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3039}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170327-30396}, pages = {10}, abstract = {We present an algebraically extended 2D image representation in this paper. In order to obtain more degrees of freedom, a 2D image is embedded into a certain geometric algebra. Combining methods of differential geometry, tensor algebra, monogenic signal and quadrature filter, the novel 2D image representation can be derived as the monogenic extension of a curvature tensor. The 2D spherical harmonics are employed as basis functions to construct the algebraically extended 2D image representation. From this representation, the monogenic signal and the monogenic curvature signal for modeling intrinsically one and two dimensional (i1D/i2D) structures are obtained as special cases. Local features of amplitude, phase and orientation can be extracted at the same time in this unique framework. Compared with the related work, our approach has the advantage of simultaneous estimation of local phase and orientation. The main contribution is the rotationally invariant phase estimation, which enables phase-based processing in many computer vision tasks.}, subject = {Architektur }, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WoszczynaKaminskiMajetal., author = {Woszczyna, Anna and Kaminski, Mieczysław and Maj, Marek and Ubysz, Andrzej}, title = {ANALYSING THE INFLUENCE OF THE REINFORCED CONCRETE CHIMNEY GEOMETRY CHANGES ON THE STRESSES IN THE CHIMNEY SHAFT}, editor = {G{\"u}rlebeck, Klaus and K{\"o}nke, Carsten}, organization = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3038}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170327-30388}, pages = {7}, abstract = {Analysis of the reinforced concrete chimney geometry changes and their influence on the stresses in the chimney mantle was made. All the changes were introduced to a model chimney and compared. Relations between the stresses in the mantle of the chimney and the deformations determined by the change of the chimney's vertical axis geometry were investigated. The vertical axis of chimney was described by linear function (corresponding to the real rotation of the chimney together with the foundation), and by parabolic function (corresponding to the real dislocation of the chimney under the influence of the horizontal forces - wind). The positive stress pattern in the concrete as well as the negative stress pattern in the reinforcing steel have been presented. The two cases were compared. Analysis of the stress changes in the chimney mantle depending on the modification in the thickness of the mantle (the thickness of the chimney mantle was altered in the linear or the abrupt way) was carried out. The relation between the stresses and the chimney's diameter change from the bottom to the top of the chimney was investigated. All the analyses were conducted by means of a specially developed computer program created in Mathematica environment. The program makes it also possible to control calculations and to visualize the results of the calculations at every stage of the calculation process.}, subject = {Architektur }, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WolkowiczRuthStahr, author = {Wolkowicz, Christian and Ruth, J{\"u}rgen and Stahr, Alexander}, title = {TOOL TO CHECK TOPOLOGY AND GEOMETRY FOR SPATIAL STRUCTURES ON BASIS OF THE EXTENDED MAXWELL'S RULE}, editor = {G{\"u}rlebeck, Klaus and K{\"o}nke, Carsten}, organization = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3037}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170327-30370}, pages = {8}, abstract = {One of the simplest principle in the design of light-weight structures is to avoid bending. This can be achieved by dissolving girders into members acting purely in axial tension or compression. The employment of cables for the tensioned members leads to even lighter structures which are called cable-strut structures. They constitute a subclass of spatial structures. To give fast information about the general feasibility of an architectural concept employing cable-strut structures is a challenging task due to their sophisticated mechanical behavior. In this regard it is essential to control if the structure is stable and if pre-stress can be applied. This paper presents a tool using the spreadsheet software Microsoft (MS) Excel which can give such information. Therefore it is not necessary to purchase special software and the according time consuming training is much lower. The tool was developed on basis of the extended Maxwell's rule, which besides topology also considers the geometry of the structure. For this the rank of the node equilibrium matrix is crucial. Significance and determination of the rank and the implementation of the corresponding algorithms in MS Excel are described in the following. The presented tool is able to support the structural designer in an early stage of the project in finding a feasible architectural concept for cable-strut structures. As examples for the application of the software tool two special cable-strut structures, so called tensegrity structures, were examined for their mechanical behavior.}, subject = {Architektur }, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WittwerBecker, author = {Wittwer, Christof and Becker, Rainer}, title = {MODELLBASIERTE ERTRAGSKONTROLLE F{\"U}R PV ANLAGEN IN VERNETZTEN GEB{\"A}UDEN}, editor = {G{\"u}rlebeck, Klaus and K{\"o}nke, Carsten}, organization = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3036}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170327-30363}, pages = {5}, abstract = {Subject of the paper is the realisation of a model based efficiency control system for PV generators using a simulation model. A standard 2-diodes model of PV generator is base of the ColSim model, which is implemented in ANSI C code for flexible code exporting. The algorithm is based on discretisized U-I characteristics, which allows the calculation of string topologies witch parallel and serial PV cells and modules. Shadowing effects can be modelled down to cell configuration using polar horizon definitions. The simulation model was ported to a real time environment, to calculate the efficiency of a PV system. Embedded System technology allows the networked operation and the integration of standard I/O devices. Futher work focus on the adaption of shadowing routine, which will be adapted to get the environment conditions from the real operation.}, subject = {Architektur }, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Wittenberg, author = {Wittenberg, Reinhold}, title = {AUFBAU EINES MANAGEMENT-INFORMATIONS-SYSTEMS (M-I-S) UND BAUSTELLEN-CONTROLLINGS}, editor = {G{\"u}rlebeck, Klaus and K{\"o}nke, Carsten}, organization = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3035}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170327-30356}, pages = {7}, abstract = {Die meisten Insolvenzen in Deutschland kommen aus der Bauindustrie. Die Gr{\"u}nde hierf{\"u}r sind vielschichtig, jedoch kann mittels eines modern ausgerichteten M-I-S und Baustellen-Controllings fr{\"u}hzeitig erkannt werden, wie sich die Baustellenergebnisse entwickeln. Hierzu ist es notwendig, dass die Arbeitskalkulation st{\"a}ndig auf dem Laufenden gehalten wird. Nur wenn dies geschieht, sind monatliche Soll-/ Ist-Vergleiche und eine Betrachtung der cost-to-complete m{\"o}glich und sinnvoll. Eine monatlich rollierende Prognose des Baustellenergebnisses zum Bauende erm{\"o}glicht, dass gravierende Ver{\"a}nderungen des Ergebnisses umgehend aufgedeckt werden. Nur in Kenntnis dieser Entwicklungen kann das Management fr{\"u}hzeitig (im Sinne eines Fr{\"u}hwarnsystems) agieren und Steuerungsmaßnahmen ergreifen. Die Ergebnisprognose zum Bauende ist allein als Steuerungsinstrument nicht ausreichend. Die Finanzsituation der Baustelle muß auch regelm{\"a}ßig gepr{\"u}ft werden, d.h. der Leistungsstand mit der Rechnungsstellung an den Bauherren abgeglichen sowie die unbezahlten Rechnungen des Bauherren {\"u}berpr{\"u}ft werden. Das beste Prognoseergebnis ist wertlos, wenn der Bauherr seine bezogenen Leistungen nicht verg{\"u}tet. Die wirtschaftlichen Daten stehen den Verantwortlichen online im Baustellen-Informations-System (B-I-S) zur Verf{\"u}gung. Ein Ampelsystem verdeutlicht die wirtschaftliche Lage der Baustelle.}, subject = {Architektur }, language = {de} } @inproceedings{WillenbacherHuebler2000, author = {Willenbacher, Heiko and H{\"u}bler, Reinhard}, title = {Relationen zwischen Dom{\"a}nenmodellen Ansatz zur Schaffung einer integrierenden computergest{\"u}tzten Bauplanungsumgebung}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.617}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-6178}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Die zunehmend erforderliche Kooperation verschiedener Beteiligter unterschiedlicher Fachbereiche und der Einsatz hochspezialisierter Fachapplikationen in heterogenen Systemumgebungen unterstreichen die Bedeutung und Notwendigkeit neuer Konzepte und M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Schaffung einer computergest{\"u}tzten Integrationsebene. Ziel einer computergest{\"u}tzten Integrationsebene ist die Verbesserung der Kooperation und Kommunikation unter den Beteiligten. Grundlage daf{\"u}r ist die Etablierung eines effizienten und fehlerfreien Daten- und Informationsaustausches zwischen den verschiedenen Fachplanern und -applikationen. Die Basis f{\"u}r die Datenintegrationsebene bildet ein digitales Bauwerksmodell im Sinne eines >virtuellen Bauwerks<, welches alle relevanten Daten und Informationen {\"u}ber ein zu planendes oder real existierendes Bauwerk zur Verf{\"u}gung stellt. Bei der Verwirklichung einer Bauwerksmodell-orientierten Datenintegrationsebene und deren Modellverwaltung erweist sich speziell die Definition des Bauwerksmodells also die Spezifikation der relevanten auszutauschenden Daten als {\"a}ußerst komplex. Der hier vorzustellende Relationen-orientierte Ansatz, d.h. die Realisierung des Daten- und Informationsaustauschs mittels definierter Relationen und Beziehungen zwischen dynamisch modifizierbaren Dom{\"a}nenmodellen, bietet Ans{\"a}tze zur: * Verringerung und Beherrschung der Komplexit{\"a}t des Bauwerksmodells (Teilmodellbildung) * Realisierung eines effizienten Datenaustauschs (Relationenmanagement) Somit stellt der Relationenorientierte Ansatz einen ad{\"a}quaten L{\"o}sungsweg zur Modellierung eines digitalen Bauwerksmodells als Datenintegrationsebene f{\"u}r den Lebenszyklus eines Bauwerkes dar.}, subject = {Bauwesen}, language = {de} } @article{WernerEshete1997, author = {Werner, F. and Eshete, T.}, title = {Grundlagen zur Methodik der Verschneidung stahlbautypischer K{\"o}rper in einem CAD-System}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.460}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-4601}, year = {1997}, abstract = {Der Effekt des praktischen Einsatzes von CAD-Systemen im Stahlbau ersch{\"o}pft sich heute weitgehend in einer Verbesserung der Qualit{\"a}t der Planungsunterlagen und in der Verk{\"u}rzung der Bearbeitungszeiten. Dabei ist bei schwierigen individuellen Konstruktionen die Einsparung an Arbeitszeit oft nicht sehr markant gegen{\"u}ber einer traditionellen Arbeitsweise. Die dreidimensionale Erfassung, Speicherung und Verarbeitung von Konstruktionsdaten im Rechner verlangt neben gr{\"o}ßeren Rechenleistungen neue Verfahren f{\"u}r die Behandlung dieser Daten. Die M{\"o}glichkeiten der Automatisierung stahlbautypischer Produktionsvorg{\"a}nge und einer variablen, computergest{\"u}tzten Planung erfordern wissenschaftlich-technische Betrachtungen des Gesamtproblems. Ausgehend von den Anforderungen des Stahlbaus wird ein neues dreidimensionales Volumenmodell f{\"u}r den rechnergest{\"u}tzten Entwurf und die Konstruktion erarbeitet. Es werden grundlegende Methoden zur Problembehandlung aufgezeigt. Die Methodik basiert im wesentlichen auf der Methode der Inzidenz-Matrizen, um die Beziehungen zwischen topologischen und geometrischen Informationen eines K{\"o}rpers darzustellen. Die Ermittlung der lokalen Mannigfaltigkeiten wird mit dem Euler-Polyedersatz verglichen und an Beispielen demonstriert. Eine neue Methode zur Ermittlung der lokalen Mannigfaltigkeiten wird dargestellt. Stahlbauspezifische Konstruktionen werden erzeugt und ihre Gestalt nach Anforderungen ver{\"a}ndert. Im besonderen werden stahlbauspezifische Ausklinkungen und Verschneidungen erarbeitet und an Beispielen pr{\"a}sentiert.}, subject = {Stahlbau}, language = {de} }