@phdthesis{Michel, author = {Michel, Ralf}, title = {Licht - Farbe - Licht : Zur Integration von Design und Technik in der Designforschung mit Licht und Farbe}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3794}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20180921-37941}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {224}, abstract = {Die Thesis untersucht am Beispiel von Farb-Licht Forschungen (Interaktion dynamischen Lichts mit farbigen Oberfl{\"a}chen) und der Designforschungen am Potenzial der organisch Licht emittierenden Dioden (OLED) integrierende Aspekte des Designs im Kontext dieser Technologien. Des weiteren reflektiert die Thesis am Beispiel dieser Designforschungen das Verh{\"a}ltnis von Designforschung und Innovation f{\"u}r die gestalterischen Disziplinen.}, subject = {Design}, language = {de} } @unpublished{SimonRitzRudolf, author = {Simon-Ritz, Frank and Rudolf, Sylvelin}, title = {Ein Schaufenster f{\"u}r die Kunst}, volume = {69}, number = {Heft 6}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3230}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170711-32307}, pages = {312 -- 317}, abstract = {Kunstausstellungen in Bibliotheken}, subject = {Ausstellung}, language = {de} } @article{Muhle, author = {Muhle, Maria}, title = {The vitality of power. A genealogy of biopolitics with Foucault and Canguilhem}, series = {Revista de Ciencia Politica}, journal = {Revista de Ciencia Politica}, doi = {10.4067/S0718-090X2009000100008}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170428-31735}, pages = {143 -- 163}, abstract = {This text proposes a genealogy of biopolitics based on Michel Foucault's thought, and on an understanding of it as a philosophico-political notion. In order to elaborate this genealogy, the text takes as its starting point not only politics but also life, as the second component of the term. The hypothesis is the following: To understand what biopolitics means, we have to take seriously Foucault's assertion of an indetermination of life, as the correlate of power and knowledge. This notion emerges in the epistemic break that takes place around 1800 and that entails the opening up of the notion of biopolitics under the name of governmentality, implying that life is not only the object of biopolitics but also serves as its model.}, subject = {Biopolitik}, language = {es} } @article{WangArash, author = {Wang, Quan and Arash, Behrouz}, title = {Announcement of a virtual special issue on computational carbon nanoscience}, series = {Carbon}, journal = {Carbon}, doi = {10.1016/j.carbon.2015.05.082}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170428-31695}, pages = {370 -- 372}, abstract = {The Carbon journal is pleased to introduce a themed collection of recent articles in the area of computational carbon nanoscience. This virtual special issue was assembled from previously published Carbon articles by Guest Editors Quan Wang and Behrouz Arash, and can be accessed as a set in the special issue section of the journal website homepage: www.journals.elsevier.com/carbon. The article below by our guest editors serves as an introduction to this virtual special issue, and also a commentary on the growing role of computation as a tool to understand the synthesis and properties of carbon nanoforms and their behavior in composite materials.}, subject = {Kohlenstoff}, language = {en} } @article{VoelskeGollubHagenetal., author = {V{\"o}lske, Michael and Gollub, Tim and Hagen, Matthias and Stein, Benno}, title = {A keyquery-based classification system for CORE}, series = {D-Lib Magazine}, journal = {D-Lib Magazine}, doi = {10.1045/november14-voelske}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170426-31662}, abstract = {We apply keyquery-based taxonomy composition to compute a classification system for the CORE dataset, a shared crawl of about 850,000 scientific papers. Keyquery-based taxonomy composition can be understood as a two-phase hierarchical document clustering technique that utilizes search queries as cluster labels: In a first phase, the document collection is indexed by a reference search engine, and the documents are tagged with the search queries they are relevant—for their so-called keyqueries. In a second phase, a hierarchical clustering is formed from the keyqueries within an iterative process. We use the explicit topic model ESA as document retrieval model in order to index the CORE dataset in the reference search engine. Under the ESA retrieval model, documents are represented as vectors of similarities to Wikipedia articles; a methodology proven to be advantageous for text categorization tasks. Our paper presents the generated taxonomy and reports on quantitative properties such as document coverage and processing requirements.}, subject = {Massendaten}, language = {en} } @article{TrapplKrajewskiRuttkayetal., author = {Trappl, Robert and Krajewski, Markus and Ruttkay, Zs{\´o}fia and Widrich, Virgil}, title = {Robots as Companions: What can we Learn from Servants and Companions in Literature, Theater, and Film?}, series = {Procedia Computer Science}, journal = {Procedia Computer Science}, doi = {10.1016/j.procs.2011.12.029}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170426-31650}, pages = {96 -- 98}, abstract = {Many researchers are working on developing robots into adequate partners, be it at the working place, be it at home or in leisure activities, or enabling elder persons to lead a self-determined, independent life. While quite some progress has been made in e.g. speech or emotion understanding, processing and expressing, the relations between humans and robots are usually only short-term. In order to build long-term, i.e. social relations, qualities like empathy, trust building, dependability, non-patronizing, and others will be required. But these are just terms and as such no adequate starting points to "program" these capacities even more how to avoid the problems and pitfalls in interactions between humans and robots. However, a rich source for doing this is available, unused until now for this purpose: artistic productions, namely literature, theater plays, not to forget operas, and films with their multitude of examples. Poets, writers, dramatists, screen-writers, etc. have studied for centuries the facets of interactions between persons, their dynamics, and the related snags. And since we wish for human-robot relations as master-servant relations - the human obviously being the master - the study of these relations will be prominent. A procedure is proposed, with four consecutive steps, namely Selection, Analysis, Categorization, and Integration. Only if we succeed in developing robots which are seen as servants we will be successful in supporting and helping humans through robots.}, subject = {Roboter}, language = {en} } @article{TatliLucks, author = {Tatli, Emin Islam and Lucks, Stefan}, title = {Mobile Identity Management Revisited}, series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, doi = {10.1016/j.entcs.2009.07.044}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170426-31640}, pages = {125 -- 137}, abstract = {Identity management provides PET (privacy enhancing technology) tools for users to control privacy of their personal data. With the support of mobile location determination techniques based on GPS, WLAN, Bluetooth, etc., context-aware and location-aware mobile applications (e.g. restaurant finder, friend finder, indoor and outdoor navigation, etc.) have gained quite big interest in the business and IT world. Considering sensitive static personal information (e.g. name, address, phone number, etc.) and also dynamic personal information (e.g. current location, velocity in car, current status, etc.), mobile identity management is required to help mobile users to safeguard their personal data. In this paper, we evaluate certain required aspects and features (e.g. context-to-context dependence and relation, blurring in levels, trust management with p3p integration, extended privacy preferences, etc.) of mobile identity management}, subject = {Privatsph{\"a}re}, language = {en} } @article{OtholdVoss, author = {Othold, Tim and Voss, Christiane}, title = {From media anthropology to anthropomediality}, series = {Anthropological Notebooks}, journal = {Anthropological Notebooks}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3157}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170425-31573}, pages = {75 -- 82}, abstract = {Media anthropology is a new and interdisciplinary field of research with very different subjects and methods that seems to be already heavily informed by a comparatively narrow understanding of media as mass media (e.g. TV, Internet, social web, etc.). Therefore, most theories in this field, at least implicitly, employ a hierarchical and often dichotomic preconception of the two poles of media-human relations, by analysing the operationalities and ontologies of the human and the media independently from one another. This article deviates from this line of thought by advocating an expanded, symmetrical and relational understanding of the terms media and human, taking them as always already intermingled facets of a broader dynamic configuration. Starting from a consideration of the historically powerful, yet overlooked media of the so-called habitat diorama, the heuristic concept of "anthropomediality" is to be developed. Eventually, this relational approach may open up a new, interesting field for interrogation of (media-)anthropological analysis in general.}, subject = {Medien}, language = {en} } @article{MetznerSawitzky, author = {Metzner, Steffen and Sawitzky, Mareen}, title = {Priorisierung von Immobilienm{\"a}rkten mittels ELECTRE: Nutzung eines Outranking-Modells im taktischen Portfoliomanagement}, series = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Immobilien{\"o}konomie}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Immobilien{\"o}konomie}, doi = {10.1365/s41056-016-0017-y}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170425-31516}, pages = {121 -- 144}, abstract = {In Zeiten volatiler Immobilienm{\"a}rkte und einer hohen Wettbewerbsintensit{\"a}t sind leistungsf{\"a}hige Systeme der Analyse und Entscheidungsunterst{\"u}tzung unverzichtbar. Entscheidungen zu Investitionsstrategien und Einzelinvestitionen basieren zumeist auf mehreren entscheidungsrelevanten Kriterien. Unterschiedliche immobilienwirtschaftliche Entscheidungsalternativen k{\"o}nnen dabei durchaus Kriterienauspr{\"a}gungen aufweisen, die eine bestimmte Alternative nicht als stets besser bzw. stets schlechter ausweisen. Klassische finanzwirtschaftliche Modelle oder verbreitete qualitative Verfahren wie das Scoring k{\"o}nnen die gegebene Komplexit{\"a}t meist nicht angemessen ber{\"u}cksichtigen. Eine Weiterentwicklung immobilienwirtschaftlicher Entscheidungsmodelle ist durch die {\"U}bertragung und Spezifizierung multikriterieller Verfahren der Entscheidungsunterst{\"u}tzung m{\"o}glich. Speziell die Untergruppe des Outranking besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit der schrittweisen Strukturierung, Ordnung und Priorisierung von komplexen Auswahlalternativen. Als spezifische immobilienwirtschaftliche Fragestellung dient hier die Auswahl und Priorisierung von Zielm{\"a}rkten im taktischen Portfoliomanagement eines institutionellen Immobilienportfoliosmit internationaler Ausrichtung. Die Formalisierung des Entscheidungsproblems „Priorisierung von Zielm{\"a}rkten" erfolgt mit dem ELECTRE-Verfahren.}, subject = {Portfoliomanagement}, language = {de} } @article{MasoodKharalNasir, author = {Masood, R. and Kharal, M. K. N. and Nasir, A.R.}, title = {Is BIM Adoption Advantageous for Construction Industry of Pakistan?}, series = {Procedia Engineering}, journal = {Procedia Engineering}, doi = {10.1016/j.proeng.2014.07.021}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170425-31509}, pages = {229 -- 238}, abstract = {Lack of Information technology applications on construction projects lead to complex flow of data during project life cycle. Building Information Modeling (BIM) has gained attention in the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry, envisage the use of virtual n-dimensional (n-D) models to identify potential conflicts in design, construction or operational of any facility. A questionnaire has been designed to investigate perceptions regarding BIM advantages. Around 102 valid responses received from diversified stakeholders. Results showed very low BIM adoption with low level of 'Buzz'. BIM is a faster and more effective method for designing and construction management, it improves quality of the design and construction and reduces rework during construction; which came out as the top thee advantages according to the perception of AEC professionals of Pakistan.BIM has least impact on reduction of cost, time and human resources. This research is a bench mark study to understand adoption and advantageous of BIM in Pakistan Construction Industry.}, subject = {Building Information Modeling}, language = {en} }