@inproceedings{OPUS4-1367, title = {Tag des Baubetriebs 2004 - Tagungsbeitr{\"a}ge "Planungshaftung in der Bauausf{\"u}hrung"}, editor = {Professur Baubetrieb und Bauverfahren,}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.1367}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20081126-14490}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Beitr{\"a}ge zum Tag des Baubetriebs „Planungshaftung in der Bauausf{\"u}hrung" am 16 M{\"a}rz 2004 in Weimar der Professur f{\"u}r Baubetrieb und Bauverfahren an der Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar.}, subject = {Weimar / Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t / Professur Baubetrieb und Bauverfahren}, language = {de} } @article{Abdalla2004, author = {Abdalla, Jamal}, title = {Elements of an Agent-based Mediative Communication Protocol for Design Objects}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.220}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2207}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Integrated structural engineering system usually consists of large number of design objects that may be distributed across different platforms. These design objects need to communicate data and information among each other. For efficient communication among design objects a common communication protocol need to be defined. This paper presents the elements of a communication protocol that uses a mediator agent to facilitate communication among design objects. This protocol is termed the Mediative Communication Protocol (MCP). The protocol uses certain design communication performatives and the semantics of an Agent Communication language (ACL) mainly the Knowledge and Query Manipulation Language (KQML) to implement its steps. Details of a Mediator Agent, that will facilitate the communication among design objects, is presented. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used to present the Meditative protocol and show how the mediator agent can be use to execute the steps of the meditative communication protocol. An example from structural engineering application is presented to demonstrate and validate the protocol. It is concluded that the meditative protocol is a viable protocol to facilitate object-to-object communication and also has potential to facilitate communication among the different project participants at the higher level of integrated structural engineering systems.}, subject = {Mehragentensystem}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Adami2004, author = {Adami, Kay}, title = {Beitrag zur physikalisch nichtlinearen Analyse von Aussteifungssystemen mit Methoden der mathematischen Optimierung}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.78}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20040329-812}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht in der Entwicklung einer Strategie zur physikalisch nichtlinearen Analyse von Aussteifungssystemen. Der Anwendungsschwerpunkt umfasst neben dem traditionellen Aufgabenumfang zur Analyse neu zu errichtender Tragwerke gleichzeitig auch Planungsaufgaben, die mit Umbau- und Sanierungsmaßnahmen verbunden sind. Ver{\"a}nderungen, die sich w{\"a}hrend der Nutzungsgeschichte oder im Revitalisierungsprozess ergeben, werden in den Berechnungsmodellen ber{\"u}cksichtigt. In vielen F{\"a}llen ist es aus planerischer Sicht zweckm{\"a}ßig, die Nichtlinearit{\"a}t des Materialverhaltens zur Erschließung von Tragreserven in den normativen Nachweiskonzepten mit einzubeziehen. Der damit verbundene numerische Aufwand wird durch die Verwendung separater Modelle zur Erfassung des Querschnitts- und des Systemtragverhaltens begrenzt, ohne die Komplexit{\"a}t der Aufgabenstellung zu reduzieren. Aus detaillierten Querschnittsuntersuchungen der Tragw{\"a}nde werden integrale Materialbeziehungen abgeleitet, welche die Grundlage f{\"u}r die nichtlineare Tragwerksanalyse darstellen. Die Modellbildung gegliederter Aussteifungsw{\"a}nde basiert auf deren Zerlegung in ebene finite Stabsegmente, die sich durch die Diskretisierung in L{\"a}ngs- und in Querrichtung ergeben. Zus{\"a}tzlich zu den an den Stabenden angreifenden Normalkr{\"a}ften, Querkr{\"a}ften und Biegemomenten werden an den Elementl{\"a}ngsr{\"a}ndern Schubbeanspruchungen erfasst. Die physikalische Nichtlinearit{\"a}t wird durch die Einbeziehung integraler Materialbeziehungen an den Segmentr{\"a}ndern ber{\"u}cksichtigt. Die numerische Umsetzung erfolgt mit Methoden der mathematischen Optimierung. Die Leistungsf{\"a}higkeit der Berechnungsstrategie wird exemplarisch anhand von Untersuchungen an Aussteifungssystemen in Großtafelbauweise nachgewiesen.}, subject = {Stahlbeton}, language = {de} } @article{AlbertFreischladPullmann2004, author = {Albert, Andrej and Freischlad, Mark and Pullmann, Torben}, title = {Acquisition of Conceptual Design Knowledge in Structural Engineering}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.215}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2154}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Expert systems integrating fuzzy reasoning techniques represent a powerful tool to support practicing engineers during the early stages of structural design. In this context fuzzy models have proved themselves to be very suitable for the representation of complex design knowledge. However their definition is a laborious task. This paper introduces an approach for the design and the optimization of fuzzy systems based upon Genetic Programming. To keep the emerging fuzzy systems transparent a new framework for the definition of linguistic variables is also introduced.}, subject = {Mehragentensystem}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AldaCremersBilek2004, author = {Alda, Sascha and Cremers, Armin B. and Bilek, Jochen}, title = {Support of Collaborative Structural Design Processes through the Integration of Peer-to-Peer and Multiagent Architectures}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.148}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1481}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Structural engineering projects are increasingly organized in networked cooperations due to a permanently enlarged competition pressure and a high degree of complexity while performing the concurrent design activities. Software that intends to support such collaborative structural design processes implicates enormous requirements. In the course of our common research work, we analyzed the pros and cons of the application of both the peer-to-peer (University of Bonn) and multiagent architecture style (University of Bochum) within the field of collaborative structural design. In this paper, we join the benefits of both architecture styles in an integrated conceptual approach. We demonstrate the surplus value of the integrated multiagent-peer-to-peer approach by means of an example scenario in which several structural engineers are co-operatively designing the basic structural elements of an arched bridge, applying heterogeneous CAD systems.}, subject = {Ingenieurbau}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AsayamaMae2004, author = {Asayama, Shuichi and Mae, Toshifumi}, title = {Fractal Truss Structure and Automatic Form Generation Using Iterated Function System}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.104}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1046}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This paper describes a couple of new truss structures based on fractal geometry. One is the famous Sierpinski Gasket and another is a fractal triangle derived by means of applying a process forming leaves of a cedar tree using M. F. Barnsley's contraction mapping theory. Therefore a pair of x-y coordinates of an arbitrary nodal point on the structures are generated easily if IFS(Iterated Function System) codes and a scale of them are specified. Structural members are defined similarly. Thus data for frame analysis can be generated automatically, which is significant if the objective structure has complex configuration. Next analytical results under vertical and wind loadings in Japanese Building Code are shown. Here members are assumed to be timber and to have cross section of 15cm×15cm. Finally authors conclude that geometrically new truss structures were developed and automatic data generation for frame analysis was attained using IFS. Analytical results show they contribute to saving material when compared it with King-post truss.}, subject = {Konzipieren }, language = {en} } @article{AzizAnumbaMiles2004, author = {Aziz, Zeeshan and Anumba, Chimay and Miles, John}, title = {Towards a Semantic Grid Computing Platform for Disaster Management in Built Environment}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.208}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2084}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Current disaster management procedures rely primarily on heuristics which result in their strategies being very cautious and sub-optimum in terms of saving life, minimising damage and returning the building to its normal function. Also effective disaster management demands decentralized, dynamic, flexible, short term and across domain resource sharing, which is not well supported by existing distributing computing infrastructres. The paper proposes a conceptual framework for emergency management in the built environment, using Semantic Grid as an integrating platform for different technologies. The framework supports a distributed network of specialists in built environment, including structural engineers, building technologists, decision analysts etc. It brings together the necessary technology threads, including the Semantic Web (to provide a framework for shared definitions of terms, resources and relationships), Web Services (to provide dynamic discovery and integration) and Grid Computing (for enhanced computational power, high speed access, collaboration and security control) to support rapid formation of virtual teams for disaster management. The proposed framework also make an extensive use of modelling and simulation (both numerical and using visualisations), data mining (to find resources in legacy data sets) and visualisation. It also include a variety of hardware instruments with access to real time data. Furthermore the whole framework is centred on collaborative working by the virtual team. Although focus of this paper is on disaster management, many aspects of the discussed Grid and Visualisation technologies will be useful for any other forms of collaboration. Conclusions are drawn about the possible future impact on the built environment.}, subject = {Mehragentensystem}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BaitschHartmann2004, author = {Baitsch, Matthias and Hartmann, Dietrich}, title = {Object Oriented Finite Element Analysis for Structural Optimization using p-Elements}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.108}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1089}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The optimization of continuous structures requires careful attention to discretization errors. Compared to ordinary low order formulation (h-elements) in conjunction with an adaptive mesh refinement in each optimization step, the use of high order finite elements (so called p-elements) has several advantages. However, compared to the h-method a higher order finite element analysis program poses higher demands from a software engineering point of view. In this article the basics of an object oriented higher order finite element system especially tailored to the use in structural optimization is presented. Besides the design of the system, aspects related to the employed implementation language Java are discussed.}, subject = {Konzipieren }, language = {en} } @inproceedings{Bargstaedt2004, author = {Bargst{\"a}dt, Hans-Joachim}, title = {Was ist die richtige Systemantwort auf die sich atomisierende Bauwirtschaft?}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.716}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-7161}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Nur durch Auftr{\"a}ge entsteht das Potenzial, die hochwertigen und modernen Produkte, Verfahren und Systeme auch erfolgreich und vielfach in die Realit{\"a}t umzusetzen. Deshalb sind auch im traditionellen Bauwesen die Mechanismen des Marketings f{\"u}r die Akquisition zu analysieren und hinterfragt der Verfasser das Bild von Baubetrieben als kompetente Anbieter f{\"u}r alle Phasen des Bauens vom Baustoff bis zur Inbetriebnahme eines schl{\"u}sselfertigen Objektes. Systemanbieter bereiten die Basis f{\"u}r eine innovative und vernetzte Arbeitsweise.}, subject = {Baubetriebslehre}, language = {de} } @article{BargstaedtBlickling2004, author = {Bargst{\"a}dt, Hans-Joachim and Blickling, Arno}, title = {Effective cost estimate and construction processes with 3D interactive technologies: Towards a virtual world of construction sites}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.232}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2320}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The development of 3D technologies during the last decades in many different areas, leads us towards the complete 3D representation of planet earth on a high level of detail. On the lowest level we have geographical information systems (GIS) representing the outer layer of our planet as a 3D model. In the meantime these systems do not only give a geographical model but also present additional information like ownership, infrastructure and others that might be of interest for the construction business. In future these systems will serve as basis for virtual environments for planning and simulation of construction sites. In addition to this work is done on the integration of GIS systems with 3D city models in the area of urban planning and thus integration of different levels of detail. This article presents research work on the use of 3D models in construction on the next level of detail below the level of urban planning. The 3D city model is taken as basis for the 3D model of the construction site. In this virtual nD-world a contractor can organize and plan his resources, simulate different variants of construction processes and thus find out the most effective solution for the consideration of costs and time. On the basis of former researches the authors present a new approach for cost estimation and simulation using development technologies from game software.}, subject = {Produktmodell}, language = {en} } @article{BargstaedtBlicklingKath2004, author = {Bargst{\"a}dt, Hans-Joachim and Blickling, Arno and Kath, Thilo}, title = {Optimierung der Planung von Baustelleneinrichtungen mit 3-D-Technologien}, series = {Hoch- und Tiefbau 1/2-2004, S. 24-27}, journal = {Hoch- und Tiefbau 1/2-2004, S. 24-27}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.559}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-5599}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Der Einsatz von CAD-Applikationen hat die Planungsarbeit im Bauwesen entscheidend ver{\"a}ndert. In der Entwurfsplanung sind die {\"A}nderungen bereits deutlich erkennbar. Seit der Anwendung von dreidimensionalen Planungswerkzeugen kann der Bauherr das Bauwerk in seiner virtuellen Gesamtheit am Computer betrachten und bewerten. Dies bietet viele Vorteile. So ist der Planer gezwungen alle wesentlichen Details a priori exakt zu planen, wodurch viele Fehler vermieden werden k{\"o}nnen. Dies bietet insbesondere f{\"u}r Planungen in Baubetrieben, z.B. im Rahmen der Arbeitsvorbereitung, neue Einsatzm{\"o}glichkeiten.}, subject = {Weimar / Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t / Professur Baubetrieb und Bauverfahren}, language = {de} } @article{BeerFirmenichRichter2004, author = {Beer, Daniel G. and Firmenich, Berthold and Richter, Torsten}, title = {A Concept for CAD Systems with Persistent Versioned Data Models}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.204}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2046}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The synchronous distributed processing of common source code in the software development process is supported by well proven methods. The planning process has similarities with the software development process. However, there are no consistent and similarly successful methods for applications in construction projects. A new approach is proposed in this contribution.}, subject = {Produktmodell}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Berger2004, author = {Berger, Martin}, title = {Typologiebildung und Erkl{\"a}rung des Aktivit{\"a}ten-(Verkehrs-)verhaltens - ein Multimethodenansatz unter Verwendung der Optimal Matching Technik}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.203}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20041115-2108}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Vor dem Hintergrund des gesellschaftlichen Wandels sieht sich die Verkehrsforschung mit neuen Anforderungen an die Konzeption, Anpassung, Anwendung usw. von statistischen Ans{\"a}tzen zur Analyse des Aktivit{\"a}ten-(Verkehrs-)verhaltens konfrontiert, um auf Basis empirischer Daten ad{\"a}quat Zusammenh{\"a}nge der Verkehrsentstehung zu erforschen. Ausgehend von der musterorientierten Perspektive - das heißt Untersuchungsgegenstand sind chronologische Abfolgen von Ortsver{\"a}nderungen und T{\"a}tigkeiten in Form von Wege-Aktivit{\"a}tenmustern - besteht das Ziel einer m{\"o}glichst realit{\"a}tsnahen Abbildung und Erkl{\"a}rung von individuellen Unterschieden im Raum-Zeit-Verhalten. Neu bzw. kaum etabliert sind in diesem Kontext der eigens konzipierte Multimethodenansatz sowie die Optimal Matching Technik, die erweiterte Abbildungseigenschaften zur Distanzmessung zwischen Wege-Aktivit{\"a}tenmustern aufweist. Erkannt werden durch jene Methode gleiche T{\"a}tigkeiten bzw. Ortsver{\"a}nderungen, die zeitlich an unterschiedlichen Stellen der zu vergleichenden Muster angeordnet sind sowie identische Subsequenzen. Zielf{\"u}hrend in der Datenanalyse ist nachstehende Abfolge von Verfahren: Die Klassifikation von Wege-Aktivit{\"a}tenmustern zur Reduktionen deren immenser Komplexit{\"a}t gelingt durch Einsatz der Optimal Matching Technik. Diese quantifiziert (Un-){\"a}hnlichkeiten zwischen Wege-Aktivit{\"a}tenmustern („Abstandsmessung") unterschiedlicher Personen oder zu vergleichender Zeitabschnitte einer Person. Die dadurch berechnete Distanzmatrix bildet den Ausgangspunkt des clusteranalytischen Fusions-algorithmus, dessen Aufgabe die Zusammenfassung der Wege-Aktivit{\"a}tenmuster ist (explorative Stufe). Die Anwendung eines multinomialen Logit-Modells erm{\"o}glicht auf Individualebene die Vorhersage der Affinit{\"a}t zu Wege-Aktivit{\"a}tenmuster-Typen anhand von Merkmalswerten identifizierter Erkl{\"a}rungsgr{\"o}ßen der Personen, des Haushaltes usw. (induktive Stufe). Im Gegensatz zu einschl{\"a}gigen Forschungsarbeiten zeichnet sich die gew{\"a}hlte Untersuchungsstrategie durch die Objektivit{\"a}t des Vorgehens aus, da eine a-priori Bildung von Personen-kategorien nicht notwendig ist. Ebenso grenzt die Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der zuf{\"a}lligen und nicht-erkl{\"a}rbaren Verhaltensvariabilit{\"a}t durch das Wahrscheinlichkeitsprinzip des gew{\"a}hlten Logit-Modells das eigene Vorgehen von anderen Untersuchungen ab. Aufgrund der weitgehend ungekl{\"a}rten Anwendungsgrundlagen der Optimal Matching Technik befasst sich die vorliegende Arbeit zun{\"a}chst mit dessen inhaltlicher Ausrichtung am Untersuchungsgegenstand. Die Anpassung der festzulegenden Aufwandswerte, welche f{\"u}r die ben{\"o}tigten Aktionen angesetzt werden, um ein Wege-Aktivit{\"a}tenmuster in ein anderes zu transformieren, erfolgt mit Hilfe einer empirisch Absch{\"a}tzung, die weit {\"u}ber ein argumentatives Vorgehen hinausgeht. Der ermittelte Sequenzabstand inkludiert dabei die operationsspezifische Distanz bei {\"U}berg{\"a}ngen zwischen den konstituierenden Zust{\"a}nden der zu vergleichenden Wege-Aktivit{\"a}tenmuster („Zustands{\"a}hnlichkeit"). Abstandsmaß f{\"u}r die qualitativen Zust{\"a}nde ist dabei die ermittelte Priorit{\"a}t von wege- und t{\"a}tigkeitenbezogenen Handlungen. Die Relevanz einer Ausrichtung belegt auch die durchgef{\"u}hrte Sensitivit{\"a}tsanalyse: Das Ausmaß der Empfindlichkeit der Optimal Matching Technik ist insbesondere gegen{\"u}ber der Festlegung der Aufwandswerte betr{\"a}chtlich. Um die Analysepotenziale des Multimethodenansatzes zu demonstrieren, werden exemplarisch interpersonelle Unterschiede im w{\"o}chentlichen Aktivit{\"a}ten-(Verkehrs-)verhaltens (Datenbasis: deutsches Mobilit{\"a}tspanel) analysiert. Ergebnis der Klassifikation (explorative Analysestufe) ist eine auf den ersten Blick inhaltlich stichhaltige Wege-Aktivit{\"a}tenmuster-Typologie charakteristischer Wochenabl{\"a}ufe des Aktivit{\"a}ten-(Verkehrs-)verhaltens: Unterschiedliche Arten, zeitlicher Umfang und zeitliche Lage der Haupt-aktivit{\"a}ten, unterschiedliche Verkehrsverhaltensweisen sowie unterschiedliche clusterspezifische Tag zu Tag Rhythmen, Gleichf{\"o}rmigkeiten, Schwankungen usw. des Raum-Zeit-Verhaltens kennzeichnen die Wege-Aktivit{\"a}tenmuster-Typen. Die Abbildungs-eigenschaften der Optimal-Matching Technik zeichnen sich in den erstellten Clustern nur teilweise ab: W{\"a}hrend die Zustandselementkomposition - augenscheinlich betrachtet - passabel durch die Wege-Aktivit{\"a}tenmuster-Typologie abgebildet wird, bleibt ungewiss, ob und inwieweit dies f{\"u}r die Abfolge{\"a}hnlichkeit gilt. Aus dem induktiven Analyseschritt geht hervor: Alter, Geschlecht, Verf{\"u}gbarkeit einer {\"O}PNV-Zeitkarte, F{\"u}hrerscheinbesitz und mit herausragender Bedeutung der Erwerbsstatus signalisieren als maßgebende Erkl{\"a}rungsgr{\"o}ßen eine Trennwirkung. {\"U}berdies zeigt das Gesamtbild der ermittelten Wirkungsrichtungen und Effektst{\"a}rken {\"u}berzeugende Erkl{\"a}rungszusammenh{\"a}nge auf. Damit ist ein Nachweis der Praktikabilit{\"a}t des eigens konzipierten Multimethodenansatzes unter Verwendung der Optimal Matching Technik zur musterorientierten Analyse des Raum-Zeit-Verhaltens erbracht.}, subject = {Verkehrsverhalten}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{BerkhahnKinkeldeySchleinkofer2004, author = {Berkhahn, Volker and Kinkeldey, Christoph and Schleinkofer, Matthias}, title = {Re-Engineering Based on Construction Drawings - From Ground Floor Plan to Product Model}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.183}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1832}, year = {2004}, abstract = {For the management or reorganisation of existing buildings, data concerning dimensions and construction are necessary. Often these data are given exclusively by paper-based drawings and no digital data such as a computer based product model or even a CAD-model are available. In order to perform mass calculation, damage mapping or a recalculation of the structure these drawings of the building under consideration have to be analysed manually by the engineer. This is a very time-consuming job. In order to close this gap between drawings of an existing building and a digital product model an approach is presented in this paper to digitise a drawing, to build up geometric and topologic models and to recognise construction parts of the building. Finally all recognised parts are transformed into a three-dimensional geometric model which provides all necessary geometric information for the product model. During this import process the semantics of a ground floor plan has to be converted into a 3D-model.}, subject = {Architektur}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Berninger2004, author = {Berninger, Anna Maria}, title = {Mikrostrukturelle Eigenschaften von Quarz als Bestandteil sp{\"a}t reagierender, alkaliempfindlicher Zuschl{\"a}ge}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.478}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20050310-4494}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Zwischen den Jahren 1920 und 1930 kam es an der kalifornischen K{\"u}ste zu Bausch{\"a}den an Br{\"u}cken und Fahrbahnen, die sich vor allem in einer deutlichen Rissbildung {\"a}ußerten. Seither werden immer wieder Bausch{\"a}den beschrieben, deren Ursache in der Reaktion von Zuschl{\"a}gen, die „reaktive" Kiesels{\"a}ure enthalten, mit der Porenl{\"o}sung des Betons zu sehen ist. Diese Reaktion wird als Alkali-Kiesels{\"a}ure Reaktion (AKR) bezeichnet. Seit der ersten Ver{\"o}ffentlichung von Stanton {\"u}ber die „alkali-aggregate reaction" an opalhaltigen Zuschl{\"a}gen sind hunderte von Forschungsarbeiten zu diesem Thema durchgef{\"u}hrt und deren Ergebnisse ver{\"o}ffentlicht worden. Trotz eingehender Forschung seit mehr als 8o Jahren ist weder der Mechanismus der AKR vollst{\"a}ndig gekl{\"a}rt noch eine eindeutige Voraussage {\"u}ber die Gef{\"a}hrdung von Bauwerken oder Bauteilen mit potentiell AKR-empfindlichen Zuschl{\"a}gen m{\"o}glich. Das liegt vor allen Dingen daran, das es sich bei der AKR um eine Reaktion handelt, die aus einer komplexen Abfolge chemischer und physikalischer Prozesse besteht, die in ihrer Gesamtheit zu einer Sch{\"a}digung von Beton bzw. Betonbauteilen und Bauwerken f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnen. Eine geschlossene Beschreibung und Behandlung dieser Reaktion ist nicht m{\"o}glich, solange keine befriedigende Kenntnis {\"u}ber den Ablauf der einzelnen Schritte vorliegt. Dazu bedarf es grunds{\"a}tzlicher Untersuchungen der einzelnen chemischen und physikalischen Reaktionsschritte sowie einer m{\"o}glichst quantitativen Bewertung der verschiedenen Einflussfaktoren. Grunds{\"a}tzlich gibt es weltweit eine ganze Reihe von Richtlinien und Normen , die dazu verhelfen sollen, Sch{\"a}digungen an Bauwerken durch AKR zu verhindern. In Deutschland ist das momentan g{\"u}ltige Regelwerk die sogenannte Alkali-Richtlinie des deutschen Ausschusses f{\"u}r Stahlbeton (DAfStb). Sie dient zur Beurteilung von Zuschlag nach DIN 4226 [6, 7, 8] mit alkaliempfindlichen Bestandteilen. Dabei bezieht sich der Teil 2 der Richtlinie auf Zuschl{\"a}ge mit Opalsandstein, Kieselkreide und Flint aus bestimmten Gewinnungsgebieten. Hier wird eine reine Zuschlagpr{\"u}fung gefordert. Teil 3 der Richtlinie bezieht sich auf pr{\"a}kambrische Grauwacken und andere alkaliempfindliche Gesteine. Gefordert werden hier Pr{\"u}fungen der Zuschl{\"a}ge selbst sowie Pr{\"u}fung an Betonbalken und 30er W{\"u}rfeln in der Nebelkammer. F{\"u}r die meisten in der Richtlinie genannten Zuschl{\"a}ge bilden die Pr{\"u}fungen und Vorschriften eine ausreichende Sicherheit, um eine AKR zu vermeiden. Dennoch treten immer wieder Sch{\"a}den mit Zuschl{\"a}gen auf, die nach der Alkali-Richtlinie als unempfindlich eingestuft werden m{\"u}ssten. Dabei handelt es sich in der Regel um Schadensf{\"a}lle, die erst nach mehreren Jahren mit sp{\"a}t reagierenden AKR-empfindlichen Zuschl{\"a}gen auftreten. Zu diesen Zuschl{\"a}gen, die gegebenenfalls speziell im Nebelkammertest innerhalb von neun Monaten keine signifikante Dehnung (<0,6mm/m) aufweisen, geh{\"o}ren Stressquarze, Kieselkalk, Granit, Porphyr, Kieselschiefer und Grauwacke. Die vorliegende Arbeit dient speziell der Beurteilung und Einordnung von unterschiedlichen kristallinen Quarzmodifikationen sowie der Ermittlung geeigneter Untersuchungsmethoden f{\"u}r die Beurteilung der AKR-Empfindlichkeit von Quarz.}, subject = {Quarz}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Beyer2004, author = {Beyer, Hartmut}, title = {Sondervorschl{\"a}ge und Alternativen mit allen Konsequenzen}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.720}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-7207}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Der Verfasser begr{\"u}ndet zun{\"a}chst die aktive Erarbeitung von Sondervorschl{\"a}gen und Alternativen. Im zweiten Abschnitt erfolgt die inhaltliche Strukturierung der Nebenangebote. Im Folgenden werden die Probleme beim Durchsetzen der Sondervorschl{\"a}ge bei der {\"o}ffentlichen Hand und privaten Auftraggebern und als Alternative dazu das STRABAG teamconcept beschrieben. Im letzten Bereich wird die Verantwortung des Bauunternehmens unterstrichen und ein positives Res{\"u}mee gezogen.}, subject = {Baubetriebslehre}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{BiltchoukPahl2004, author = {Biltchouk, Irina and Pahl, Peter Jan}, title = {Interaction of Data Bases and Graphical Interfaces in Civil Engineering}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.163}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1636}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Applications for civil engineering tasks usually contain graphical user interfaces for the engineering processes. Persistent objects of the applications are stored to data bases. The influence of the interaction between a graphical user interface and a data base for the development of an civil engineering application is investigated in this paper. A graphic application for the linear elastic analysis of plane frames, which was previously developed with standard tools of the Java platform, is compared to a redesigned implementation using a generalized data base for persistent objects. The investigation leads to the following results : - A strict distinction between persistent and transient objects influences the class structure of an application, in particular the class structure of a graphical user interface. - The structure of an application depends on the logic for updating of references to persistent and transient graphical objects after an application is read from a file. - The complexity of the reference management can usually be handled better by just in time referencing associated with String - identifiers rather than by automated referencing associated with Name - identifiers.}, subject = {Baubetrieb}, language = {en} } @misc{Bock2004, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Bock, Sebastian}, title = {Approximation mit polynomialen L{\"o}sungen der Lam{\´e}schen Differentialgleichung}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.640}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-6409}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Grundidee der Arbeit ist es, L{\"o}sungen von Randwertaufgaben durch Linearkombinationen exakter klassischer L{\"o}sungen der Differentialgleichung zu approximieren. Die freien Koeffizienten werden dabei durch die Bestimmung der besten Approximation der Randwerte berechnet. Als Basis der Approximation werden vollst{\"a}ndige orthogonale und nahezu orthogonale Funktionensysteme verwendet. Anhand ausgew{\"a}hlter Beispiele mit Randvorgaben unterschiedlicher Glattheit wird am Beispiel der Kugel die prinzipielle Anwendbarkeit der Methode getestet und hinsichtlich der Entwicklung des Fehlers der N{\"a}herungsl{\"o}sung, der Stabilit{\"a}t des Verfahrens und des numerischen Aufwandes untersucht. Die erhaltenen Resultate geben einen begr{\"u}ndeten Anlass, die Anwendung der Methode als Bestandteil einer hybriden analytisch-numerischen Methode, insbesondere der Verkn{\"u}pfung mit der FEM, weiterzuverfolgen.}, subject = {Legendre-Funktion}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{BothKohlerGessmann2004, author = {Both, Petra von and Kohler, Niklaus and Gessmann, Robin}, title = {A virtual life cycle structured platform for building applications}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.121}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1219}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The development of a life cycle structured cooperation platform is described, which is based on an integrated process and goal-oriented project model. Furthermore the structure of a life cycle oriented object structure model and its implementation in the platform are documented. The complete conceptual model is described, which represents the basis of a lifecycle -oriented structuring of the planning object and supports the thematic classification of the object and project management data.}, subject = {Bauwerk}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BoukampAkinci2004, author = {Boukamp, Frank and Akinci, Burcu}, title = {Towards Automated Defect Detection: Object-oriented Modeling of Construction Specifications}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.131}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1315}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This paper describes an ongoing research on the representation and reasoning about construction specifications, which is part of a bigger research project that aims at developing a formalism for automating the identification of deviations and defects on construction sites. We specifically describe the requirements on product and process models and an approach for representing and reasoning about construction specifications to enable automated detection and assessment of construction deviations and defects. This research builds on the previous research on modeling design specifications and extends and elaborates concept of contexts developed in that domain. The paper provides an overview of how the construction specifications are being modele d in this research and points out future steps that need to be accomplished to develop the envisioned automated deviation and defect detection system.}, subject = {Bauwerk}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BreitKuendigHaeubi2004, author = {Breit, Manfred and K{\"u}ndig, Daniel and H{\"a}ubi, Fritz}, title = {Project oriented learning environment (POLE-Europe)}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.93}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-935}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The presented work focuses on collaboration- experiences gathered with complex design and engineering projects, using the learning platform POLE- Europe. Within the POLE environment student-teams from different universities, disciplines and cultural backgrounds are assigned to real-world projects with clearly defined design - tasks, usually to be accomplished within one semester while working in a virtual environment for most of the time. The concept of POLE and the information and collaboration technology is described.}, subject = {Bautechnik}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BrennigSanio2004, author = {Brennig, Thomas and Sanio, Hans-Peter}, title = {New Methods of Computer Aided Optimization of Investment and Operating Costs for Buildings During Their Useful Life}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.96}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-965}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Current software solutions for real estate planning, construction and use, do not model the complete life cycle of a building. Well-integrated software tools exist for the planning and construction phases. Data integrity exists throughout the planning and construction phases, but problems occur at the transition to the use-phase. At this interface, the complete data set of planning and execution gets lost. Another software deficiency is that current software solutions don't handle construction work and maintenance work equally. This is why a new software generation is demanded, which continuously covers the entire workflow process from the planning phase to the demolition of a building. New data concepts have to be developed, which allow bringing work items for construction together with work items for real estate use.}, subject = {Optimierung}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BedardMoraRivard2004, author = {B{\´e}dard, Claude and Mora, Rodrigo and Rivard, Hugues}, title = {A Framework for Computer-Aided Conceptual Design of Building Structures}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.101}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1018}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This paper describes a framework for computer-aided conceptual design of building structures that results from building architectural considerations. The central task that is carried out during conceptual design is the synthesis of the structural system. This paper proposes a methodology for the synthesis of structural solutions. Given the nature of architectural constraints, user-model interactivity is devised as the most suitable computer methodology for driving the structural synthesis process. Taking advantage of the hierarchical organization of the structural system, this research proposes a top-down approach for structural synthesis. Through hierarchical refinement, the approach lends itself to the synthesis of global and local structural solutions. The components required for implementing the proposed methodology are briefly described. The main components have been incorporated in a proof-of-concept prototype that is being tested and validated with actual buildings.}, subject = {Konzipieren }, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BuergyGarrett2004, author = {B{\"u}rgy, Christian and Garrett, James H.}, title = {Supporting Domain Experts in Determining Viable User Interface Designs for Wearable Computers Used in AEC Work Situations}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.116}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1168}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The design of mobile IT systems, especially the design of wearable computer systems, is a complex task that requires computer science knowledge, such as that related to hardware configuration and software development, in addition to knowledge of the domain in which the system is intended to be used. Particularly in the AEC sector, it is necessary that the support from mobile information technology fit the work situation at hand. Ideally, the domain expert alone can adjust the wearable computer system to achieve this fit without having to consult IT experts. In this paper, we describe a model that helps in transferring existing design knowledge from non-AEC domains to new projects in the construction area. The base for this is a model and a methodology that describes the usage scenarios of said computer systems in an application-neutral and domain-independent way. Thus, the actual design information and experience will be transferable between different applications and domains.}, subject = {Mobile Computing}, language = {en} } @article{CerovsekTurk2004, author = {Cerovsek, Tomo and Turk, Ziga}, title = {Working Together: ICT Infrastructures to Support Collaboration}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.205}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2055}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The paper summarizes a part of research carried out in ICCI project and provides a current review of ICT infrastructures supporting collaboration. It covers taxonomies, protocols, standards, components, typical subsystems as well as future trends and recommendation for two most important technologies with applications in AEC: (1) EIP (Enterprise information portal) - a single gateway to a company's information, knowledge base, and applications for all actors; (2) RTC (Real-Time Communication and Collaboration technologies) that provide means for asynchronous communication between geographically dislocated people using ICT. Proposed future developments are: orientation towards web services - with building information models, business intelligence, personalization, AEC information retrieval, p2p workspaces and grids.}, subject = {Informationstechnik}, language = {en} } @article{ChangChangHuang2004, author = {Chang, Chihyuan and Chang, Yuanchu and Huang, Shyhmeng}, title = {Application of a Agent Mechanism to the Small-scale Maintenance of School Buildings}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.216}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2165}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This paper presents an agent-based software, Virtual Administrator System (VAS) for the smallscale maintenance of school buildings. VAS is capable of handling a heavy load of routine, lowtech maintenance jobs. It assigns a different priority to each job application according to its significance and urgency, and automatically adjusts schedules for maintenance engineers when on-site supervision is needed. The system can help ease off the burden of routine small-scale maintenance work, making it more cost-effective and efficient in the overall management of school building maintenance. VAS posts jobs on the Web in a multi-media format and classified all applications into four categories: the on-call maintenance contract, the term maintenance contract, the guaranty maintenance contract, and the regular maintenance contract. It then estimates their urgency level and passes the information to maintenance engineers who will decide whether on-site inspection is needed. Based on the engineers' feedback, VAS automatically implements the scheduling for inspection as well as sends out real-time or batch notifications to contractors. All these activities are recorded in a database to allow continuous research and data mining and the analysis and diagnosis of specific jobs for followup maintenance plans.}, subject = {Mehragentensystem}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ChangwanHaasCaldas2004, author = {Changwan, Kim and Haas, Carl and Caldas, Carlos}, title = {Spatial data acquisition, integration, and modeling for real-time project life-cycle applications}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.128}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1280}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Current methods for site modeling employs expensive laser range scanners that produce dense point clouds which require hours or days of post-processing to arrive at a finished model. While these methods produce very detailed models of the scanned scene, useful for obtaining as-built drawings of existing structures, the associated computational time burden precludes the methods from being used onsite for real-time decision-making. Moreover, in many project life-cycle applications, detailed models of objects are not needed. Results of earlier research conducted by the authors demonstrated novel, highly economical methods that reduce data acquisition time and the need for computationally intensive processing. These methods enable complete local area modeling in the order of a minute, and with sufficient accuracy for applications such as advanced equipment control, simple as-built site modeling, and real-time safety monitoring for construction equipment. This paper describes a research project that is investigating novel ways of acquiring, integrating, modeling, and analyzing project site spatial data that do not rely on dense, expensive laser scanning technology and that enable scalability and robustness for real-time, field deployment. Algorithms and methods for modeling objects of simple geometric shape (geometric primitives from a limited number of range points, as well as methods provide a foundation for further development required to address more complex site situations, especially if dynamic site information (motion of personnel and equipment). Field experiments are being conducted to establish performance parameters and validation for the proposed methods and models. Initial experimental work has demonstrated the feasibility of this approach.}, subject = {Bauwerk}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ChenKongLietal.2004, author = {Chen, Zhen and Kong, Stephen and Li, Heng and Xu, Qian}, title = {Evaluating IT Applications for Innovative Construction Management}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.99}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-994}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The construction management has been under pressure to reduce operating costs and to improve productivity using innovative information technologe (IT) solutions conformed to structural characteristics, site conditions and past experiences. Given the growing emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency in construction projects, there is an imminent need to develop a formal procedure to select the best IT application for each proposed construction project and research and development (R\&D) project. As there are numerous factors that have to be considered in selecting appropriate IT in a given situation, decision-makers need to have multicriteria decision-making ability. To enable them to make the most appropriate decision in any situation, it is important that effective tools incorporating multicriteria decision-making techniques are available. In this paper, an Analytic Network Process (ANP) model is conducted for the selection of appropriate IT application for innovative construction management prior to construction or research. The paper concludes that the ANP is a viable and capable tool for conducting IT application selection in multicriteria decision-making environment.}, subject = {Bauf{\"u}hrung}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ChengLauLaw2004, author = {Cheng, Jinxing and Lau, Gloria and Law, Kincho}, title = {A simulation access language and framework for project management applications}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.156}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1567}, year = {2004}, abstract = {As computer programs become ever more complex, software development has shifted from focusing on programming towards focusing on integration. This paper describes a simulation access language (SimAL) that can be used to access and compose software applications over the Internet. Specifically, the framework is developed for the integration of tools for project management applications. The infrastructure allows users to specify and to use existing heterogeneous tools (e.g., Microsoft Project, Microsoft Excel, Primavera Project Planner, and AutoCAD) for simulation of project scenarios. This paper describes the components of the SimAL language and the implementation efforts required in the development of the SimAL framework. An illustration example bringing on-line weather forecasting service for project scheduling and management applications is provided to demonstrate the use of the simulation language and the infrastructure framework.}, subject = {Hochschulbildung}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{CheungNoruziaanLi2004, author = {Cheung, Moe M. S. and Noruziaan, Bahman and Li, W. C.}, title = {Data acquisition, processing and management systems for a Canadian bridge monitoring project}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.123}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1235}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This paper will present a number of technical aspects for one of the most elaborate instrumentation and data acquisition projects ever undertaken in Canada. Confederation Bridge, the longest bridge built over ice covered seawater has been equipped with the state of the art data acquistition devices and systems as well as data transfer networks. The Bridge has been providing a fixed surface connection between Prince Edward Island and Province of New Brunswick in Canada since its opening in 1997. The Bridge has a rather long design service life of 100 years. Because of its large size and long span length, its design is not covered by any existing codes or standards worldwide. The focus of the paper is to introduce the data acquisition, transfer, processing and management systems. The instrumentation and communications infrastructure and devices will be presented in some details along with the data processing and management systems and techniques. Teams of engineers and researchers use the collected data to verify the analysis and design assumptions and parameters as well as investigate the short-term and long-term behaviour and health of the Bridge. The collected data are also used in furthering research activities in the field of bridge engineering and in elevating our knowledge about behaviour, reliability and durability of such complex structures, their components and materials.}, subject = {Bauwerk}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ChouHsieh2004, author = {Chou, Yu-Hur and Hsieh, Shang-Hsien}, title = {Design of Partial Scoring Assessment System for Reinforcement Concrete Design Course : Development of Partial Scoring Assessment System for Reinforcement Concrete Design Course}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.90}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-905}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In the field of Civil Engineering, the content of reinforcement concrete design course (RC course) has complicated design procedures and many difficult specifications to recognize, so most of the students regard the RC course a tough course, and teachers very often find the class time insufficient. Also, teachers of the RC course usually spend a lot of time in organizing the examinations for handling tedious calculations and complicated logical reasoning. Furthermore, correcting examination papers with partial scoring takes even more time of the teacher's. Therefore, the objective of this research is to design and develop a partial scoring assessment system to meet the needs in engineering design courses, such as the RC course. This assessment system can generate test items with variable parameters. It also supports inference diagnosis on the examinee's misconceptions and gives partial scores in grading the examination. In this research, the example test subject is the analysis of rectangular reinforced concrete beam with single layer steel bars.}, subject = {Bautechnik}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DonathTonn2004, author = {Donath, Dirk and Tonn, Christian}, title = {Plausibility in Architectural Design - Software Support for the Architect-oriented Design of Colour Schemes for Interiors and Buildings}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.149}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1498}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The approach discussed here is part of research into an overall concept for digital instruments which support the entire planning process and help in enabling planning decisions to be based upon clear reasoning and plausible arguments. Such specialist systems must take into account currently available technology, such as networked working patterns, object-orientation, building and product models as well as the working method of the planner. The paper describes a plausibility instrument for the formulation of colour scheme proposals for building interiors and elevations. With the help of intuitively usable light simulations, colour, material and spatial concepts can be assessed realistically. The software prototype "Coloured Architecture" is conceived as a professional extension to conventional design tools for the modelling of buildings. As such it can be used by the architect in the earliest design phases of the planning process as well as for colour implementation on location.}, subject = {CAD / Architektur}, language = {en} } @article{ElRayesHyari2004, author = {El-Rayes, Khaled and Hyari, Khalied}, title = {A Multi-objective Model for Optimizing Construction Planning of Repetitive Infrastructure Projects}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.213}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2135}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This paper presents the development of a model for optimizing resource utilization in repetitive infrastructure projects. The model provides the capability of simultaneous minimization of both project duration and work interruptions for construction crews. The model provides in a single run, a set of nondominated solutions that represent the tradeoff between these two objectives. The model incorporates a multiobjective genetic algorithm and scheduling algorithm. The model initially generates a randomly selected set of solutions that evolves to a near optimal set of tradeoff solutions in subsequent generations. Each solution represents a unique scheduling solution that is associated with certain project duration and a number of interruption days for utilized construction crews. As such, the model provides project planners with alternative schedules along with their expected duration and resource utilization efficiency.}, subject = {Mehragentensystem}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{ElRayesKandil2004, author = {El-Rayes, Khaled and Kandil, Amr}, title = {Distributed Computing for the Optimization of Large-Scale Construction Projects}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.160}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1601}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Available construction time-cost trade-off analysis models can be used to generate trade-offs between these two important objectives, however, their application is limited in large-scale construction projects due to their impractical computational requirements. This paper presents the development of a scalable and multi-objective genetic algorithm that provides the capability of simultaneously optimizing construction time and cost large-scale construction projects. The genetic algorithm was implemented in a distributed computing environment that utilizes a recent standard for parallel and distributed programming called the message passing interface (MPI). The performance of the model is evaluated using a set of measures of performance and the results demonstrate the capability of the present model in significantly reducing the computational time required to optimize large-scale construction projects.}, subject = {Baubetrieb}, language = {en} } @article{Erlemann2004, author = {Erlemann, Kai}, title = {BABSIM - An object-oriented software framework for microscopic simulation of freeway traffic}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.260}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2601}, year = {2004}, abstract = {A wide variety of behavioural models exist in microscopic traffic simulation. Commercial programms often use closed-source policies and are confined to their respective simulation platforms. Open-source approaches mainly focus on distinctive, highly specialized traffic situations. In the scope of this paper, an open-source framework for developing modular, objectoriented simulation systems is presented, capable of simultaneously accommodating different driving models and enabling the user to modify and extend the catalogue of driving behaviours. The existing driving behaviours and the computational implementation of the simulation are being described.}, subject = {Framework }, language = {en} } @inproceedings{EslimyIsfahanyPegels2004, author = {Eslimy-Isfahany, S. H. R. and Pegels, Georg}, title = {Net-distributed Co-operation Including Developing Countries, Practical Case Study - Iran}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.142}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1421}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The scientific transfer of key technology features to developing countries, together with adequate competence, localisation and adaptation, is the primary purpose of the proposed investigation. It is evident that introducing high-level CAD design and detailing will improve the planning process in developing countries. Successful utilization of applied information technology for the planning process, however, depends on the user-interface of individual software. Therefore, to open the great opportunity embedded in CAD software for clients globally, the language and character-set barrier of traditional user-interfaces must be overcome. A proposal for a research program is given here to address such issue in favour of global civil engineering.}, subject = {Ingenieurbau}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FahrigNachtweyGellert2004, author = {Fahrig, Torsten and Nachtwey, Bj{\"o}rn and Gellert, Sebastian}, title = {A Product Model based Approach to Interactive CAE Design Optimization}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.190}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1901}, year = {2004}, abstract = {We present a software prototype for fluid flow problems in civil engineering, which combines essential features of Computational Steering approaches with efficient methods for model transfer and high performance computing. The main components of the system are described: - The modeler with a focus on the data management of the product model - The pre-processing and the post-processing toolkit - The simulation kernel based on the Lattice Boltzmann method - The required hardware for real-time computing}, subject = {Produktmodell}, language = {en} } @article{Fink2004, author = {Fink, Thomas}, title = {Structural analysis, design and detailing using standard CAD software and standard building information model}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.270}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2702}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This paper describes the concept of a german commercial software package developed for the needs of structural engineers. Using a standard CAD software as user interface for all geometrical data and to save all important input data, there is a natural link to upcoming building information models.}, subject = {Bauindustrie}, language = {en} } @article{Firmenich2004, author = {Firmenich, Berthold}, title = {Product Models in Network Based Co-operation in Structural Engineering}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.211}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2119}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The Priority Programme 'Network Based Co-operation in Structural Engineering' of the 'German Research Foundation' (DFG) has been established in the year 2000. This paper describes and discusses the main research directions and first results of the workgroup 'Distributed Product Models'. The five projects of the workgroup have developed completely different solutions for specific application domains. Each solution concept deals with a consistent product modeling and knowledge processing in a distributed environment in the planning process. The individual solution approaches of the projects are described and the underlying basic assumptions are discussed. A unified system architecture is described for all projects of the workgroup. Two different approaches (object-oriented and graph-based models) have been introduced for product and knowledge modeling. The common structure of these models will be explained to fully understand the differences of these modeling approaches. Finally the concepts for co-operative work and conflict management in a distributed environment are described: The solution approaches will be distinguished by classifying the supported co-operation according to time. A final scientific summary describes the state-of-the-art in network based co-operation in structural engineering: The role of research directions like knowledge modeling, standard product modeling and versioning in the distributed planning process will be explained.}, subject = {Produktmodell}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FloodIssaAbuShdid2004, author = {Flood, Ian and Issa, Raja and Abu-Shdid, Caesar}, title = {Developments in Hyper Real-Time Simulation of Transient Heat-Flow in Buildings}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.196}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1961}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This paper reports on the latest results in the development of a new approach for simulating the thermal behavior of buildings that overcomes the limitations of conventional heat-transfer simulation methods such as FDM and FEM. The proposed technique uses a coarse-grain approach to model development whereby each element represents a complete building component such as a wall, internal space, or floor. The thermal behavior of each coarse-grain element is captured using empirical modeling techniques such as artificial neural networks (ANNs). The main advantages of the approach compared to conventional simulation methods are: (a) simplified model construction for the end-user; (b) simplified model reconfiguration; (c) significantly faster simulation runs (orders of magnitude faster for two and three-dimensional models); and (d) potentially more accurate results. The paper demonstrates the viability of the approach through a number of experiments with a model of a composite wall. The approach is shown to be able to sustain highly accurate longterm simulation runs, if the coarse-grain modeling elements are implemented as ANNs. In contrast, an implementation of the coarse-grain elements using a linear model is shown to function inaccurately and erratically. The paper concludes with an identification of on-going work and future areas for development of the technique.}, subject = {Hochschulbildung}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FreundtBeucke2004, author = {Freundt, Martin and Beucke, Karl}, title = {A flexible model for scheduling building processes based on graph theory and fuzzy numbers}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.158}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1587}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The methods currently used for scheduling building processes have some major advantages as well as disadvantages. The main advantages are the arrangement of the tasks of a project in a clear, easily readable form and the calculation of valuable information like critical paths. The main disadvantage on the other hand is the inflexibility of the model caused by the modeling paradigms. Small changes of the modeled information strongly influence the whole model and lead to the need to change many more details in the plan. In this article an approach is introduced allowing the creation of more flexible schedules. It aims towards a more robust model that lowers the need to change more than a few information while being able to calculate the important propositions of the known models and leading to further valuable conclusions.}, subject = {Baubetrieb}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FruchterChao2004, author = {Fruchter, Renate and Chao, Yunn Chyi}, title = {AEC Global Teamwork: Emergent Work Processes}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.191}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1912}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This ethnographic study reports on emerging work processes and practices observed in the AEC (Architecture/Engineering/Construction) Global Teamwork program, i.e., what people experience when interacting with and through collaboration technologies, why people practice in the way they do, how the practice fits into the environment and changes the work patterns. It presents the experience of two high-performance typical but extreme AEC teamwork cases adopting and adapting to collaboration technologies and how these technologies in practice impact their work processes. The findings illustrate the importance of collaboration technologies in cross-disciplinary, global teamwork. Observations indicate that high performance teams that use the collaboration technologies effectively exhibit collaboration readiness at an early stage and manage to define a "third way" to meet the demands of the cross-disciplinary, multi cultural and geographically distributed AEC workspace. The observations and implications represent the blueprint for yearly innovations and improvements to the design of the AEC Global Teamwork program.}, subject = {Hochschulbildung}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FruchterDemianSaxena2004, author = {Fruchter, Renate and Demian, Peter and Saxena, Kushagra}, title = {Discovery of Re-usable Architecture/Engineering Construction Knowledge Trough Exploration of a Corporate Memory : Chance Discovery of Reusable AEC Knowledge from a Corporate Memory}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.193}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1932}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Re-using knowledge in architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) firms can lead to greater competitive advantage, improved designs, and more effective management of constructed facilities. This paper discusses the importance of exploration and discovery of reusable knowledge from a corporate archive as opposed to simple search and retrieval. We describe and illustrate through a scenario of use an exploration framework and prototype, CoMemTM that formalizes the added value of exploration in the process of knowledge reuse. We discuss two exploration activities: (i) Breadth- Only overview exploration that assist a user to rapidly localize pockets of re-usable knowledge from the large corporate archive and (ii) Iterative breadth-depth exploration that enables a user to identify those re-usable components of the Corporate Memory that may yield design issues that were not originally considered.}, subject = {Hochschulbildung}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{FruchterSaxenaBreidenthal2004, author = {Fruchter, Renate and Saxena, Kushagra and Breidenthal, Matt}, title = {Collaborative Exploration of Rich Content in Support of Knowledge Re-use}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.195}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1952}, year = {2004}, abstract = {A/E/C Team members, while collaborating on building projects, rely on past experiences and content through the use of project design archives (whether in paper or digital format). This leads to underutilization of potential knowledge, as decision-making of data, information, and knowledge reuse is limited by access to these archives, due to sheer size and inconvenient presentation. This paper presents an integrated solution that leverages two technologies CoMem (Corporate Memory) and iRoom (interactive Room) developed at Stanford. This addresses critical limitations, i.e., content, context, visualization and interactivity, constraining the process of collaborative exploration towards knowledge reuse and decision-making.}, subject = {Hochschulbildung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{FuellsackKoeditz2004, author = {F{\"u}llsack-K{\"o}ditz, Raimo}, title = {Verbundverhalten von GFK-Bewehrungsst{\"a}ben und Rissentwicklung in GFK-stabbewehrten Betonbauteilen}, isbn = {3-86068-240-7}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.227}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20041206-2344}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden im Rahmen von Ausziehversuchen die Verbundeigenschaften verschiedener Bewehrungsst{\"a}be aus glasfaserverst{\"a}rkten Kunststoffen (GFK) unter Ber{\"u}cksichti-gung signifikanter Einflussgr{\"o}ßen auf das Verbundverhalten wie Oberfl{\"a}chenprofilierung der St{\"a}be, Stabdurchmesser, Betonfestigkeit, Verbundl{\"a}nge sowie Beanspruchungsart unter einheitlichen Versuchsrandbedingungen bestimmt. Es erfolgt eine Bewertung der Einflussgr{\"o}ßen, der Verbundeigenschaften und des Verbundversagens der untersuchten GFK-Bewehrungsst{\"a}be. Basierend auf der Modellbildung zum Verbund zwischen GFK-St{\"a}ben und Beton wird die Bestimmung der Verankerungsl{\"a}nge aufgezeigt. Im Rahmen von Versuchen an GFK-stabbewehrten Dehnk{\"o}rpern und Balken wird die Auswirkung der spezifischen mechanischen Eigenschaften der GFK-St{\"a}be auf die Rissentwicklung gegen{\"u}ber stahlbewehrten Bauteilen untersucht. Insbesondere wird betrachtet, welchen Einfluss das Bewehrungsmaterial, der Bewehrungsgrad, die Betonfestigkeit sowie die Belastungsart auf die Mitwirkung des Betons auf Zug zwischen den Rissen sowie auf die Entwicklung des Rissbildes, der Rissbreiten und der Rissabst{\"a}nde haben. Auf Grundlage der experimentellen Untersuchungen wird die {\"U}bertragbarkeit der f{\"u}r Stahlbetonbauteile {\"u}blichen Ans{\"a}tze zur Bestimmung der Rissbreite auf GFK-stabbewehrte Betonbauteile bewertet.}, subject = {Verbundverhalten}, language = {de} } @article{GalffyWellmannJelicHartmann2004, author = {Galffy, Mozes and Wellmann Jelic, Andres and Hartmann, Dietrich}, title = {Lifetime-oriented modelling of vortex-induced across-wind vibrations on bridge tie rods}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.253}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2536}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The influence of vortex-induces vibrations on vertical tie rods has been proved as a determinant load factor in the lifetime-oriented dimensioning of arched steel bridges. Particularly, the welded connection plates between the suspenders and the arches often exhibit cracks induced primarily rods. In this context, the synchronization of the vortex-shedding to the rod motion in a critical wind velocity range, the so-called lock-in effect, is of essential interest.}, subject = {Finite-Elemente-Methode}, language = {en} } @article{GaoWuRen2004, author = {Gao, Zuoren and Wu, Weiyu and Ren, Aizhu}, title = {Physically Based Modeling and Multi-Physical Simulation System for Wood Structure Fire Performance}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.238}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-2381}, year = {2004}, abstract = {This research is devoted to promoting the performance-based engineering in wood structure fire. It looks into the characteristic of the material, structural composing and collapse detecting to find out the main factors in the wood structure collapse in fire. The aim of the research is to provide an automatic simulation platform for the complicated circulation. A physically based model for slim member for beams and columns and a frame of multi-physical simulation are provided to implement the system. The physically based model contains material model, structural mechanics model, material mechanics model, as well as geometry model for the compositive simulation. The multi-physical simulation is built on the model and has the capacity to carry out a simulation combining structural, fire (thermal, CFD) and material degradation simulation. The structural and fire simulation rely on two sophisticated software respectively, ANSYS (an FEA software) and FDS (with a core of CFD). Researchers of the paper develop system by themselves to combine the two existing ones. The system has the capability to calculate the wood char to find out the loss of cross-section and to detect the collapse caused in different ways. The paper gives a sample of Chinese traditional house to show how this simulation system works.}, subject = {Produktmodell}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GarrettAkinciWang2004, author = {Garrett, James H. and Akinci, Burcu and Wang, Hongjun}, title = {Towards Domain-Oriented Semi-Automated Model Matching for Supporting Data Exchange}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.132}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1324}, year = {2004}, abstract = {The process of matching data represented in two different data models is a longstanding issue in the exchange of data between different software systems. While the traditional manual matching approach cannot meet today's demands on data exchange, research shows that a fully automated generic approach for model matching is not likely, and generic semi-automated approaches are not easy to implement. In this paper, we present an approach that focuses on matching data models in a specific domain. The approach combines a basic model matching approach and a version matching approach to deduce new matching rules to enable data transfer between two evolving data models.}, subject = {Bauwerk}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GebbekenBaumhauerIonita2004, author = {Gebbeken, Norbert and Baumhauer, Andreas and Ionita, Mihai}, title = {Increasing the Reliability and Performance through Automatization and Parallel Working}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.139}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-1397}, year = {2004}, abstract = {Re-examination of the behaviour of structures can be necessary due to deterioration or changes in the traffic situation during their lifetime. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is widely used in order to accomplish numerical analysis. Considering the development of computer performance, more detailed FEM models can be analyzed, even on site, with mobile computers. To compensate the increasing amount of data needed for the model input, measures need to be taken to save time, by distributing the work. In order to provide consistency to the model, fedback data must be checked upon reception. A local wireless computer network of ultra-portable devices linked together with a computer can provide the coordination necessary for efficient parallel working. Based on a digital model consisting of all data gathered, structural modelling and numerical analysis are performed automatically. Thus, the user is released from the work that can be automatized and the time needed for the overall analysis of a structure is decreased.}, subject = {Ingenieurbau}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GebbekenPfeifferVidekhina2004, author = {Gebbeken, Norbert and Pfeiffer, Eberhard and Videkhina, Inna}, title = {Modules for the education of civil engineers and the management of expert knowledge}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.91}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-918}, year = {2004}, abstract = {In the focus of the Bologna-contract of the European secretaries of education the universities are invited to aim a unification and comparability of certificates and to offer compatible and cooperative models of education. Among existing lectures in the Internet there will arise a new competition between the universities in netbased teaching and learning environments. For the use of distributed sources of information and for the possibility to generate free configurable sequences of education modules you need management systems which are able to handle different formats of documents and to assemble it to consistent and valid lessons. Beside elementar viewing-functions, fusion of information also administrative tasks are needed, e.g. automated efficiency controls, adaptive learning surroundings. This paper attends to three aspects: - netbased teaching and learning in the area of the instruction of civil engineers - netbased information assembling and fusion of knowledge bases to higher level documents - netbased learning with international coordinated projects}, subject = {Bautechnik}, language = {en} }