@phdthesis{Michel, author = {Michel, Ralf}, title = {Licht - Farbe - Licht : Zur Integration von Design und Technik in der Designforschung mit Licht und Farbe}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3794}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20180921-37941}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {224}, abstract = {Die Thesis untersucht am Beispiel von Farb-Licht Forschungen (Interaktion dynamischen Lichts mit farbigen Oberfl{\"a}chen) und der Designforschungen am Potenzial der organisch Licht emittierenden Dioden (OLED) integrierende Aspekte des Designs im Kontext dieser Technologien. Des weiteren reflektiert die Thesis am Beispiel dieser Designforschungen das Verh{\"a}ltnis von Designforschung und Innovation f{\"u}r die gestalterischen Disziplinen.}, subject = {Design}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Shakir, author = {Shakir, Masooma Mohib}, title = {Reconstructing the Sufi Shrine as a Living Heritage: Case of the Shrine of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai, Sindh, Pakistan}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3770}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20180719-37708}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, abstract = {Living heritage sites are strongly connected to their historical, geographical, socio-political and cultural context. A descriptive narrative of the evolutionary process of the living heritage site of a Sufi shrine is undertaken in this research. It focuses on the changing relationship between the spatial and socio-cultural aspects over time. The larger or macro regional context is interrelated to the micro architectural context. The tangible heritage is defined by and intimately tied to the intangible aspects of the heritage. It is these constituting macro and micro elements and their interrelationships particularly through space and architecture that the research thesis explores in its documentation and analysis. The Sufi shrine in the South Asian Pakistani context is representative of a larger culture in the precolonial era. It is an expression of an indigenous modernity, belonging to a certain time period, place and community. The Sufi shrine as a building type has evolved from the precolonial time period, particularly starting at the golden ages of the Muslim Empire in the world (9th - 12th century), through the colonial age when western modernity arrived until the current neoliberal paradigm within the post independence period. Continued and evolved use of space, ritualistic performances, multiple social groups using the site are various elements whose documentation and analysis can establish the essential co-relations that contribute to continuity of its historical living. Physical and social relation of the historic site to its immediate settlement context is also a significant element that preserves the socio-cultural context. The chosen case of the Shrine of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai, situated in the small town of Bhitshah in the province of Sindh, Pakistan forms a unique example where the particular physical and socio-cultural environment forms the context within which the Sufi heritage lives and survives. It is well integrated within its context at multiple levels. What are these levels and how do the constituting elements integrate is a major subject of research? These form the background to defining some of the basic issues and questions addressed in this doctoral thesis. Given that living heritage sites are unique due to their particular association to the context, the case study method was used to gain deeper insight and understanding on the topic.}, subject = {Kulturerbe}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Boccolini, author = {Boccolini, Sara}, title = {La microdensificaci{\´o}n emergente de los barrios pericentrales de C{\´o}rdoba, Argentina. Una alternativa sostenible y eficiente para la revitalizaci{\´o}n de la ciudad construida}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3745}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20180427-37459}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, abstract = {C{\´o}rdoba es la segunda ciudad m{\´a}s poblada de la Argentina, y posee el ejido municipal m{\´a}s extenso del pa{\´i}s, siendo un importante centro industrial y de servicios del centro del pa{\´i}s. Es adem{\´a}s la cabecera de la segunda regi{\´o}n metropolitana argentina, el {\´A}rea Metropolitana de C{\´o}rdoba (AMCBA). Si bien el desarrollo de sus {\´a}reas centrales y periurbanas es un tema bastante desarrollado acad{\´e}micamente, actualmente hay un vac{\´i}o de conocimiento en la situaci{\´o}n actual de las {\´a}reas pericentrales e intermedias de esta ciudad -aun cuando ocupan m{\´a}s del 30\% del {\´a}rea urbanizada y donde habita la mayor parte de su poblaci{\´o}n-. Es en estas {\´a}reas donde se ubica el objeto de estudio de esta tesis: los barrios pericentrales que forman un anillo alrededor del {\´a}rea central. Originados como extensiones suburbanas alrededor de 1940, y consolidados como barrios residenciales de clase media y media alta de baja densidad antes de 1970, ocupan lo que son hoy algunas de las {\´a}reas con mejor calidad ambiental y urbana de la ciudad. Los barrios pericentrales son considerados generalmente consolidados y estables; sin embargo, analizados en detalle, muestran complejas transformaciones: un vaciamiento poblacional constante, a pesar del crecimiento demogr{\´a}fico en general de C{\´o}rdoba y el AMCBA; aumento de inmuebles abandonados; y a diferencia de sectores en una similar posici{\´o}n, no son objeto de grandes inversiones inmobiliarias de renovaci{\´o}n urbana. Esta situaci{\´o}n es invisibilizada, en parte por ser resultado de procesos con poco impacto relativo en la ciudad, y en parte porque estos procesos no est{\´a}n contemplados por los modelos urbanos locales vigentes -basados en la teor{\´i}a racionalista y determinista de principios del siglo XX-, que conceptualizan a los barrios pericentrales como una "panacea urbana". Esta tesis puso en disputa estos modelos, partiendo de la discusi{\´o}n sobre un fen{\´o}meno informal detectado indefectiblemente (aunque no exclusivamente) en estos barrios pericentrales: la microdensificaci{\´o}n emergente. La imposibilidad de colocar los inmuebles existentes en el mercado hace que los propietarios busquen nuevas formas de valorizar sus propiedades, de facilitar el acceso a la vivienda a sus hijos o de invertir sus ahorros de forma segura, obteniendo una fuente adicional de ingresos: en cada parcela edificada se aumenta la cantidad de unidades funcionales, aprovechando la superficie construible vacante o refuncionalizando las construcciones obsoletas, aunque manteniendo el grano y la escala de intervenci{\´o}n respecto al tejido existente. La oferta de h{\´a}bitat en estos barrios se diversifica, y no s{\´o}lo evita la expulsi{\´o}n de poblaci{\´o}n, sino que tambi{\´e}n atrae a nuevos habitantes. Adem{\´a}s, en un tejido originalmente s{\´o}lo residencial, incorpora actividades de comercio y servicios que enriquecen el tejido funcional. El proceso se realiza sin planificaci{\´o}n general (y por supuesto fuera del marco legal): es la suma de acciones individuales que se reconstruyen como una "tendencia" o "patr{\´o}n emergente", revitalizando el tejido urbano de forma sutil pero definitiva. Se plante{\´o} como hip{\´o}tesis que la microdensificaci{\´o}n emergente es un proceso de revitalizaci{\´o}n que aprovecha el potencial del tejido de estos barrios de forma m{\´a}s sostenible y eficiente que el modelo impuesto formalmente. 10 La tesis se encuadr{\´o} bajo el enfoque sist{\´e}mico de la complejidad. Este enfoque entiende a la ciudad como un sistema complejo y din{\´a}mico, en desarrollo constante; determinado m{\´a}s por las interrelaciones entre sus componentes y entre esos componentes y el contexto, que por las condiciones de cada elemento individualmente. La calidad y cantidad de estas interacciones es primordial, al punto de definir la condici{\´o}n urbana de una aglomeraci{\´o}n. Seg{\´u}n estas premisas, un sistema urbano sostenible y eficiente ser{\´a} aquel que, maximizando recursos materiales y humanos (y de acuerdo a la capacidad de carga del sistema) desarrolle de redes de intercambio m{\´u}ltiples, diversas y descentralizadas, que generen procesos de sinergia y desarrollo inclusivos. La investigaci{\´o}n se estructur{\´o} entonces de forma tal de responder las siguientes preguntas: • En primer lugar, ?'cu{\´a}les son las condiciones espec{\´i}ficas que catalizan la microdensificaci{\´o}n en los barrios pericentrales de C{\´o}rdoba? • Siendo la microdensificaci{\´o}n una respuesta a una situaci{\´o}n particular dentro del sistema urbano, ?'Cu{\´a}l es el grado de sostenibilidad y eficiencia que aporta a los barrios pericentrales (en particular) y a C{\´o}rdoba (en general)? • Y tras haber identificado su impacto en la estructura urbana, su potencial transformador y organizativo, ?'puede el estudio de los procesos emergentes hacer un aporte conceptual e instrumental a los modelos locales de planeamiento urbano? Primeramente, un an{\´a}lisis documental reconstruy{\´o} la condici{\´o}n espec{\´i}fica de los barrios pericentrales, y el escenario actual de C{\´o}rdoba con respecto a la producci{\´o}n y acceso al h{\´a}bitat urbano. Luego se infiri{\´o} un escenario tendencial a corto y mediano plazo, que sirvi{\´o} para definir distintos patrones de territorializaci{\´o}n, incluyendo el patr{\´o}n "formal" de los barrios pericentrales. Se continu{\´o} con el an{\´a}lisis espec{\´i}fico de la microdensificaci{\´o}n, proponiendo un escenario posible a mediano plazo donde el patr{\´o}n de microdensificaci{\´o}n ha sido plenamente desarrollado, transformando cuali y cuantitativamente el tejido espacio-funcional y socioecon{\´o}mico. A partir de estos resultados, se realiz{\´o} un an{\´a}lisis comparativo de los distintos patrones de desarrollo urbano de C{\´o}rdoba en cuanto a su sostenibilidad y eficiencia. Se demostr{\´o} que el patr{\´o}n de microdensificaci{\´o}n en los barrios pericentrales es mucho m{\´a}s sostenible y eficiente que los patrones formales existentes, y se abri{\´o} la discusi{\´o}n que se desarrolla en la {\´u}ltima parte de esta tesis: El argumento desarrollado en esta investigaci{\´o}n y los resultados que de {\´e}l se desprenden tienen un car{\´a}cter anal{\´i}tico y explicativo {\´u}til para el an{\´a}lisis de otros escenarios en el contexto urbano argentino y latinoamericano. En primer lugar, sobre preferir la revitalizaci{\´o}n progresiva frente a la renovaci{\´o}n total o la creaci{\´o}n de nuevo suelo urbano en la periferia; promover una ciudad compacta, diversa e inclusiva tanto social como funcionalmente; basada en la multiplicaci{\´o}n y diversificaci{\´o}n de los agentes productores de ciudad; que considera estos procesos, as{\´i} como los mecanismos de empoderamiento, participaci{\´o}n y gobernanza como instrumentos para lograr mayor sostenibilidad y eficiencia en el desarrollo urbano. Por otro lado, esta tesis puso en relevancia el rol de los procesos emergentes en un sistema urbano como mecanismo vital para generar esta revitalizaci{\´o}n. Finalmente, se discute el aporte del enfoque sist{\´e}mico para comprender, explicar y proponer intervenciones a la disciplina.}, subject = {Stadtsanierung}, language = {es} } @article{BumbergerMaiSchmidtetal., author = {Bumberger, Jan and Mai, Juliane and Schmidt, Felix and L{\"u}nenschloß, Peter and Wagner, Norman and T{\"o}pfer, Hannes}, title = {Spatial Retrieval of Broadband Dielectric Spectra}, series = {Sensors}, journal = {Sensors}, doi = {10.3390/s18092780}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20180906-37831}, pages = {1 -- 22}, abstract = {A broadband soil dielectric spectra retrieval approach ( 1 MHz- 2 GHz) has been implemented for a layered half space. The inversion kernel consists of a two-port transmission line forward model in the frequency domain and a constitutive material equation based on a power law soil mixture rule (Complex Refractive Index Model - CRIM). The spatially-distributed retrieval of broadband dielectric spectra was achieved with a global optimization approach based on a Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE) algorithm using the full set of the scattering parameters. For each layer, the broadband dielectric spectra were retrieved with the corresponding parameters thickness, porosity, water saturation and electrical conductivity of the aqueous pore solution. For the validation of the approach, a coaxial transmission line cell measured with a network analyzer was used. The possibilities and limitations of the inverse parameter estimation were numerically analyzed in four scenarios. Expected and retrieved layer thicknesses, soil properties and broadband dielectric spectra in each scenario were in reasonable agreement. Hence, the model is suitable for an estimation of in-homogeneous material parameter distributions. Moreover, the proposed frequency domain approach allows an automatic adaptation of layer number and thickness or regular grids in time and/or space.}, subject = {Theoretische Elektrotechnik}, language = {en} } @misc{OPUS4-6373, title = {Bewertung der Sozialrendite von Can Batll{\´o}}, organization = {Stadtverwaltung Barcelona / Referat Partizipation und Bezirke - Abteilung Aktive Demokratie}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.6373}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230523-63738}, pages = {27}, abstract = {Die folgende Studie misst in wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht den sozialen Wert und die Sozialrendite, die auf einem Teil des Fabrikgel{\"a}ndes von Can Batll{\´o} von 2011 bis heute entstanden sind. Um die Beitr{\"a}ge der Nachbarschaftsgemeinschaft in wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht zu messen, wurde eine doppelte Sch{\"a}tzmethode angewandt. Zum einen wurden die Beitr{\"a}ge der ehrenamtlichen Personen von Can Batll{\´o} in den Bereichen Verwaltung und Unterhaltung, Reinigung, Bau und Durchf{\"u}hrung von Aktivit{\"a}ten quantifiziert und bewertet. Zum anderen wurde der Wert von Can Batll{\´o} berechnet, indem ein Vergleich mit den Kosten angestellt wurde, die entstanden w{\"a}ren, wenn der Bau von R{\"a}umen und die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen auf Basis der Referenzpreise der jeweiligen Dienstleistung durch die Stadt erfolgt w{\"a}ren. Diese wirtschaftliche Bewertung der Sozialrendite wird durch die Gemeinwohlbilanz erg{\"a}nzt, die von der Organisation erstellt wird.}, subject = {Gemeinwohl}, language = {de} } @masterthesis{Geldbach2018, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Geldbach, Luisa}, title = {Lebenswelten gefl{\"u}chteter Frauen in Weimar. Eine explorative Untersuchung zur Wahrnehmung und Nutzung st{\"a}dtischer R{\"a}ume durch weibliche Gefl{\"u}chtete}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3879}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20190423-38792}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {100}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Sp{\"a}testens seit dem Herbst 2015, als fluchtbedingte Migration nach Europa und Deutschland sich immens verst{\"a}rkte, ist das Thema Flucht im {\"o}ffentlichen Diskurs omnipr{\"a}sent. Auch in der Forschung findet die Thematik in den letzten Jahren wieder mehr Beachtung. Wenig betrachtet wird bisher jedoch die Schnittstelle von Stadt- und Migrationsforschung, insbesondere in Bezug auf den {\"o}ffentlichen Raum und geschlechtsspezifische Eigenheiten, die dabei zum Tragen kommen. An dieser Stelle kn{\"u}pft die Arbeit an und versucht sich der Thematik {\"u}ber die Frage „Wie nutzen gefl{\"u}chtete Frauen {\"o}ffentliche R{\"a}ume in der Stadt und wie nehmen sie diese wahr?" anzun{\"a}hern. Daf{\"u}r wird zun{\"a}chst aus soziologischer und raumtheoretischer Perspektive der Einfluss von Machtmechanismen, weiblicher Identit{\"a}t und Migrations- bzw. Fluchthintergrund auf die Wahrnehmung und Nutzung von Raum betrachtet. Anschließend wird mit Hilfe von qualitativen Expertinnen-Interviews sowie in Zusammenarbeit mit gefl{\"u}chteten Frauen unter Anwendung der Methode der Mental-Maps und deren Auswertung am Beispiel von Weimar untersucht, welchen Stellenwert {\"o}ffentlicher Raum im Alltag der Frauen einnimmt und wie dieser perzipiert wird. Hierbei stellt sich heraus, dass {\"o}ffentliche R{\"a}ume f{\"u}r die betrachtete Zielgruppe keine wesentliche Bedeutung haben und ihr Fokus vielmehr auf halbprivaten institutionalisierten Räumen liegt. Inwieweit dies eine Besonderheit f{\"u}r die Gruppe gefl{\"u}chteter Frauen darstellt, k{\"o}nnte im Abgleich mit anderen Zielgruppen in weiteren Untersuchungen betrachtet werden.}, subject = {Flucht}, language = {de} } @unpublished{SteinerBourinetLahmer, author = {Steiner, Maria and Bourinet, Jean-Marc and Lahmer, Tom}, title = {An adaptive sampling method for global sensitivity analysis based on least-squares support vector regression}, doi = {10.25643/BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITAET.3832}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20181218-38320}, pages = {1 -- 33}, abstract = {In the field of engineering, surrogate models are commonly used for approximating the behavior of a physical phenomenon in order to reduce the computational costs. Generally, a surrogate model is created based on a set of training data, where a typical method for the statistical design is the Latin hypercube sampling (LHS). Even though a space filling distribution of the training data is reached, the sampling process takes no information on the underlying behavior of the physical phenomenon into account and new data cannot be sampled in the same distribution if the approximation quality is not sufficient. Therefore, in this study we present a novel adaptive sampling method based on a specific surrogate model, the least-squares support vector regresson. The adaptive sampling method generates training data based on the uncertainty in local prognosis capabilities of the surrogate model - areas of higher uncertainty require more sample data. The approach offers a cost efficient calculation due to the properties of the least-squares support vector regression. The opportunities of the adaptive sampling method are proven in comparison with the LHS on different analytical examples. Furthermore, the adaptive sampling method is applied to the calculation of global sensitivity values according to Sobol, where it shows faster convergence than the LHS method. With the applications in this paper it is shown that the presented adaptive sampling method improves the estimation of global sensitivity values, hence reducing the overall computational costs visibly.}, subject = {Approximation}, language = {en} } @unpublished{RezakazemiMosaviShirazian, author = {Rezakazemi, Mashallah and Mosavi, Amir and Shirazian, Saeed}, title = {ANFIS pattern for molecular membranes separation optimization}, volume = {2018}, doi = {10.25643/BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITAET.3821}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20181122-38212}, pages = {1 -- 20}, abstract = {In this work, molecular separation of aqueous-organic was simulated by using combined soft computing-mechanistic approaches. The considered separation system was a microporous membrane contactor for separation of benzoic acid from water by contacting with an organic phase containing extractor molecules. Indeed, extractive separation is carried out using membrane technology where complex of solute-organic is formed at the interface. The main focus was to develop a simulation methodology for prediction of concentration distribution of solute (benzoic acid) in the feed side of the membrane system, as the removal efficiency of the system is determined by concentration distribution of the solute in the feed channel. The pattern of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) was optimized by finding the optimum membership function, learning percentage, and a number of rules. The ANFIS was trained using the extracted data from the CFD simulation of the membrane system. The comparisons between the predicted concentration distribution by ANFIS and CFD data revealed that the optimized ANFIS pattern can be used as a predictive tool for simulation of the process. The R2 of higher than 0.99 was obtained for the optimized ANFIS model. The main privilege of the developed methodology is its very low computational time for simulation of the system and can be used as a rigorous simulation tool for understanding and design of membrane-based systems. Highlights are, Molecular separation using microporous membranes. Developing hybrid model based on ANFIS-CFD for the separation process, Optimization of ANFIS structure for prediction of separation process}, subject = {Fluid}, language = {en} } @unpublished{KavrakovMorgenthal, author = {Kavrakov, Igor and Morgenthal, Guido}, title = {A synergistic study of a CFD and semi-analytical models for aeroelastic analysis of bridges in turbulent wind conditions}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4087}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20200206-40873}, abstract = {Long-span bridges are prone to wind-induced vibrations. Therefore, a reliable representation of the aerodynamic forces acting on a bridge deck is of a major significance for the design of such structures. This paper presents a systematic study of the two-dimensional (2D) fluid-structure interaction of a bridge deck under smooth and turbulent wind conditions. Aerodynamic forces are modeled by two approaches: a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model and six semi-analytical models. The vortex particle method is utilized for the CFD model and the free-stream turbulence is introduced by seeding vortex particles upstream of the deck with prescribed spectral characteristics. The employed semi-analytical models are based on the quasi-steady and linear unsteady assumptions and aerodynamic coefficients obtained from CFD analyses. The underlying assumptions of the semi-analytical aerodynamic models are used to interpret the results of buffeting forces and aeroelastic response due to a free-stream turbulence in comparison with the CFD model. Extensive discussions are provided to analyze the effect of linear fluid memory and quasi-steady nonlinearity from a CFD perspective. The outcome of the analyses indicates that the fluid memory is a governing effect in the buffeting forces and aeroelastic response, while the effect of the nonlinearity is overestimated by the quasi-steady models. Finally, flutter analyses are performed and the obtained critical velocities are further compared with wind tunnel results, followed by a brief examination of the post-flutter behavior. The results of this study provide a deeper understanding of the extent of which the applied models are able to replicate the physical processes for fluid-structure interaction phenomena in bridge aerodynamics and aeroelasticity.}, subject = {Ingenieurwissenschaften}, language = {en} } @unpublished{KavrakovMorgenthal, author = {Kavrakov, Igor and Morgenthal, Guido}, title = {Aeroelastic analyses of bridges using a Pseudo-3D vortex method and velocity-based synthetic turbulence generation}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4086}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20200206-40864}, abstract = {The accurate representation of aerodynamic forces is essential for a safe, yet reasonable design of long-span bridges subjected to wind effects. In this paper, a novel extension of the Pseudo-three-dimensional Vortex Particle Method (Pseudo-3D VPM) is presented for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) buffeting analysis of line-like structures. This extension entails an introduction of free-stream turbulent fluctuations, based on the velocity-based turbulence generation. The aerodynamic response of a long-span bridge is obtained by subjecting the 3D dynamic representation of the structure to correlated free-stream turbulence in two-dimensional (2D) fluid planes, which are positioned along the bridge deck. The span-wise correlation of the free-stream turbulence between the 2D fluid planes is established based on Taylor's hypothesis of frozen turbulence. Moreover, the application of the laminar Pseudo-3D VPM is extended to a multimode flutter analysis. Finally, the structural response from the Pseudo-3D flutter and buffeting analyses is verified with the response, computed using the semi-analytical linear unsteady model in the time-domain. Meaningful merits of the turbulent Pseudo-3D VPM with respect to the linear unsteady model are the consideration of the 2D aerodynamic nonlinearity, nonlinear fluid memory, vortex shedding and local non-stationary turbulence effects in the aerodynamic forces. The good agreement of the responses for the two models in the 3D analyses demonstrates the applicability of the Pseudo-3D VPM for aeroelastic analyses of line-like structures under turbulent and laminar free-stream conditions.}, subject = {Bridge}, language = {en} } @unpublished{MosaviTorabiHashemietal., author = {Mosavi, Amir and Torabi, Mehrnoosh and Hashemi, Sattar and Saybani, Mahmoud Reza and Shamshirband, Shahaboddin}, title = {A Hybrid Clustering and Classification Technique for Forecasting Short-Term Energy Consumption}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3755}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20180907-37550}, abstract = {Electrical energy distributor companies in Iran have to announce their energy demand at least three 3-day ahead of the market opening. Therefore, an accurate load estimation is highly crucial. This research invoked methodology based on CRISP data mining and used SVM, ANN, and CBA-ANN-SVM (a novel hybrid model of clustering with both widely used ANN and SVM) to predict short-term electrical energy demand of Bandarabbas. In previous studies, researchers introduced few effective parameters with no reasonable error about Bandarabbas power consumption. In this research we tried to recognize all efficient parameters and with the use of CBA-ANN-SVM model, the rate of error has been minimized. After consulting with experts in the field of power consumption and plotting daily power consumption for each week, this research showed that official holidays and weekends have impact on the power consumption. When the weather gets warmer, the consumption of electrical energy increases due to turning on electrical air conditioner. Also, con-sumption patterns in warm and cold months are different. Analyzing power consumption of the same month for different years had shown high similarity in power consumption patterns. Factors with high impact on power consumption were identified and statistical methods were utilized to prove their impacts. Using SVM, ANN and CBA-ANN-SVM, the model was built. Sine the proposed method (CBA-ANN-SVM) has low MAPE 5 1.474 (4 clusters) and MAPE 5 1.297 (3 clusters) in comparison with SVM (MAPE 5 2.015) and ANN (MAPE 5 1.790), this model was selected as the final model. The final model has the benefits from both models and the benefits of clustering. Clustering algorithm with discovering data structure, divides data into several clusters based on similarities and differences between them. Because data inside each cluster are more similar than entire data, modeling in each cluster will present better results. For future research, we suggest using fuzzy methods and genetic algorithm or a hybrid of both to forecast each cluster. It is also possible to use fuzzy methods or genetic algorithms or a hybrid of both without using clustering. It is issued that such models will produce better and more accurate results. This paper presents a hybrid approach to predict the electric energy usage of weather-sensitive loads. The presented methodutilizes the clustering paradigm along with ANN and SVMapproaches for accurate short-term prediction of electric energyusage, using weather data. Since the methodology beinginvoked in this research is based on CRISP data mining, datapreparation has received a gr eat deal of attention in thisresear ch. Once data pre-processing was done, the underlyingpattern of electric energy consumption was extracted by themeans of machine learning methods to precisely forecast short-term energy consumption. The proposed approach (CBA-ANN-SVM) was applied to real load data and resulting higher accu-racy comparing to the existing models. 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 2018 https://doi.org/10.1002/ep.12934}, subject = {Data Mining}, language = {en} } @unpublished{MosaviMoeiniAhmadpouretal., author = {Mosavi, Amir and Moeini, Iman and Ahmadpour, Mohammad and Alharbi, Naif and E. Gorji, Nima}, title = {Modeling the time-dependent characteristics of perovskite solar cells}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3757}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20180907-37573}, abstract = {We proposed two different time-dependent modeling approaches for variation of device characteristics of perovskite solar cells under stress conditions. The first approach follows Sah-Noyce-Shockley (SNS) model based on Shockley-Read-Hall recombination/generation across the depletion width of pn junction and the second approach is based on thermionic emission model for Schottky diodes. The connecting point of these approaches to time variation is the time-dependent defect generation in depletion width (W) of the junction. We have fitted the two models with experimental data reported in the literature to perovskite solar cell and found out that each model has a superior explanation for degradation of device metrics e.g. current density and efficiency by time under stress conditions. Nevertheless, the Sah-Noyce-Shockley model is more reliable than thermionic emission at least for solar cells.}, subject = {Solarzelle}, language = {en} } @misc{Piethe, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Piethe, Vivienne}, title = {Konfektionierung eines Calciumsulfat-Bindemittelsystems zur Herstellung volumenstabiler Fließestrichm{\"o}rtel}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3944}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20190902-39445}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {107}, abstract = {Bei einem markt{\"u}blichen Calciumsulfat-Fließestrich wurden in der Praxis sch{\"a}digende Volu-menexpansionen festgestellt. Diese sind ein Resultat aus dem Zusammenwirken des einge-setzten Bindemittel-Compounds und einer kritischen Gesteinsk{\"o}rnung. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ein Calciumsulfat-Bindemittelsystem zu konfektionieren, welches in der Lage ist, die im M{\"o}rtel festgestellten Volumenexpansionen zu unterbinden. Es sollen verschiedene Bindemittel- und Additivzusammensetzungen untersucht werden, welche in Verbindung mit der kritischen Gesteinsk{\"o}rnung die Herstellung eines volumenstabilen Fließestrichs erm{\"o}glichen. Dazu soll folgende Fragestellung beantwortet werden: Welche Ursachen hat die Volumenzunahme und wie ist diese zu minimieren bzw. unterbinden? Dabei werden unterschiedliche Bindemittelrezepturen aus α-Halbhydrat, Thermoanhydrit und Naturanhydrit, sowie verschiedene Additivzusammensetzungen hergestellt und untersucht. Durch L{\"a}ngen{\"a}nderungsmessungen in der Schwindrinne werden die Einfl{\"u}sse der Binde-mittel, der Additivzusammensetzungen und der Wasser/Bindemittel-Werte auf das L{\"a}n-gen{\"a}nderungsverhalten untersucht. Mittels Variation der einzelnen Compound-Bestandteile kann festgestellt werden, dass der Stabilisierer die L{\"a}ngen{\"a}nderung negativ beeinflusst. Dieser bindet freies Wasser, welches f{\"u}r eine Reaktion zwischen Bindemittel und Gesteins-k{\"o}rnung im plastischen Zustand nicht mehr zur Verf{\"u}gung steht. Diese Reaktion kann folglich erst im erh{\"a}rteten Zustand ablaufen und verursacht die sch{\"a}digende Volumenexpansion. Abschließend wurde ein Bindemittel-Compound konfektioniert, welcher ohne Zusatz von Stabilisierern in Zusammenhang mit der kritischen Gesteinsk{\"o}rnung volumenstabil ist und keine Sch{\"a}den ausl{\"o}st.}, subject = {Calciumsulfat}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{MuellerLudwig, author = {Mueller, Matthias and Ludwig, Horst-Michael}, title = {Neue Modelle f{\"u}r den Frost-Tausalz-Angriff auf Beton}, series = {Tagungsbericht, 20. Ibausil - 20. Internationale Baustofftagung, 12. - 14. September 2018, Weimar, Teil 1}, booktitle = {Tagungsbericht, 20. Ibausil - 20. Internationale Baustofftagung, 12. - 14. September 2018, Weimar, Teil 1}, editor = {Ludwig, Horst-Michael}, organization = {F.A.Finger-Institut f{\"u}r Baustoffkunde, Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, isbn = {978-3-00-059950-7 (Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}tsverlag Weimar)}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4869}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20240507-48691}, pages = {1502-1509}, abstract = {F{\"u}r den Frost-Tausalz-Angriff auf Beton existiert eine Reihe von Schadenstheorien. Drei aktuelle Theorien nehmen f{\"u}r sich in Anspruch, den Schadensmechanismus und insbesondere den Einfluss niedrig konzentrierter Tausalzl{\"o}sungen auf den Sch{\"a}digungsgrad gut abbilden zu k{\"o}nnen. Die Glue Spall-Theorie sowie die Cryogenic Suction-Theorie bieten plausible Ans{\"a}tze. In Untersuchungen konnten einige Modellvorstellungen best{\"a}tigt werden, insbesondere der Prozess des kryogenen Saugens. Ob dieser Vorgang oder die mechanische Glue Spall-Belastung tats{\"a}chlich schadensausl{\"o}send sind, kann anhand der Untersuchungen jedoch noch nicht zweifelsfrei best{\"a}tigt oder ausgeschlossen werden. Die Brine Rejection-Theorie zeigt wichtige Prozesse auf, die f{\"u}r die Sch{\"a}digung bei einem Frost-Tausalz-Angriff relevant sein k{\"o}nnen. Als alleinstehendes Modell ist es eher nicht geeignet.}, subject = {Beton}, language = {de} } @article{BenzTarabenLichtenheldetal., author = {Benz, Alexander and Taraben, Jakob and Lichtenheld, Thomas and Morgenthal, Guido and V{\"o}lker, Conrad}, title = {Thermisch-energetische Geb{\"a}udesimulation auf Basis eines Bauwerksinformationsmodells}, series = {Bauphysik}, journal = {Bauphysik}, number = {40, Heft 2}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3819}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20181102-38190}, pages = {61 -- 67}, abstract = {F{\"u}r eine Absch{\"a}tzung des Heizw{\"a}rmebedarfs von Geb{\"a}uden und Quartieren k{\"o}nnen thermisch-energetische Simulationen eingesetzt werden. Grundlage dieser Simulationen sind geometrische und physikalische Geb{\"a}udemodelle. Die Erstellung des geometrischen Modells erfolgt in der Regel auf Basis von Baupl{\"a}nen oder Vor-Ort-Begehungen, was mit einem großen Recherche- und Modellierungsaufwand verbunden ist. Sp{\"a}tere bauliche Ver{\"a}nderungen des Geb{\"a}udes m{\"u}ssen h{\"a}ufig manuell in das Modell eingearbeitet werden, was den Arbeitsaufwand zus{\"a}tzlich erh{\"o}ht. Das physikalische Modell stellt die Menge an Parametern und Randbedingungen dar, welche durch Materialeigenschaften, Lage und Umgebungs-einfl{\"u}sse gegeben sind. Die Verkn{\"u}pfung beider Modelle wird innerhalb der entsprechenden Simulations-software realisiert und ist meist nicht in andere Softwareprodukte {\"u}berf{\"u}hrbar. Mithilfe des Building Information Modeling (BIM) k{\"o}nnen Simulationsdaten sowohl konsistent gespeichert als auch {\"u}ber Schnittstellen mit entsprechenden Anwendungen ausgetauscht werden. Hierf{\"u}r wird eine Methode vorgestellt, die thermisch-energetische Simulationen auf Basis des standardisierten {\"U}bergabe-formats Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) inklusive anschließender Auswertungen erm{\"o}glicht. Dabei werden geometrische und physikalische Parameter direkt aus einem {\"u}ber den gesamten Lebenszyklus aktuellen Geb{\"a}udemodell extrahiert und an die Simulation {\"u}bergeben. Dies beschleunigt den Simulations-prozess hinsichtlich der Geb{\"a}udemodellierung und nach sp{\"a}teren baulichen Ver{\"a}nderungen. Die erarbeite-te Methode beruht hierbei auf einfachen Modellierungskonventionen bei der Erstellung des Bauwerksinformationsmodells und stellt eine vollst{\"a}ndige {\"U}bertragbarkeit der Eingangs- und Ausgangswerte sicher. Thermal building simulation based on BIM-models. Thermal energetic simulations are used for the estimation of the heating demand of buildings and districts. These simulations are based on building models containing geometrical and physical information. The creation of geometrical models is usually based on existing construction plans or in situ assessments which demand a comparatively big effort of investigation and modeling. Alterations, which are later applied to the structure, request manual changes of the related model, which increases the effort additionally. The physical model represents the total amount of parameters and boundary conditions that are influenced by material properties, location and environmental influences on the building. The link between both models is realized within the correspondent simulation soft-ware and is usually not transferable to other software products. By Applying Building Information Modeling (BIM) simulation data is stored consistently and an exchange to other software is enabled. Therefore, a method which allows a thermal energetic simulation based on the exchange format Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) including an evaluation is presented. All geometrical and physical information are extracted directly from the building model that is kept up-to-date during its life cycle and transferred to the simulation. This accelerates the simulation process regarding the geometrical modeling and adjustments after later changes of the building. The developed method is based on simple conventions for the creation of the building model and ensures a complete transfer of all simulation data.}, subject = {Geb{\"a}udeh{\"u}lle}, language = {de} } @misc{Lang, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Lang, Kevin}, title = {Argument Search with Voice Assistants}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3935}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20190617-39353}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {100}, abstract = {The need for finding persuasive arguments can arise in a variety of domains such as politics, finance, marketing or personal entertainment. In these domains, there is a demand to make decisions by oneself or to convince somebody about a specific topic. To obtain a conclusion, one has to search thoroughly different sources in literature and on the web to compare various arguments. Voice interfaces, in form of smartphone applications or smart speakers, present the user with natural conversations in a comfortable way to make search requests in contrast to a traditional search interface with keyboard and display. Benefits and obstacles of such a new interface are analyzed by conducting two studies. The first one consists of a survey for analyzing the target group with questions about situations, motivations, and possible demanding features. The latter one is a wizard-of-oz experiment to investigate possible queries on how a user formulates requests to such a novel system. The results indicate that a search interface with conversational abilities can build a helpful assistant, but to satisfy the demands of a broader audience some additional information retrieval and visualization features need to be implemented.}, subject = {Amazon Alexa}, language = {en} } @periodical{OPUS4-4859, title = {Focus Mediocene}, volume = {2018}, number = {9.2018, Heft 1}, editor = {Engell, Lorenz and Siegert, Bernhard}, publisher = {Felix Meiner Verlag}, address = {Hamburg}, organization = {Internationales Kolleg f{\"u}r Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie}, issn = {2366-0767}, doi = {10.28937/ZMK-9-1}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20240507-48599}, pages = {181}, abstract = {This issue, following an international conference held at the IKKM in September 2017, is devoted to what may very well be the broadest media-related topic possible, even if it is accessible only through exemplary and experimental approaches: Under the title of the »Mediocene«, it presents contributions which discuss the operations and functions that intertwine media and Planet Earth. The specific relation of media and Planet Earth likely found its most striking and iconic formula in the images of the earth from outer space in 1968/69, showing the earth—according to contemporaneous descriptions—in its brilliance and splendor as the »Blue Marble«, but also in its fragility and desperate loneliness against the black backdrop of the cosmic void. Not only the creation but also the incredible distribution of this image across the globe was already at the time clearly recognized as a media eff ect. In light of space fl ight and television technology, which had expanded the reach of observation, communication, and measurement beyond both the surface of the Earth and its atmosphere, it also became clearly evident that the Planet had been a product of the early telescope by the use of which Galileo found the visual proof for the Copernican world model. Nevertheless, the »Blue Marble« image of the planet conceives of Earth not only as a celestial body, but also as a global, ecological, and economic system. Satellite and spacecraft technology and imaging continue to move beyond Earth's orbit even as they enable precise, small-scale procedures of navigation and observation on the surface of the planet itself. These instruments of satellite navigation aff ect practices like agriculture, urban planning, and political decision-making. Most recently, three-dimensional images featuring the planet's surface (generated from space by Synthetic Aperture Radar) or pictures from space probes have been cir-culating on the Web, altering politico-geographical practices and popular and scientifi c knowledge of the cosmos. Today, media not only participate in the shaping of the planet, but also take place on a planetary scale. Communication systems have been installed that operate all over the globe.}, subject = {Medienwissenschaft}, language = {en} } @periodical{OPUS4-4860, title = {Schwerpunkt Alternative Fakten}, volume = {2018}, number = {9.2018, Heft 2}, editor = {Engell, Lorenz and Siegert, Bernhard}, publisher = {Felix Meiner Verlag}, address = {Hamburg}, organization = {Internationales Kolleg f{\"u}r Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie}, issn = {2366-0767}, doi = {10.28937/ZMK-9-2}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20240507-48608}, pages = {197}, abstract = {Am 22. Januar 2017 wurde die Beraterin des amerikanischen Pr{\"a}sidenten, Kellyanne Conway, in einem Meet the Press-Interview gefragt, warum der Pressesprecher des Pr{\"a}sidenten kurz zuvor eine »nachweisliche L{\"u}ge« bez{\"u}glich der Zahl der in Washington zur Amtseinf{\"u}hrung Trumps zusammengekommenen Menschen ge{\"a}ußert habe. Conway antwortete: »Our press secretary, Sean Spicer, gave alternative facts […]«. Das war nicht nur eine Manifestation oder {\"U}berbietung von Orwellianischem »Newspeak«. Es war ein Moment, in dem sich ein Bruch mit dem in der westlichen Kultur bislang allgemein anerkannten Paradigma, worin die Faktizit{\"a}t von Daten - seien es Bilder, Zahlen, Aussagen - gr{\"u}ndet, offen aussprach. Es war sozusagen ein ironischer Moment der Wahrheit - ironisch, weil dieser Moment einen H{\"o}hepunkt des »Post-Truth«-Zeitalters darstellte. Doch welche Wahrheit? Dass es dazu unterschiedliche und zum Teil kontroverse Auffassungen gibt, zeigen die verschiedenen Deutungen und Instrumentalisierungen, die dieser Moment der Wahrheit in der Folge erfuhr. Der Debattenteil der letzten Ausgabe der Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Medien- und Kulturforschung hat bereits einen Teil dieser Kontroverse um die Deutung des Ph{\"a}nomens von »fake news« und »alternative facts« dokumentiert. Der Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Ausgabe setzt diese Kontroverse fort, und zwar deswegen, weil die Kultur- und Medienwissenschaft in mehrfacher Weise vom Ereignis »alternativer Fakten« und den sich anschließenden Kontroversen um ihre Bewertung herausgefordert wird. Sehr schnell wurde n{\"a}mlich klar, dass die Antwort auf die Frage, welche Wahrheit sich in jenem Moment kundtat, als die Welt aus dem (sich dabei merklich verziehenden) Munde von Kellyanne Conway vom Wunder der Existenz alternativer Fakten erfuhr, nicht einfach nur banal war. So banal wie die Tatsache, dass ein infantiler Narzissmus zur Richtschnur f{\"u}r die Konstruktion der offiziellen amerikanischen Regierungsversion von Wirklichkeit geworden ist, ein Narzissmus, der das, was ist (und wof{\"u}r es zureichende Gr{\"u}nde gibt), zugunsten dessen verwirft, von dem er m{\"o}chte, dass es stattdessen sei.}, subject = {Medienwissenschaft}, language = {de} }