@misc{Lenz, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Lenz, Juliane}, title = {„Baus{\"u}nde" oder Denkmal? Zur Diskussion {\"u}ber den Umgang mit verschm{\"a}hten Bauwerken}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.6397}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230606-63979}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {187}, abstract = {F{\"u}r die einen also „Baus{\"u}nde", f{\"u}r die anderen ein erhaltenswertes Bauwerk - wie geht man damit um? F{\"u}r wen gilt wann etwas als „Baus{\"u}nde" und wann als erhaltenswert, welche Ziele werden damit verfolgt und Konzepte aufgezeigt? Inwieweit spielen beispielsweise Aspekte wie {\"A}sthetik, Funktionalit{\"a}t oder der allgemeine gesellschaftliche Kontext bzw. Wandel sowie das jeweils aktuelle und bauzeitliche planerische Leitbild bzw. Verst{\"a}ndnis eine Rolle bei der Verwendung des Begriffs und den Umgang f{\"u}r konkrete Bauwerke? Und inwieweit steht der Erhaltungswert bzw. eine Denkmalw{\"u}rdigkeit damit im Verh{\"a}ltnis und wie kann damit planerisch umgegangen werden? Der Diskussion {\"u}ber den Umgang mit verschm{\"a}hten Bauwerken will sich die vorliegende Abschlussarbeit n{\"a}hern. Als Bauwerke werden hierbei sowohl Geb{\"a}ude und Pl{\"a}tze als auch zur Erinnerung gesetzte Objekte wie Statuen verstanden.}, subject = {Denkmalpflege}, language = {de} } @article{Nogueira, author = {Nogueira, Priscilla}, title = {"Battlers" and their homes: About self-production of residences made by the brazilian new middle class}, series = {Social Inclusion}, journal = {Social Inclusion}, doi = {10.17645/si.v3i2.67}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170425-31568}, pages = {44 -- 61}, abstract = {The article presents preliminary results and qualitative analysis obtained from the doctoral research provisory entitled "How do Brazilian 'battlers' reside?", which is in progress at the Institute for European Urban Studies, Bauhaus Univer-sity Weimar. It critically discusses the contradictions of the production of residences in Brazil made by an emerging so-cial group, lately called the Brazilian new middle class. For the last ten years, a number of government policies have provoked a general improvement of the purchasing power of the poor. Between those who completely depend on the government to survive and the upper middle class, there is a wide (about 100 million people) and economically stable lower middle group, which has found its own ways of dealing with its demand for housing. The conventional models of planning, building and buying are not suitable for their technical, financial and personal needs. Therefore, they are con-currently planners, constructors and residents, building and renovating their own properties themselves, but still with very limited education and technical knowledge and restricted access to good building materials and constructive ele-ments, formal technicians, architects or engineers. On the one hand, the result is an informal and more or less autono-mous self-production, with all sorts of technical problems and very interesting and creative spatial solutions to every-day domestic situations. On the other hand, the repercussions for urban space are questionable: although basic infrastructure conditions have improved, building densities are high and green areas are few. Lower middle class neigh-bourhoods present a restricted collective everyday life. They look like storage spaces for manpower; people who live to work in order to be able to consume—and build—what they could not before. One question is, to what extent the lat-est economic rise of Brazil has really resulted in social development for lower middle income families in the private sphere regarding their residences, and in the collective sphere, regarding the neighbourhoods they inhabit and the ur-ban space in general.}, subject = {Brasilien}, language = {en} } @unpublished{Koch2006, author = {Koch, Florian}, title = {Zwischen Transformation und Globalisierung - Immobilienmarkt und Stadtentwicklung in Warschau}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.795}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20111215-7952}, year = {2006}, abstract = {Nach der politischen Wende Ende der 1980er/Anfang der 1990er Jahre entwickelte sich in Warschau innerhalb kurzer Zeit ein hoch dynamischer Immobilienmarkt kapitalistischer Pr{\"a}gung, dessen Mechanismen grundlegende Auswirkungen auf die Stadtentwicklung Warschaus haben. Im folgenden Aufsatz werden die wesentlichen Eigenschaften des B{\"u}ro- und Wohnungsmarkts aufgezeigt. Es werden f{\"u}r jeden Sektor die Funktionsweise, die wesentlichen Akteure der Nachfrage- und Angebotsseite, die Rolle der Institutionen und die r{\"a}umlichen Konsequenzen dargestellt.}, subject = {Immobilienmarkt}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Koegel2007, author = {K{\"o}gel, Eduard}, title = {Zwei Poelzigsch{\"u}ler in der Emigration: Rudolf Hamburger und Richard Paulick zwischen Shanghai und Ost-Berlin (1930-1955)}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.929}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20071015-9914}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Zwei Poelzigsch{\"u}ler in der Emigration: Rudolf Hamburger und Richard Paulick zwischen Shanghai und Ost-Berlin (1930-1955) (Hamburger _ China, Polen, Schweiz, Iran, UdSSR) (Paulick _ China) Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit dem Leben und Wirken der beiden Architekten Rudolf Hamburger (1903-1980) und Richard Paulick (1903-1979) w{\"a}hrend ihrer Emigration zwischen 1930 und 1955. Die Arbeit ist in zw{\"o}lf Kapitel gegliedert und beinhaltet einen Prolog und Epilog. Im Anhang sind Originaltexte sowohl von Hamburger wie von Paulick, Mitarbeiterlisten der von Paulick betriebenen Firmen in Shanghai, eine Liste der B{\"u}hnenbilder von Paulick in Shanghai, die Projektlisten beider Architekten in der Emigration sowie die Literaturliste ver{\"o}ffentlicht. Der Prolog beleuchtet die Situation in der DDR nach der R{\"u}ckkehr von Paulick und Hamburger aus der Emigration. Unter dem Druck der Partei (SED) mussten beide ihre Biographie erweitern und s{\"a}ubern. Der starke ideologische Hintergrund verhinderte in der DDR zwischen 1950 bis zum Ende 1989 eine ehrliche Aufarbeitung der Emigration und im Falle von Hamburger einen unverstellten Blick auf seine Tortur in den Arbeitslagern (Gulag) der Sowjetunion. Das ersten Kapitel beleuchtet die Herkunft und Ausbildung der beiden, als Studenten bei Hans Poelzig und Hermann Jansen; im Falle von Paulick seine Kooperation mit Georg Muche und seinen Mitarbeit im B{\"u}ro von Walter Gropius; im Falle von Hamburger seine Mitarbeit als Meistersch{\"u}ler bei Hans Poelzig und anderen. Auch die Mitgliedschaft der beiden in der 'Gruppe Junger Architekten' (GIA) wird beleuchtet. Rudolf Hamburger kam 1930 als Arbeitsemigrant nach Shanghai und konnte wegen seiner j{\"u}dischen Wurzeln nach der Macht{\"u}bernahme durch die Nationalsozialisten 1933 nicht nach Deutschland zur{\"u}ckkehren. Er half Paulick 1933 bei der Flucht nach Shanghai, als dieser aus politischen Gr{\"u}nden Deutschland verlassen musste. Die weitere Karriere und das Privatleben bei beiden wurden durch diese Umst{\"a}nde bestimmt. Die Dissertation beleuchtet den sozialen und politischen Hintergrund w{\"a}hrend ihrer Zeit in der Emigration. Rudolf Hamburger wurde als Architekt f{\"u}r das Shanghai Municipal Council zwischen 1930 und 1937 zu einem wichtigen Protagonisten f{\"u}r die Entwicklung der modernen Architektur in Shanghai, der hier erstmals vorgestellt wird. Neben dieser Arbeit gr{\"u}ndete er 1932 die Firma THE MODERN HOME, die 1934 in die Firma MODERN HOME {\"u}berf{\"u}hrt wurde und die zwischen 1937 und 1949 von Richard Paulick unter dem Namen MODERN HOMES weitergef{\"u}hrt wurde. Richard Paulick war auch als B{\"u}hnenbildner zwischen 1936 und 1949 an unterschiedlichen Theatern in Shanghai aktiv. Als Professor f{\"u}r Stadtplanung lehrte er zwischen 1943 und 1949 an der St. John's Universit{\"a}t zum ersten Mal die Prinzipien der Moderne in diesem Feld in China. Er spielte auch eine Schl{\"u}sselrolle bei der Stadtplanung f{\"u}r Groß-Shanghai zwischen 1945 und 1949, die nach den Prinzipien der organischen Dezentralisation erfolgte. Die Schwierigkeiten seiner Weiteremigration in die USA oder der R{\"u}ckkehr nach Deutschland zwischen 1947 und 1949, bis zu seiner Heimkehr in die DDR 1950, bilden den letzten Abschnitt in seinem Fall. Bei Rudolf Hamburger kommt hinzu, dass er in den dreißiger Jahren f{\"u}r den Geheimdienst der sowjetischen Armee (GRU) aktiv wurde. Die T{\"a}tigkeit als Architekt nutzte er in der Folge lediglich zur Deckung seiner anderen Aktivit{\"a}ten. Die Emigration nach Polen, die Schweiz, erneut China, die Sowjetunion und in den Iran (1936-1943) sind immer den Zielen der geheimdienstlichen T{\"a}tigkeit untergeordnet. Mit dubiosen Vorw{\"u}rfen wurde Hamburger 1943 in Moskau konfrontiert und in ein Arbeitslager deportiert, wo er nach Folter und schwierigen Haftbedingungen erst 1952 frei gelassen wurde. Bis 1955 lebte er in der Verbannung in der Ukraine und konnte dann mit der Hilfe seines Freundes Richard Paulick in die DDR einreisen.}, subject = {Berlin / Ausstellung Exil}, language = {de} } @misc{VollmerMichel, author = {Vollmer, Lisa and Michel, Boris}, title = {Wohnen in der Klimakrise. Die Wohnungsfrage als {\"o}kologische Frage: Aufruf zur Debatte}, series = {s u b \ u r b a n. zeitschrift f{\"u}r kritische stadtforschung}, volume = {2020}, journal = {s u b \ u r b a n. zeitschrift f{\"u}r kritische stadtforschung}, number = {Band 8, Heft 1/2}, publisher = {Sub\urban e.V.}, address = {Leipzig}, doi = {10.36900/suburban.v8i1/2.552}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20210122-43327}, pages = {163 -- 166}, abstract = {Die Verbindung der sozialen und der {\"o}kologischen Frage ist eine der zentralen Herausforderungen linker Politik und kritisch-engagierter Wissenschaft heute. Daf{\"u}r, wie wenig das bisher gelingt, sind die {\"o}ffentlichen und wissenschaftlichen Diskussionen um die Wohnungsfrage gute Beispiele. Dieser Aufruf ist eine Einladung an den kollektiven Wissensschatz aus Wissenschaft und Aktivismus, die unterschiedlichen Aspekte der {\"o}kologischen Wohnungsfrage, die bisher stark fragmentiert behandelt werden, in einzelnen Beitr{\"a}gen weiter auszuf{\"u}hren und auf ihren strukturellen Zusammenhang mit der sozialen Wohnungsfrage hin zu beleuchten.}, subject = {Wohnen}, language = {de} } @article{Stratmann, author = {Stratmann, Bernhard}, title = {Wissenschaft, Forschung und Forschungsprozess - Eine Einf{\"u}hrung}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.1849}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20130212-18498}, pages = {1 -- 33}, abstract = {Der Artikel behandelt f{\"u}nf f{\"u}r das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten besonders relevante Themenfelder: 1) Ziele und Gegenstand wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens, 2) der Zusammenhang von Wissenschaft, Erkenntnis und Fortschritt, 3) eine Darstellung der Forschungslandschaft in Deutschland unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der Wissenschaftsorganisation, 4) eine ausf{\"u}hrliche, praxisorientierte Erl{\"a}uterung des typischen Ablaufs eines Forschungsprozesses, 5) eine Skizze zur literaturbasierten Forschung. Der Beitrag stellte zahlreiche Bez{\"u}ge zur Stadtforschung her und nutzt Beispiele zur Illustration der Inhalte.}, subject = {Forschungsprozess}, language = {de} } @misc{MendoncadeAlmeida, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Mendon{\c{c}}a de Almeida, Karina}, title = {Why isn't Google welcome in Kreuzberg? Social movement and the effects of Internet on urban space}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4244}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20200924-42446}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {132}, abstract = {Advances in information and communication technologies such as the Internet have driven a great transformation in the interactions between individuals and the urban environment. As the use of the Internet in cities becomes more intense and diverse, there is also a restructuring of urban space, which is experienced by groups in society in various ways, according to the specificity of each context. Accordingly, large Internet companies have emerged as new players in the processes of urbanization, either through partnerships with the public administration or through various services offered directly to urban residents. Once these corporations are key actors in the digitalization of urban services, their operations can affect the patterns of urban inequality and generate a series of new struggles over the production of space. Interested in analyzing this phenomena from the perspective of civil society, the present Master Thesis examined a social movement that prevented Google to settle a new startup campus in the district of Kreuzberg, in Berlin. By asking why Google was not welcome in that context, this study also sought to understand how internet, as well as its main operators, has affected everyday life in the city. Thus, besides analyzing the movement, I investigated the particularities of the urban context where it arose and the elements that distinguish the mobilization's opponent. In pursuit of an interdisciplinary approach, I analyzed and discussed the results of empirical research in dialogue with critical theories in the fields of urban studies and the Internet, with emphasis on Castells' definitions of urban social movements and network society (1983, 2009, 2015), Couldry's and Mejias' (2019) idea of data colonialism, Lef{\`e}bvre's (1991, 1996) concepts of abstract space and the right to the city, as well as Zuboff's (2019) theory of surveillance capitalism. The case at hand has exposed that Google plays a prominent role in the way the Internet has been developed and deployed in cities. From the perspective accessed, the current appropriation of Internet technologies has been detrimental to individual autonomy and has contributed to intensifying existing inequalities in the city. The alternative vision to this relies mainly on the promotion of decentralized solidarity networks.}, subject = {Soziale Bewegung}, language = {en} } @article{RoskammVollmer, author = {Roskamm, Nikolai and Vollmer, Lisa}, title = {Was ist Stadt? Was ist Kritik? Einf{\"u}hrung in die Debatte zum Jubil{\"a}umsheft von sub\urban}, series = {sub\urban. zeitschrift f{\"u}r kritische stadtforschung}, journal = {sub\urban. zeitschrift f{\"u}r kritische stadtforschung}, number = {Band 10, Nr. 1,}, publisher = {Sub\urban e.V.}, address = {Leipzig}, doi = {10.36900/suburban.v10i1.798}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20220811-46847}, pages = {127 -- 130}, abstract = {Im Heft zum zehnj{\"a}hrigen Jubil{\"a}um von sub\urban mit dem Themenschwerpunkt „sub\x: Verortungen, Entortungen" ver{\"o}ffentlichen wir eine Debatte, die von den bisherigen in unserer Zeitschrift in dieser Rubrik gef{\"u}hrten textlichen Diskussionen abweicht. Im Vorfeld der Planungen f{\"u}r unsere Jubil{\"a}umsausgabe haben wir die aktuellen Mitglieder unseres wissenschaftlichen Beirats darum gebeten, zwei grundlegende Fragen von kritischer Stadtforschung in kurzen Beitr{\"a}gen zu diskutieren: Was ist Stadt? Was ist Kritik?}, subject = {Stadt}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Javanmardi, author = {Javanmardi, Leila}, title = {URBANISM AND DICTATORSHIP. A Study on Urban Planning in Contemporary History of Iran, Second Pahlavi: 1941-1979}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4597}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20220224-45971}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {237}, abstract = {The evolution of urbanism under dictatorship forms the core of the current research. This thesis is part of a research network at Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar, which studies the 20th century's urbanism under different dictatorships. The network has provided a cross-cultural and cross-border environment and has enabled the author to communicate with other like-minded researchers. The 2015 published book of this group 'Urbanism and Dictatorship: A European Perspective' strengthens the foundation of this research's theoretical and methodological framework. This thesis investigates urban policies and plans leading to the advancement of urbanization and the transformation of urban space in Iran during the second Pahlavi (1941-1979) when the country faced a milestone in its history: Nationalization of the Iranian oil industry. By reflecting the influence of economic and socio-political determinants of the time on urbanism and the urbanization process, this work intends to critically trace the effect of dictatorship on evolved urbanism before and after the oil nationalization in 1951. The research on the second Pahlavi's urbanism has been limitedly addressed and has only recently expanded. Most of the conducted studies date back to less than a decade ago and could not incorporate all the episodes of the second Pahlavi urbanism. These works have often investigated urbanism and architecture by focusing merely on the physical features and urban products in different years regardless of the importance of urbanism as a tool in the service of hegemony. In other words, the majority of the available literature does not intend to address the socio-economic and political roots of urban transformations and by questioning 'what has been built?' investigates the individual urban projects and plans designed by individual designers without interlinking these projects to the state's urban planning program and tracing the beneficiaries of those projects or questioning 'built for whom?' Moreover, some chapters of this modern urbanism have rarely been investigated. For instance, scant research has looked into the works of foreign designers and consultants involved in the projects such as Peter Georg Ahrens or Constantinos A. Doxiadis. Similarly, the urbanism of the first decade of the second Pahlavi, including the government of Mossadegh, has mainly been overlooked. Therefore, by critically analyzing the state's urban planning program and the process of urbanization in Iran during the second Pahlavi, this research aims to bridge the literature gap and to unravel the effect of the power structure on urban planning and products while seeking to find a pattern behind the regime's policies. The main body of this work is concentrated on studying the history of urbanism in Iran, of which collecting data and descriptions played a crucial role. To prevent the limitations associated with singular methods, this research's methodology is based on methodological triangulation (Denzin, 2017). With the triangulation scheme, the data is gathered by combining different qualitative and quantitative methods such as the library, archival and media research, online resources, non-participatory observation, and photography. For the empirical part, the city of Tehran is selected as the case study. Moreover, individual non-structured interviews with the locals were conducted to gain more insights regarding urban projects.}, subject = {Stadtplanung}, language = {en} } @article{SanderWeissermel, author = {Sander, Hendrik and Weißermel, S{\"o}ren}, title = {Urban Heat Transition in Berlin: Corporate Strategies, Political Conflicts, and Just Solutions}, series = {Urban Planning}, volume = {2023}, journal = {Urban Planning}, number = {Volume 8, No 1}, publisher = {Cogitatio Press}, address = {Lissabon}, doi = {10.17645/up.v8i1.6178}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230524-63845}, pages = {361 -- 371}, abstract = {In the field of urban climate policy, heat production and demand are key sectors for achieving a sustainable city. Heat production has to shift from fossil to renewable energies, and the heat demand of most buildings has to be reduced significantly via building retrofits. However, analyses of heat transition still lack its contextualization within entangled urban politico-economic processes and materialities and require critical socio-theoretical examination. Asking about the embeddedness of heat transition within social relations and its implications for social justice issues, this article discusses the challenges and opportunities of heat transition, taking Berlin as an example. It uses an urban political ecology perspective to analyze the materialities of Berlin's heating-housing nexus, its politico-economic context, implications for relations of inequality and power, and its contested strategies. The empirical analysis identifies major disputes about the future trajectory of heat production and about the distribution of retrofit costs. Using our conceptual approach, we discuss these empirical findings against the idea of a more just heat transition. For this purpose, we discuss three policy proposals regarding cost distribution, urban heat planning, and remunicipalization of heat utilities. We argue that this conceptual approach provides huge benefits for debates around heat transition and, more generally, energy justice and just transitions.}, subject = {Berlin}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{OrtizAlvis, author = {Ortiz Alvis, Alfredo}, title = {Urban Agoraphobia: The pursuit of security within confined community ties. Urban-ethnographic analysis on gated housing developments of Guadalajara, Mexico.}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4723}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20221005-47234}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {436}, abstract = {The Gated Community (GC) phenomenon in Latin American cities has become an inherent element of their urban development, despite academical debate, their approach thrives within the housing market; not surprisingly, as some of the premises on which GCs are based, namely safety, control and supervision intersperse seamlessly with the insecure conditions of the contexts from which they arise. The current security crisis in Mexico, triggered in 2006 by the so-called war on drugs, has reached its peak with the highest insecurity rates in decades, representing a unique chance to study these interactions. Although the leading term of this research, Urban Agoraphobia, implies a causal dichotomy between the rise in the sense of fear amongst citizens and housing confinement as lineal consequence, I acknowledge that GCs represent a complex phenomenon, a hub of diverse factors and multidimensional processes held on four fundamental levels: global, social, individual and state-related. The focus of this dissertation is set on the individual plane and contributes, from the analysis of the GC's resident's perspective, experiences and perceptions, to a debate that has usually been limited to the scrutiny of other drivers, disregarding the role of dweller's underlying fears, motivations and concerns. Assuming that the current ruling security model in Mexico tends to empower its commodification rather than its collective quality, this research draws upon the use of a methodological triangulation, along conceptual and contextual analyses, to test the hypothesis that insecurity plays an increasingly major role, leading citizens into the belief that acquiring a household in a controlled and surveilled community represents a counterweight against the feared environment of the open city. The focus of the analysis lies on the internal hatch of community ties as potential palliative for the provision of a sense of security, aiming to transcend the unidimensional discourse of GCs as defined mainly by their defensive apparatus. Residents' perspectives acquired through ethnographical analyses may provide the chance to gain an essential view into a phenomenon that further consolidates without a critical study of its actual implications, not only for Mexican cities, but also for the Latin American and global contexts.}, subject = {Agoraphobie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Arganaraz, author = {Arga{\~n}araz, Cecilia Magdalena}, title = {Tiempos imaginados y espacios {\´a}ridos: controversias en torno al agua en el Valle de Catamarca (siglos XIX-XX)}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4681}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20220803-46817}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, abstract = {The thesis addresses journalistic, administrative and judicial historical documentation to analyze the links between aridity and geographical imaginaries in the province of Catamarca (Argentina), from a historical point of view. The research aims to contribute to the understanding of the "non-hegemonic" versions of Modernity, its territoriality and the productions of geographic imaginaries that they involve. To provide a broad purpose, it raises as an object of study the ways in which "modern" practices, actors, links, discourses and expectations about the territory are mobilized when they are located in a space in "other" water conditions. those that are intended to "civilize" it. The general objective of the research is to analyze time-space controversies around water in the city and valley of Catamarca towards 19th and 20th centuries. The specific objectives derived are a) analyzing how various actors are related to waters behavior - in other words, the local water regime - in Catamarca and the meanings built around it. b) to analyze the controversies about the place of Catamarca and its water regime in the local and national geographic imaginary. c) analyze controversies in which the relationships between actors and materialities involved in modernization projects are put into discussion. These concerns by the experience of the actors and by the historical-spatial imagination of the territory, combined, led to the construction of an interdisciplinary methodology based on tools from anthropology, sociology, geography and history.}, subject = {Anthologie}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{Long, author = {Long, Jiang}, title = {The spatial formation and transformation of Chinese rural clan settlements : A case study of Furong and Cangpo villages in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, China}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.1818}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20130117-18187}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {285, 275}, abstract = {This dissertation attempts to describe, analyze and evaluate how the settlement spaces of Chinese clans in rural areas were shaped by local clan lives in ancient times and transformed along with the transition of those clan organizations in modern China. In approaching this subject, two major questions are raised: what was the role of ancient Chinese rural clans in the spatial formation of their settlements and, nowadays, do they still play the same role as before? To approach these answers, this dissertation sets out to draw on systematically interdisciplinary research from the perspectives of socio-culture and architecture- planning to have an overall understanding of a Chinese clan organization and clan settlement. Then, the basic characteristics of traditional Chinese clans and their importance to the Chinese people are discussed by tracing the history and evolution of Chinese clan organizations in the dissertation. Two old villages, Furong and Cangpo in now Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, are selected for case study research. And the research reveals that it was the clans that took charge of planning and managing the various construction activities, especially those of communal buildings and facilities, within their own settlements, and the clan lives exerted a decisive impact on shaping the settlement spaces, branding the characteristics of the clan lives clearly and deeply on the spaces. Following that, in the dissertation is described the transformation process of traditional Chinese clans in modern and contemporary China. The clan lives in rural areas have been reshaped and this exerts a great impact on clan settlement spaces. It is shown in the case studies of Furong and Cangpo.}, subject = {Sattlement}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Yuli, author = {Yuli, Nensi Golda}, title = {The Spatial Concept at Moslem Settlements in Current Context of Modern Indonesia Using Phenomenology Method . Case Study: Pathok Negoro Area in Yogyakarta, Indonesia}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3125}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170419-31257}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {206}, abstract = {Settlement is human place to live and do various activities (Finch, 1980). Concept of settlement layout is closely associated with human and a set of thoughts and behaviors. In this case, idea of pattern of activities in a society that is core of a culture becomes main factor in process of formation of houses and environment in a settlement. Factors which affecting form (physical) of architecture in a settlement environment are socio-cultural, economic, and religious determinant factor that manifested architectural realization (Rapoport, 1969). Yogyakarta as the continuation of kingdom city in the Java Island finally exists as an Islamic kingdom that still remain to survive up to now. Impacts of this issue is appearance of various Moslem settlements to support typical character of an Islamic Kingdom. Mlangi is an area of oldest Moslem settlements in Yogyakarta has not been explored in details for progress especially in physical glasses recently. Everything basic group and individual who arrange houses and residences, starts from how it has spatial concept alone. Although concept is a very abstract thing to explain in details, but its existence can be detected by how they created their physical environment. This research conducted by these research questions: (1) What are spatial concepts owned by people in Mlangi and (2) How do spatial concepts owned by the people affect the settlements pattern? Process to search spatial concept owned by the people in Moslem residence, making Mlangi as study area, was approached by using phenomenological research method. The researcher have to self-involved directly in unstructured interviews, but remained in guideline framework of in interviews to make research process effective. Fistly, the researcher interviewed the key person, they are the head of Mlangi administration (pak Dukuh) in Mlangi and Sawahan. They were then give advices to who was capable person that could draw the spatial concept and had many story and knew the history of the settlements. Step by step of interview guided from one informant to next informant when the information had been told repeatedly. The next informant based on the last informant advice or who had close relationship with the last theme appeared. To complete the narration and draw the result of interview, researcher have to add additional information with photograph and descriptive picture that can be draw the settlement empirically. In process, 17 information units which found in field were consistent with sequence of interview events and flowing of theme to theme associated with Moslem residence of residence. Finally the interviews succeeded in abstracting 16 themes that may be classified into historic, socio-cultural, and spatial-concept dimensions in Mlangi. Process of analysis to find spatial concept owned by the people in Moslem settlements was carried out by dialogue of themes to find available substantive relationship. Four concepts successfully analyzed consist of concepts of personage, concept of religious implementation, concept of Jero-Jaba and concept of Interest. The four concepts are really associated with one and others in understanding how spatial concept owned by the people affects residence they occupy. Yet, concept of Jero-Jaba bases all concepts of people in Mlangi . This concept can be used to draw red yarn on how they utilize communal spaces in residence and layout rooms of their individual houses. This concept also eternalize residence patterns existing in Mlangi now where residence does not experience many changes from starting of this residence existence (from detection of generation currently still living), namely residence patterns concentrate on orientation to Masjid Pathok Negoro of Mlangi. This research was opening the potential research area, at least for the sociology, anthropology and demography research interest. So many unique character in Mlangi if looked at from how they maintain their spatial concept and manifested in their daily activities. How the people will concern only for the religious activities and the economic concern only for survival aspect in live. Keywords: spatial concept, moslem settlements, phenomenology method, Indonesia,}, subject = {Siedlung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Foka, author = {Foka, Zinovia}, title = {The Space In-Between. Tracing Transformative Processes in Nicosia's Buffer Zone.}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4444}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20210531-44447}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {266}, abstract = {This thesis examines urban partition in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, and how its changing roles and shifting perceptions in a post-conflict setting reflect power relations, and their constant renegotiation. Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, was officially divided in 1974 in the aftermath of an eighteen-year-long conflict between the island's Turkish- and Greek-Cypriot communities. As a result, a heavily militarized Buffer Zone, established as an emergency measure against perpetuation of intercommunal violence, has been cutting through its historic centre ever since. This thesis departs from a genuine interest in the material and ideational dimensions of urban partition. How is it constructed, not merely in physical terms but in the minds of the societies affected by conflict? How is it established in official and everyday discourses? What kinds of mechanisms have been developed to maintain it, and make an inseparable part of the urban experience? Moreover, taking into account the consensus in relevant literature pertaining to the imperative for its removal, this thesis is inquiring into the relevance of peace agreements to overcoming urban partition. For this purpose, it also looks at narratives and practices that have attempted to contest it. The examples examined in this thesis offer pregnant analytical moments to understand Nicosia's Buffer Zone as a dynamic social construct, accommodating multiple visions of and for the city. Its space 'in-between' facilitates encounters between various actors, accommodates new meanings, socio-spatial practices and diverse imaginaries. In this sense, urban partition is explored in this thesis as a phenomenon that transcends scales as well as temporalities, entwining past, present, and future.}, subject = {Stadtforschung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Che, author = {Che, Fei}, title = {The Socio-spatial transition of Beijing, in between communal space and associative space}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.2436}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20150721-24368}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {290}, abstract = {Abstract In this research, based on socio-spatiality as the starting point, it has conducted extensive city space analysis to advance a new urban social space theory. Resting upon the basis of traditional continent philosophy, this social space theory has adopted the structuration methods, at the same time trying to build certain combination between theoretical frame work establishment and empirical observations. Therefore, the socio-spatial transition study is neither a macro theory of traditional structuralism nor a typology of urban planning theory, or a positivism social geography, but an operative theory on practical purpose. Firstly, what's distinct from the traditional structuralism is that this study examines the endless transiting structural relations, not macroscopic narrations of absolute definition and structure. In fact, any city and space are always co-existed in their structurational transiting relationship, thus research in transition has become the main body of this study. And case study is a must for research in transition, as part of efforts to apply the structuration concept into practice reason. Secondly, this study first establishes the fundamental structuration concept of socio-spatial transition, which, as an operative tool, is applied to conduct transition analysis on specific case about the City of Beijing. Therefore, as a social space theory, referring to as science, remains criticism of traditional continent philosophy. However, this criticism did not working on the level of ideology or conceptions, but on transiting under structural relations, keeping it from incompetent ideology criticism of continental critical theory. Unfortunately contemporary urban and space development have now gone extremely unbalanced under a background of globalization; yet traditional macro theories are incapable of either producing significant impact on practice or helping people identify practical problems. While facing general issues, particularly the Chinese urban issue category established on a meta-structured city mode, the micro-case study has plunged into dilemma for unknowing either to ask questions or to answer questions. Therefore, this study is set to identify dilemma and find direction for future relevant research. In this dissertation, Beijing is used as a model, and structuration methods as tools. It has extensively analyzed the social-spatial transition of the city space of Beijing, acquiring brand-new knowledge of its urban space development. It is helpful to an in-depth understanding of the city space development not only in Beijing, but also in many other cities that were influenced by the capital model of Beijing. Since the start of reform and opening-up, China has created a unique development mode of the new-styled metropolitan and urbanization in history. This research is expected to analyze or decode what China's urban development in between communal space and associative space.}, subject = {Stadtsoziologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Du2010, author = {Du, Juan}, title = {The Shaping of People's Space - An Inquiry of Human Environmental Experiences and Planning Practice, China}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.1432}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20100913-15191}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2010}, abstract = {One of the main focuses of recent Chinese urban development is the creation and retrofitting of public spaces driven by the market force and demand. However, researches concerning human and cultural influences on shaping public spaces have been scanty. There still exist many undefined ambiguous planning aspects institutionally and legislatively. This is an explanatory research to address interactions, incorporations and interrelationship between the lived environment and its peoples. It is knowledge-seeking and normative. Theoretically, public space in a Chinese context is conceptualized; empirically, a selected case is inquired. The research has unfolded a comparatively complete understanding of China's planning evolution and on-going practices. Data collection emphasizes the concept of 'people' and 'space'. First-hand data is derived from the intensive fieldwork and observatory and participatory documentations. The ample detailed authentic empirical data empowers space syntax as a strong analysis tool in decoding how human's activities influence the public space. Findings fall into two categories but interdependent. Firstly, it discloses the studied settlement as a generic, organic and incremental development model. Its growth and established environment is evolutionary and incremental, based on its intrinsic traditions, life values and available resources. As a self-sustaining settlement, it highlights certain vernacular traits of spatial development out of lifestyles and cultural practices. Its spatial articulation appears as a process parallel to socio-economic transitions. Secondly, crucial planning aspects are theoretically summarized to address the existing gap between current planning methodology and practicalities. It pinpoints several most significant and particular issues, namely, disintegrated land use system and urban planning; missing of urban design in the planning system, loss of a human-responsive environment resulted from standardized planning and under-estimation of heritage in urban development. The research challenges present Chinese planning laws and regulations through urban public space study; and pinpoints to yield certain growth leverage for planning and development. Thus, planning is able to empower inhabitants to make decisions along the process of shaping and sustaining their space. Therefore, it discusses not only legislative issues, concerning land use planning, urban design and heritage conservation. It leads to a pivotal proposal, i.e., the integration of human and their social spaces in formulating a new spatial strategy. It expects to inform policymakers of underpinning social values and cultural practices in reconfiguring postmodern Chinese spatiality. It propounds that social context endemic to communities shall be integrated as a crucial tool in spatial strategy design, hence to strengthen spatial attributes and improve life quality.}, subject = {{\"O}ffentlicher Raum}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Camerin, author = {Camerin, Federico}, title = {THE ROLE OF THE GREAT PROPERTY IN THE EUROPEAN CITY-MAKING PROCESS IN THE LAST THIRD OF THE 20th CENTURY. MILITARY PROPERTY AS REFERENCE}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4201}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20200714-42018}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {453}, abstract = {The thesis concerns a work of urban history intended not to describe the city but rather to interpret it. By doing so, I have interpreted the city by means of the role played by the so-called 'great property' in the European city-making process during the last three decades of the 20th century, specifically focused on the concrete case of military properties in Italy. I have also considered the role played by other kinds of great properties, i.e. industries and railway, which previously acted in the production of the built environment in a different way respect to the military one. As all of them have as common denominator the fact of being 'capital in land', I analysed great industrial and railway properties in order to extrapolate a methodology which helped me to interpret the relationship between military properties and city-making process in Europe in the late 20th century. I have analysed the relationship between the capital in land and the city-making process on the ground of the understanding the interrelation between the great property, the urban development, and the agents involved in the urban and territorial planning. Here I have showed that urban planning is not the decisive factor influencing the citymaking process, but instead the power held by the capital in land. I have found that is the great property the trigger of the creation of new 'areas of centrality' intended as large areas for consumerism. As far as the role played by great property is concerned, I have also discovered that it has evolved over time. Originally, industrial and railway properties have been regenerated into a wide range of new profit-driven spaces; successively, I have found out that most of the regeneration of military premises aimed to materialise areas of centrality. The way of interpreting this factor has been based on focusing my attention on the military premises in Italy: I have classified their typology when they have been built and, most importantly, when they have been regenerated into new areas of centrality.}, subject = {Stadtplanung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{CamposMedina, author = {Campos Medina, Fernando}, title = {The Role of Individuals in Socio-Urban Exclusion : A case study on the School Institution in Santiago de Chile}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.2388}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20150505-23888}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {184}, abstract = {This is a work concerned with the increasing processes of social exclusion in cities nowadays. In approaching this phenomenon, the research highlights how people interact with their institutional environments. This is also, perhaps centrally, an investigation into the possibility to engage an individual perspective to understand the transformation in urban experience, which is orienting society to new uses and forms of exclusion. Following the perspective deployed by the so-called "sociology of individuals" in French sociology or "reengagement of agency" in the Anglo-Saxon world; I claim that individuals as well as collectives are gaining increasing power to question and re-organize institutions. This re-organization, in the case of socio-urban institutions, is no guarantee for major levels in integration, cohesion, and equality. Unfortunately, social institutions are becoming hard in its exclusionary capabilities under people intervention during the last four decades. I believe that urban sociology is a field of struggle between different perspectives competing to "make sense" of social phenomena in cities. The orientation supported in this research is just one on many and it follows the roots of people and their life experiences within cities and how they influence the processes that shape the city. The last formulation is possibly not the clearest, because as we all know, references to "inhabitants" are presented in every variant of urban sociology. Nevertheless, there are not many variants focusing on peoples' capability to influence institutional environments and by this way affecting the urban condition in which they find themselves. The particular institution selected for this study is the "School". This thesis is organized around two parts: part one includes the conceptual framework, methodological approach, and historical contextualization; part two describes three case studies produced to analyse the forms of and the relations between individuals and school institution. Part one starts from a premise: within the context of declining welfare State in the case of industrialized countries, an important part of urban studies focuses on economic and spatial restructuration. Confronted with the same situation, a part of social sciences shifts to the individuals' agency and social uncertainty. This research is embedded in the last theoretical description presented above, thus, because it tries to observe urban processes from the perspective of the individual and outside of developed economies. In this sense, Latin America represents a fundamental reference because urban conditions are historically marked by weak institutional arrangements to integrating people and large levels of marginality and exclusion among population. In this scenario individuals' practices around inclusion-exclusion have an essential meaning in everyday life. Part two offers three study cases in which the relation between individuals and school institutions has been analyzed for the Metropolitan area of Santiago de Chile (MAS). Using different methodological resources an exhaustive account on three levels is presented: i) geo-referencing State intervention in public policies connected with neighborhood and schools to understand the form and extent of socio-urban exclusion in MAS, ii) narrative biographies applied to parents with children attending primary school, in order to reconstruct the familiar process of school selection and describing its impacts on the stabilization of school as an exclusionary device, and iii) autoethnography to describe in detail the temporal dimension involved in stabilizing actions which reinforces social mechanisms of urban integration-exclusion during the last three decades in Chile. A key argument advanced by this research proposes that: the way in which the idea of integration is enacted by people in their biographical careers imprints changes on the institutional orientation and by this way, contributes to the reorganization urban life. The high level of social exclusion in Santiago de Chile is not accountable without considering transformation in all socio-urban institutions, especially the school. No family considers social integration with people from a low social, economical or cultural background as relevant orientation for school selection. This particularity of the Chilean social reality is not derivable from any big capitalistic or modernization processes impacting our cities. Within the light of the thesis findings, I conclude that socio-urban institutions logics must be reassessment under the influences of people actions and representations. I also propose a consideration to major complementarities between urban studies and urban-institutions analysis. The school institutions is not just a sectorial field reserved to the researcher in education, on the contrary, it represent a key entrance to address people's experience in their institutional urban environments. The re-emergence of social and urban movements in 2010, under the "Arab Spring" or the "Chilean Student Movements", is not only a demonstration in the public space as result of major global trends. These situations are in essence, for this research, individuals gathering together and calling for recognition and autonomy inside institutional environment that tends to reject them. Similar situation was the focus of the Latin American urban sociology research, within the focus on grassroots and urban social movements at the end of the 1960s and beginning of the 1970s. In both cases, socio-urban institutions, unaware of recognition requirements claimed by inhabitants, are not beyond individual or collective reach. My main concern is to show that socio-urban institutions are constantly re-shaped as a result of individual action, what makes the difference, is the spirit that we all, socially, imprint on the logics of our socio-urban institutions, moving them to inclusion or exclusion.}, subject = {urban studies}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ifesanya, author = {Ifesanya, Kunle}, title = {The Role of Government Agencies in Urban Housing Delivery in Lagos}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.1761}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20121115-17619}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {386}, abstract = {There is a continuous exacerbation of environmental problems in big cities of today's world, thereby, diminishing the quality of life in them. Of particular concern is the fact that today's megacities are evolving in the developing world without corresponding growth in the economy, infrastructure and other human development indices. As urban population continues to grow in these cities of the Global South, governing institutions are usually unable to keep pace with their social responsibilities, thus, making the issue of urban governance very critical. This is because effective and efficient urban governance is highly essential for the creation, strengthening and sustenance of governing institutions. Lagos, a mega-city of over 15.45 million people and the most populous metropolitan area on the African continent epitomizes the fundamental grave characteristics of the emerging megacities of the Global South, thereby, constituting an apt choice in understanding the emerging megacities of the next generation. Two out of every three Lagos residents live in slums and de-humanizing physical and social conditions. Many of them sleep, work, eat and cook under highway bridges, at the mercy of weather elements. This research, therefore, evaluated urban governance through housing administration in Africa's largest megacity. It examines the extent of housing problems in the city, the causal factors and the culpability of government agencies statutorily responsible for the provision, control and management of housing development in Lagos - the tenth largest city in the world. A representative geographic part of the city which manifests classic characteristics of slum life, listed by Mike Davis as the largest slum in Africa and the 6th largest in the world - Ajegunle - was adopted for case study. The research design combined rigorous literature search (desk research) with quantitative and, especially, qualitative approaches to data collection. The qualitative approach was more intensely adopted because government officials often respond to enquiries with 'official answers and data' which may not be reliable and the study had to rely on keen observation of physical traces, social interaction and personal investigation. The cross-sectional research method was adopted. Information was solicited from house-owners, building industry professionals, sociologists and officials of relevant government agencies, through research tools like questionnaires, interviews, focused group discussions and personal observations. The analysis and discussion of these field data, in conjunction with the information from the desk research gave a better understanding of the status-quo, which informed the recommendations proposed in the dissertation for mitigating the problems. The research discovered that many of the statutory housing agencies have the capacity to effectively discharge their responsibilities. However, it was also shown that corruption and abdication of responsibilities by the staff of these agencies constitute primary causes of the chasm between the anticipated lofty outcome from the laudable building regulations/bye-laws and the appalling reality. It also discovered that lack of political will and apathy on the part of successive Governments of Lagos State to the improvement of housing conditions of the poor masses are major causes of the housing debacle in Lagos. Several germane and realistic recommendations for redressing the situation were subsequently proffered. These include amongst others, the conduction of an accurate census for Lagos, in conjunction with credible international agencies, as a requisite basis for effective planning of any sort. The process of obtaining legal titles for land should also be made less cumbersome, while the housing administration process should be computerized; in order to reduce inter-personal contacts between applicants and government officials to the barest minimum, as a means of curbing the wide spread corruption in the system.}, subject = {Housing}, language = {en} }