@article{HildebrandHechtBliedtneretal., author = {Hildebrand, J{\"o}rg and Hecht, Kerstin and Bliedtner, Jens and M{\"u}ller, Hartmut}, title = {Advanced Analysis of Laser Beam Polishing of Quartz Glass Surfaces}, series = {Physics Procedia}, journal = {Physics Procedia}, doi = {10.1016/j.phpro.2012.10.039}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170418-31372}, pages = {277 -- 285}, abstract = {The laser beam is a small, flexible and fast polishing tool. With laser radiation it is possible to finish many outlines or geometries on quartz glass surfaces in the shortest possible time. It's a fact that the temperature developing while polishing determines the reachable surface smoothing and, as a negative result, causes material tensions. To find out which parameters are important for the laser polishing process and the surface roughness respectively and to estimate material tensions, temperature simulations and extensive polishing experiments took place. During these experiments starting and machining parameters were changed and temperatures were measured contact-free. The accuracy of thermal and mechanical simulation was improved in the case of advanced FE-analysis.}, subject = {Laser}, language = {en} } @article{MotraHildebrandDimmigOsburg, author = {Motra, Hem Bahadur and Hildebrand, J{\"o}rg and Dimmig-Osburg, Andrea}, title = {Assessment of strain measurement techniques to characterise mechanical properties of structural steel}, series = {Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal}, journal = {Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal}, doi = {10.1016/j.jestch.2014.07.006}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170425-31540}, pages = {260 -- 269}, abstract = {Strain measurement is important in mechanical testing. A wide variety of techniques exists for measuring strain in the tensile test; namely the strain gauge, extensometer, stress and strain determined by machine crosshead motion, Geometric Moire technique, optical strain measurement techniques and others. Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of this study is to quantitatively compare the strain measurement techniques. To carry out the tensile test experiments for S 235, sixty samples were cut from the web of the I-profile in longitudinal and transverse directions in four different dimensions. The geometry of samples are analysed by 3D scanner and vernier caliper. In addition, the strain values were determined by using strain gauge, extensometer and machine crosshead motion. Three techniques of strain measurement are compared in quantitative manner based on the calculation of mechanical properties (modulus of elasticity, yield strength, tensile strength, percentage elongation at maximum force) of structural steel. A statistical information was used for evaluating the results. It is seen that the extensometer and strain gauge provided reliable data, however the extensometer offers several advantages over the strain gauge and crosshead motion for testing structural steel in tension. Furthermore, estimation of measurement uncertainty is presented for the basic material parameters extracted through strain measurement.}, subject = {Baustahl}, language = {en} } @article{JoshiHildebrandAloraieretal., author = {Joshi, Suraj and Hildebrand, J{\"o}rg and Aloraier, Abdulkareem S. and Rabczuk, Timon}, title = {Characterization of material properties and heat source parameters in welding simulation of two overlapping beads on a substrate plate}, series = {Computational Materials Science}, journal = {Computational Materials Science}, doi = {10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.11.029}, pages = {559 -- 565}, abstract = {This paper presents several aspects of characterization of welding heat source parameters in Goldak's double ellipsoidal model using Sysweld simulation of welding of two overlapping beads on a substrate steel plate. The overlap percentages ranged from 40\% to 80\% in increments of 10\%. The new material properties of the fused metal were characterized using Weldware and their continuous cooling transformation curves. The convective and radiative heat transfer coefficients as well as the cooling time t8/5 were estimated using numerical formulations from relevant standards. The effects of the simulation geometry and mesh discretization were evaluated in terms of the factor F provided in Sysweld. Eventually, the parameters of Goldak's double ellipsoidal heat source model were determined for the welding simulation of overlapping beads on the plate and the simulated bead geometry, extent of the molten pool and the HAZ were compared with the macrographs of cross-sections of the experimental weldments. The results showed excellent matching, thus verifying this methodology for determination of welding heat source parameters.}, subject = {Angewandte Mathematik}, language = {en} } @article{HildebrandHechtBliedtneretal., author = {Hildebrand, J{\"o}rg and Hecht, Kerstin and Bliedtner, Jens and M{\"u}ller, Hartmut}, title = {Laser Beam Polishing of Quartz Glass Surfaces}, series = {Physics Procedia}, journal = {Physics Procedia}, doi = {10.1016/j.phpro.2011.03.056}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170418-31366}, pages = {452 -- 461}, abstract = {The laser beam is a small, flexible and fast polishing tool. With laser radiation it is possible to finish many outlines or geometries on quartz glass surfaces in the shortest possible time. It's a fact that the temperature developing while polishing determines the reachable surface smoothing and, as a negative result, causes material tensions. To find out which parameters are important for the laser polishing process and the surface roughness respectively and to estimate material tensions, temperature simulations and extensive polishing experiments took place. During these experiments starting and machining parameters were changed and temperatures were measured contact-free.}, subject = {Laser}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HildebrandWudtkeWerner, author = {Hildebrand, J{\"o}rg and Wudtke, Idna and Werner, Frank}, title = {M{\"O}GLICHKEITEN DER MATHEMATISCHEN BESCHREIBUNG VON PHASENUMWANDLUNGEN IM STAHL BEI SCHWEIß- UND WIG-NACHBEHANDLUNGSPROZESSEN}, editor = {G{\"u}rlebeck, Klaus and K{\"o}nke, Carsten}, organization = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.2968}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170327-29684}, pages = {13}, abstract = {In the final decades many scientists were occupied intensively with the change of materials during a process and their mathematical descriptions. The extensive and extensive analyses were supported by the advanced computer science. A mathematical description of the phase transformation is a condition for a realistic FE simulation of the state of microstructure. It is possible to simulate the temperature and stress field also in complex construction based on the state of microstructure. In the last years a great number of mathematical models were expanded to describe the transformation between different phases. For the development of the models for transformation kinetics it is practical to subdivide into isothermal and non-isothermal processes according to the thermal conditions. Some models for the description of the transformation with non-isothermal processes represent extensions for isothermal of processes. A part of parameters for the describing equations can be derived from the time-temperature-transformation diagrams in the literature. Furthermore the two possibilities of transformation are considered by different models - diffusion controlled and not diffusion controlled. The material-specific characteristics can be simulated during the transformation for each individual phase in a realistic FE analyses. Also new materials can be simulated after a modification of the parameters in the describing equations for the phase transformation. The effects in the temperature and stress field are a substantial reason for the investigation of the phase transformation during the welding and TIG-dressing processes.}, subject = {Architektur }, language = {de} } @article{LahmerBockHildebrandetal., author = {Lahmer, Tom and Bock, Sebastian and Hildebrand, J{\"o}rg and G{\"u}rlebeck, Klaus}, title = {Non-destructive identification of residual stresses in steel under thermal loadings}, series = {Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering}, journal = {Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering}, pages = {1 -- 17}, abstract = {Non-destructive identification of residual stresses in steel under thermal loadings}, subject = {Angewandte Mathematik}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hildebrand2008, author = {Hildebrand, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Numerische Schweißsimulation - Bestimmung von Temperatur, Gef{\"u}ge und Eigenspannung an Schweißverbindungen aus Stahl- und Glaswerkstoffen}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.1391}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20090617-14753}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Die Komplexit{\"a}t des Schweißprozesses und das Verhalten der Werkstoffe infolge des Energieeintrages erfordern eine umfassende Betrachtungsweise. Die Entwicklung von numerischen Modellen und Methoden in den letzten 50 Jahren erm{\"o}glicht die Simulation, Analyse und Optimierung von Schweißverbindungen hinsichtlich Temperatur, Gef{\"u}gestruktur und Eigenspannungen. Eine Differenzierung der Schweißsimulation in Prozess-, Werkstoff- und Struktursimulation gestattet eine gezielte Untersuchung von einzelnen Aspekten. Diese Unterteilung erfordert zum Teil eine starke Abstraktion und Idealisierung der Realit{\"a}t durch geeignete Annahmen und Randbedingungen, die von der zu untersuchenden Fragestellung abh{\"a}ngen. Dadurch wird eine Kalibrierung und Verifikation der Modelle mit Versuchsergebnissen notwendig. Die in dieser Arbeit durchgef{\"u}hrten Untersuchungen besch{\"a}ftigen sich mit wichtigen Fragestellungen hinsichtlich der numerischen Simulation und experimentellen Untersuchung des Temperaturfeldes sowie des Gef{\"u}ge- und Eigenspannungszustandes von MAG-Schweißverfahren an den Werkstoffen Feinkornbaustahl und Duplex-Stahl, CO2-Laserstrahlschweißverfahren am Werkstoff Quarzglas, Trennprozessen von Proben, WIG-Nachbehandlungsverfahren. Hinsichtlich der Naht- und Stoßarten orientierte sich die Arbeit an baupraktisch relevanten Schweißverbindungen sowie Besonderheiten, die sich aus Schweißprozessen und unterschiedlichen Werkstoffen ergeben. Eine Interpretation der numerisch und experimentell ermittelten Ergebnisse erm{\"o}glicht die Ableitung von allgemeing{\"u}ltigen Erkenntnissen zur Ausbildung des Temperaturfeldes, Entstehung von Gef{\"u}gestrukturen und Eigenspannungen. Voraussetzungen f{\"u}r eine realit{\"a}tsnahe Schweißsimulation zur Bestimmung von Temperatur, Gef{\"u}geanteil und Eigenspannung sind neben den Geometriemodellen geeignete numerische Modelle f{\"u}r die Einkopplung der Energie aus dem Schweißprozess und f{\"u}r die Abgabe der Energie durch Konvektion und Strahlung an die Umgebung, zur Beschreibung des thermischen und mechanischen Werkstoffverhaltens im Bereich von Raumtemperatur bis zur Schmelztemperatur.}, subject = {MAG-Schweißen}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{GoebelHildebrandWerner, author = {G{\"o}bel, Michael and Hildebrand, J{\"o}rg and Werner, Frank}, title = {NUMERISCHES MODELL F{\"U}R DIE SIMULATION EINER LASERSTRAHLSCHWEIßUNG VON QUARZGLAS}, editor = {G{\"u}rlebeck, Klaus and K{\"o}nke, Carsten}, organization = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.2958}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170327-29589}, pages = {14}, abstract = {Ausgehend von den fundierten Erfahrungen, die f{\"u}r das Schweißen von verschiedensten Metallen vorliegen, wird an der Professur Stahlbau der Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar ein neuartiges Verfahren zum CO2-Laserstrahlschweißen von Quarzglas numerisch untersucht. Dabei kommt die kommerzielle FE-Software SYSWELD® zum Einsatz. Die erforderlichen Versuche werden in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut f{\"u}r F{\"u}getechnik und Werkstoffpr{\"u}fung GmbH aus Jena realisiert. Die numerische Analyse wird eingesetzt, um geeignete Prozessparameter zu bestimmen und deren Auswirkungen auf die transienten thermischen und mechanischen Vorg{\"a}nge, die w{\"a}hrend des Schweißvorgangs ablaufen abzubilden. Um die aus der Simulation erhaltenen Aussagen zu {\"u}berpr{\"u}fen, ist es erforderlich, das Berechnungsmodell mittels Daten aus Versuchsschweißungen zu kalibrieren. Dabei sind die verwendeten Materialmodelle sowie die der Simulation zugrunde gelegten Materialkennwerte zu validieren. Es stehen verschiedene rheologische Berechnungsmodelle zur Auswahl, die die viskosen Materialeigenschaften des Glases abbilden. Dabei werden die drei mechanischen Grundelemente, die HOOKEsche Feder, der NEWTONsche D{\"a}mpfungszylinder und das ST.-VENANT-Element miteinander kombiniert. Die M{\"o}glichkeit, thermische und mechanische Vorg{\"a}nge innerhalb des Glases w{\"a}hrend des Schweißvorgangs und nach vollst{\"a}ndiger Abk{\"u}hlung, vorhersagen zu k{\"o}nnen, gestattet es den Schweißvorgang {\"u}ber eine Optimierung der Verfahrensparameter gezielt dahingehend zu beeinflussen, die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Schweißverfahrens zu verbessern, und ein zuverl{\"a}ssiges Schweißergebnis zu erhalten. Dabei k{\"o}nnen auch nur unter hohem experimentellen Aufwand durchf{\"u}hrbare Versuche simuliert werden, um eine Vorhersage zu treffen, ob es zweckm{\"a}ßig ist, den Versuch auch in der Praxis zu fahren. Dies f{\"u}hrt zu einer Reduzierung des experimentellen Aufwandes und damit zu einer Verk{\"u}rzung des Entwicklungszeitraumes f{\"u}r das angestrebte Verfahren.}, subject = {Architektur }, language = {de} } @article{NagelSimonKuemmeletal., author = {Nagel, Falk and Simon, Flaviu and K{\"u}mmel, Benjamin and Bergmann, Jean Pierre and Hildebrand, J{\"o}rg}, title = {Optimization Strategies for Laser Welding High Alloy Steel Sheets}, series = {Physics Procedia}, journal = {Physics Procedia}, doi = {10.1016/j.phpro.2014.08.040}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170425-31554}, pages = {1242 -- 1251}, abstract = {A known phenomenon during laser welding of thin sheets is the deformation caused by thermally induced stresses. This deformation can result in a change of the gap width between the welded parts, which leads to an unstable welding process. Inducing displacements by using a second heat source will compensate for the change in gap width, hence optimizing the welding process. The base material is 1 mm thick austenitic stainless steel 1.4301, which is welded by a CO2 laser. The second heat source is a diode laser. The gap between the welded parts was set between 0.05 mm and 0.1 mm. The influence of the second heat source on the welding process and the welding result is described. The usage of a second heat source allows a higher gap width to be set prior to the welding process. The results of the numerical simulation were found to be corresponding to those of the experiments.}, subject = {Edelstahl}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AlmamouGebhardtBocketal., author = {Almamou, Abd Albasset and Gebhardt, Thomas and Bock, Sebastian and Hildebrand, J{\"o}rg and Schwarz, Willfried}, title = {QUALITY CONTROL OF CONSTRUCTED MODELS USING 3D POINT CLOUD}, series = {Digital Proceedings, International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering : July 20 - 22 2015, Bauhaus-University Weimar}, booktitle = {Digital Proceedings, International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering : July 20 - 22 2015, Bauhaus-University Weimar}, editor = {G{\"u}rlebeck, Klaus and Lahmer, Tom}, organization = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, issn = {1611-4086}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.2794}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170314-27944}, pages = {9}, abstract = {Over the last decade, the technology of constructing buildings has been dramatically developed especially with the huge growth of CAD tools that help in modeling buildings, bridges, roads and other construction objects. Often quality control and size accuracy in the factory or on construction site are based on manual measurements of discrete points. These measured points of the realized object or a part of it will be compared with the points of the corresponding CAD model to see whether and where the construction element fits into the respective CAD model. This process is very complicated and difficult even when using modern measuring technology. This is due to the complicated shape of the components, the large amount of manually detected measured data and the high cost of manual processing of measured values. However, by using a modern 3D scanner one gets information of the whole constructed object and one can make a complete comparison against the CAD model. It gives an idea about quality of objects on the whole. In this paper, we present a case study of controlling the quality of measurement during the constructing phase of a steel bridge by using 3D point cloud technology. Preliminary results show that an early detection of mismatching between real element and CAD model could save a lot of time, efforts and obviously expenses.}, subject = {Angewandte Informatik}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{MotraDimmigOsburgHildebrand, author = {Motra, Hem Bahadur and Dimmig-Osburg, Andrea and Hildebrand, J{\"o}rg}, title = {UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION IN CYCLIC CREEP PREDICTION OF CONCRETE}, series = {Digital Proceedings, International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering : July 04 - 06 2012, Bauhaus-University Weimar}, booktitle = {Digital Proceedings, International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering : July 04 - 06 2012, Bauhaus-University Weimar}, editor = {G{\"u}rlebeck, Klaus and Lahmer, Tom and Werner, Frank}, organization = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, issn = {1611-4086}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.2780}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20170314-27803}, pages = {18}, abstract = {This paper presents a methodology for uncertainty quantification in cyclic creep analysis. Several models- , namely BP model, Whaley and Neville model, modified MC90 for cyclic loading and modified Hyperbolic function for cyclic loading are used for uncertainty quantification. Three types of uncertainty are included in Uncertainty Quantification (UQ): (i) natural variability in loading and materials properties; (ii) data uncertainty due to measurement errors; and (iii) modelling uncertainty and errors during cyclic creep analysis. Due to the consideration of all type of uncertainties, a measure for the total variation of the model response is achieved. The study finds that the BP, modified Hyperbolic and modified MC90 are best performing models for cyclic creep prediction in that order. Further, global Sensitivity Analysis (SA) considering the uncorrelated and correlated parameters is used to quantify the contribution of each source of uncertainty to the overall prediction uncertainty and to identifying the important parameters. The error in determining the input quantities and model itself can produce significant changes in creep prediction values. The variability influence of input random quantities on the cyclic creep was studied by means of the stochastic uncertainty and sensitivity analysis namely the Gartner et al. method and Saltelli et al. method. All input imperfections were considered to be random quantities. The Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) numerical simulation method (Monte Carlo type method) was used. It has been found by the stochastic sensitivity analysis that the cyclic creep deformation variability is most sensitive to the Elastic modulus of concrete, compressive strength, mean stress, cyclic stress amplitude, number of cycle, in that order.}, subject = {Angewandte Informatik}, language = {en} }