@periodical{BeeKlemsteinHallmannetal., author = {Bee, Julia and Klemstein, Franziska and Hallmann, Lilli and Noeske, Jannik and Bachrach Barzilai, Yael and Bauche, Manuela and Beck, Erik and Logemann, Daniel and Marshall, Danna and Paulus, J{\"o}rg and Schl{\"u}ter, Dorothee and Schubert-Lehnhardt, Viola and Schwoch, Rebecca and Str{\"a}hle, Volker and Stubenvoll, Kerstin and Victor, Kristin and Wagner, Jens-Christian and Welch Guerra, Max}, title = {Auf dem Weg zum Erinnerungsort - das Geb{\"a}ude der NS-Medizinb{\"u}rokratie in Weimar}, editor = {Bee, Julia and Hallmann, Lilli and Klemstein, Franziska and Noeske, Jannik}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.6461}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20231012-64617}, abstract = {Die Bauhausstraße 11 war in der NS-Zeit Sitz von zahlreichen Institutionen der Gesundheitspolitik. Jetzt ist das Geb{\"a}ude zum Gegenstand eines Forschungsprojektes geworden, in Zukunft wird auch vor Ort an seine Einbindung in nationalsozialistische Verbrechen erinnert. Dieses Buch dokumentiert und reflektiert die Erinnerungsarbeit auf dem Campus der Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar und dar{\"u}ber hinaus. Anhand der interdisziplin{\"a}ren Beitr{\"a}ge wird das Geb{\"a}ude in der heutigen Bauhausstraße 11 r{\"a}umlich in Weimar und Th{\"u}ringen, erinnerungspolitisch aber in einer seit Jahrzehnten erk{\"a}mpften Landschaft des Gedenkens an nationalsozialistische Verbrechen verortet.}, subject = {Kollektives Ged{\"a}chtnis}, language = {de} } @article{SanderWeissermel, author = {Sander, Hendrik and Weißermel, S{\"o}ren}, title = {Urban Heat Transition in Berlin: Corporate Strategies, Political Conflicts, and Just Solutions}, series = {Urban Planning}, volume = {2023}, journal = {Urban Planning}, number = {Volume 8, No 1}, publisher = {Cogitatio Press}, address = {Lissabon}, doi = {10.17645/up.v8i1.6178}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230524-63845}, pages = {361 -- 371}, abstract = {In the field of urban climate policy, heat production and demand are key sectors for achieving a sustainable city. Heat production has to shift from fossil to renewable energies, and the heat demand of most buildings has to be reduced significantly via building retrofits. However, analyses of heat transition still lack its contextualization within entangled urban politico-economic processes and materialities and require critical socio-theoretical examination. Asking about the embeddedness of heat transition within social relations and its implications for social justice issues, this article discusses the challenges and opportunities of heat transition, taking Berlin as an example. It uses an urban political ecology perspective to analyze the materialities of Berlin's heating-housing nexus, its politico-economic context, implications for relations of inequality and power, and its contested strategies. The empirical analysis identifies major disputes about the future trajectory of heat production and about the distribution of retrofit costs. Using our conceptual approach, we discuss these empirical findings against the idea of a more just heat transition. For this purpose, we discuss three policy proposals regarding cost distribution, urban heat planning, and remunicipalization of heat utilities. We argue that this conceptual approach provides huge benefits for debates around heat transition and, more generally, energy justice and just transitions.}, subject = {Berlin}, language = {en} } @article{Bockelmann, author = {Bockelmann, Leo}, title = {Impacts of Change: Analysing the Perception of Industrial Heritage in the Vogtland Region}, series = {Urban Planning}, volume = {2023}, journal = {Urban Planning}, number = {Volume 8, No 1}, publisher = {Cogitatio Press}, address = {Lissabon}, doi = {10.17645/up.v8i1.6025}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230524-63814}, pages = {30 -- 38}, abstract = {Beyond metropolitan areas, many peripheral regions and their cities in Europe have, in manifold ways, been significantly shaped by industrialisation. In the context of the relocation of industrial production to other countries over the last decades, the question has been raised as to the role this heritage can play in futural regional development as well as the potential local identification with this history. Hence, this article seeks to analyse the perception of the industrial heritage in the Vogtland region, located alongside the border of three German federal states and the Czech Republic. It inquires as to the perception of the industrial heritage by the local population and related potential future narrations. Based on spontaneous and explorative interviews with local people as an empirical base, a discrepancy between the perception of the tangible and intangible dimensions of the industrial heritage can be observed. On the one hand, the tangible heritage like older factories and production complexes are seen as a functional legacy and an "eyesore" narrative is attributed to them. On the other hand, people often reference the personal and familial connection to the industry and highlight its importance for the historical development and the wealth of the region. But these positive associations are mainly limited to the intangible dimension and are disconnected from the material artefacts of industrial production.}, subject = {Vogtland}, language = {en} } @misc{Lenz, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Lenz, Juliane}, title = {„Baus{\"u}nde" oder Denkmal? Zur Diskussion {\"u}ber den Umgang mit verschm{\"a}hten Bauwerken}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.6397}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230606-63979}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {187}, abstract = {F{\"u}r die einen also „Baus{\"u}nde", f{\"u}r die anderen ein erhaltenswertes Bauwerk - wie geht man damit um? F{\"u}r wen gilt wann etwas als „Baus{\"u}nde" und wann als erhaltenswert, welche Ziele werden damit verfolgt und Konzepte aufgezeigt? Inwieweit spielen beispielsweise Aspekte wie {\"A}sthetik, Funktionalit{\"a}t oder der allgemeine gesellschaftliche Kontext bzw. Wandel sowie das jeweils aktuelle und bauzeitliche planerische Leitbild bzw. Verst{\"a}ndnis eine Rolle bei der Verwendung des Begriffs und den Umgang f{\"u}r konkrete Bauwerke? Und inwieweit steht der Erhaltungswert bzw. eine Denkmalw{\"u}rdigkeit damit im Verh{\"a}ltnis und wie kann damit planerisch umgegangen werden? Der Diskussion {\"u}ber den Umgang mit verschm{\"a}hten Bauwerken will sich die vorliegende Abschlussarbeit n{\"a}hern. Als Bauwerke werden hierbei sowohl Geb{\"a}ude und Pl{\"a}tze als auch zur Erinnerung gesetzte Objekte wie Statuen verstanden.}, subject = {Denkmalpflege}, language = {de} } @misc{VollmerCalbetiEliasRaabetal., author = {Vollmer, Lisa and Calbet i Elias, Laura and Raab, Susanna and Zanders, Theresa and Kleine, Aya}, title = {Ko-Produktion. Ein Handlungsleitfaden f{\"u}r die Zusammenarbeit zwischen zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren und {\"o}ffentlichen Verwaltungen}, edition = {Erste Auflage}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4954}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230413-49549}, pages = {57}, abstract = {Dieser Handlungsleitfaden m{\"o}chte die Zusammenarbeit zwischen zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren und {\"o}ffentlichen Verwaltungen erleichtern. Er enth{\"a}lt allerdings kein Patentrezept, mit dem eine solche Zusammenarbeit gebacken werden kann, sondern vor allem Anst{\"o}ße, was es dabei alles zu bedenken gilt. Denn Ko-Produktionsprozesse, bei denen zivilgesellschaftliche Gruppen und Verwaltungen gemeinsam an der Umsetzung von Dienstleistungen und Infrastrukturen der Daseinsvorsorge arbeiten, sind komplexe und noch recht unerprobte Prozesse.}, subject = {Koproduktion}, language = {de} } @misc{KleineCalbetiElias, author = {Kleine, Aya and Calbet i Elias, Laura}, title = {Gemeinwohlorientierte Bodennutzung in Kooperation. Ein Handlungsleitfaden f{\"u}r {\"o}ffentlich-zivielgesellschaftliche Partnerschaften}, editor = {Calbet i Elias, Laura and Vollmer, Lisa and Kleine, Aya}, edition = {Erste Auflage}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.6398}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230609-63988}, pages = {56}, abstract = {Dieser Handlungsleitfaden m{\"o}chte die gemeinwohlorientierte Vergabe von R{\"a}umen und Fl{\"a}chen an zivilgesellschaftliche Gruppen st{\"a}rken. Er ist als Inspirationssammlung zu verstehen, die den Weg zu neuen Kooperationen zwischen {\"o}ffentlichen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren erleichtern soll. Wissenswertesund inspirierende Beispiele bieten eine Starthilfe, um nicht nur einzelne stadtr{\"a}umliche Experimente zu wagen, sondern die gemeinwohlorientierte Fl{\"a}chen- und Raumvergabe an zivilgesellschaftliche Gruppen kommunal zu verankern. Denn {\"o}ffentliche Liegenschaften sind nach vielen Jahren der Privatisierung eine rare Ressource, die umso mehr dem Gemeinwohl dienen sollte.}, subject = {Liegenschaftspolitik}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Arganaraz, author = {Arga{\~n}araz, Cecilia Magdalena}, title = {Tiempos imaginados y espacios {\´a}ridos: controversias en torno al agua en el Valle de Catamarca (siglos XIX-XX)}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4681}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20220803-46817}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, abstract = {The thesis addresses journalistic, administrative and judicial historical documentation to analyze the links between aridity and geographical imaginaries in the province of Catamarca (Argentina), from a historical point of view. The research aims to contribute to the understanding of the "non-hegemonic" versions of Modernity, its territoriality and the productions of geographic imaginaries that they involve. To provide a broad purpose, it raises as an object of study the ways in which "modern" practices, actors, links, discourses and expectations about the territory are mobilized when they are located in a space in "other" water conditions. those that are intended to "civilize" it. The general objective of the research is to analyze time-space controversies around water in the city and valley of Catamarca towards 19th and 20th centuries. The specific objectives derived are a) analyzing how various actors are related to waters behavior - in other words, the local water regime - in Catamarca and the meanings built around it. b) to analyze the controversies about the place of Catamarca and its water regime in the local and national geographic imaginary. c) analyze controversies in which the relationships between actors and materialities involved in modernization projects are put into discussion. These concerns by the experience of the actors and by the historical-spatial imagination of the territory, combined, led to the construction of an interdisciplinary methodology based on tools from anthropology, sociology, geography and history.}, subject = {Anthologie}, language = {es} } @misc{OPUS4-6372, title = {Programm gemeinn{\"u}tzige Liegenschaften. Strategie zur F{\"o}rderung der {\"o}ffentlich-zivilgesellschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit}, organization = {Stadt Barcelona / Referat B{\"u}rger*innenrechte und Partizipation}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.6372}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230523-63724}, pages = {23}, abstract = {St{\"a}dten kam bei demokratischen Innovationsprozessen immer eine zentrale Rolle zu. Die {\"o}ffentlichen Verwaltungen der großen St{\"a}dte stellten Regeln f{\"u}r die Einf{\"u}hrung und Ausweitung der b{\"u}rgerschaftlichen Partizipation auf und reagierten damit auf Erfahrungen und Forderungen, die von der sch{\"o}pferischen politischen Kraft der sozialen und urbanen Bewegungen getragen wurden. Die Geschichte Barcelonas ist daf{\"u}r ein typisches Beispiel. Dank dieser sozialen Errungenschaften k{\"o}nnen wir von einer Reihe von G{\"u}tern und Dienstleistungen profitieren, die lokale Wohlfahrtssysteme ausmachen. Die Stadtverwal-tungen {\"u}bernehmen die Aufgabe, Ressourcen und Dienstleistungen bereitzustellen, die nicht nur mit Wohlfahrt und Gesundheit in Verbindung stehen, sondern auch mit der Sorge um Umfeld und Umwelt, mit der F{\"o}rderung von Maßnahmen in Bereichen wie Bildung, Kultur, Kunst oder Sport sowie mit der Dynamisierung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Ob zust{\"a}ndig oder nicht, die Kommunen m{\"u}ssen auf die Forderungen der B{\"u}rger*innen reagieren, sind sie doch die Verwaltungen, die den allt{\"a}glichen Problemen und Bed{\"u}rfnissen am n{\"a}chsten stehen. Daher liegt es weniger im Belieben der Stadtverwaltungen, ob sie notwendige Innova¬tionen anstoßen, sondern diese sind vielmehr Teil ihres Aufgabenbereichs. Um den Bed{\"u}rfnissen der B{\"u}rger*innen seitens der {\"o}ffentlichen Verwaltung gerecht zu werden, kam in den meisten F{\"a}llen eine von zwei Methoden zur Anwendung: die direkte Verwaltung durch die Beh{\"o}rden oder die indirekte Verwaltung mit dem privaten Sektor. Mit dem Anbruch einer neuen Zeit, in der alternative Methoden an Bedeutung gewonnen haben, w{\"a}chst das Interesse an Modellen {\"o}ffentlich-zivilgesellschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit. Hauptziel dieser Modelle ist es, Verwaltungen und B{\"u}rgerschaft eine Zusammenarbeit im gemeinsamen und allgemeinen Interesse zu erm{\"o}glichen, indem Projekte unterst{\"u}tzt werden, die Zugang, N{\"a}he und Partizipation in sich vereinen. Vor diesem Hintergrund bietet die Verwaltung {\"o}ffent¬licher Ressourcen M{\"o}glichkeiten zur Entwicklung neuer Formen kollektiver Intelligenz, mit ge¬meinsamer Verantwortung und Synergie zwischen Institution und B{\"u}rgerschaft, sodass die St{\"a}dte zu wahrhaft kooperativen Plattformen f{\"u}r {\"o}ffentliche Innovationen werden.}, subject = {Gemeinwohl}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{OrtizAlvis, author = {Ortiz Alvis, Alfredo}, title = {Urban Agoraphobia: The pursuit of security within confined community ties. Urban-ethnographic analysis on gated housing developments of Guadalajara, Mexico.}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4723}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20221005-47234}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {436}, abstract = {The Gated Community (GC) phenomenon in Latin American cities has become an inherent element of their urban development, despite academical debate, their approach thrives within the housing market; not surprisingly, as some of the premises on which GCs are based, namely safety, control and supervision intersperse seamlessly with the insecure conditions of the contexts from which they arise. The current security crisis in Mexico, triggered in 2006 by the so-called war on drugs, has reached its peak with the highest insecurity rates in decades, representing a unique chance to study these interactions. Although the leading term of this research, Urban Agoraphobia, implies a causal dichotomy between the rise in the sense of fear amongst citizens and housing confinement as lineal consequence, I acknowledge that GCs represent a complex phenomenon, a hub of diverse factors and multidimensional processes held on four fundamental levels: global, social, individual and state-related. The focus of this dissertation is set on the individual plane and contributes, from the analysis of the GC's resident's perspective, experiences and perceptions, to a debate that has usually been limited to the scrutiny of other drivers, disregarding the role of dweller's underlying fears, motivations and concerns. Assuming that the current ruling security model in Mexico tends to empower its commodification rather than its collective quality, this research draws upon the use of a methodological triangulation, along conceptual and contextual analyses, to test the hypothesis that insecurity plays an increasingly major role, leading citizens into the belief that acquiring a household in a controlled and surveilled community represents a counterweight against the feared environment of the open city. The focus of the analysis lies on the internal hatch of community ties as potential palliative for the provision of a sense of security, aiming to transcend the unidimensional discourse of GCs as defined mainly by their defensive apparatus. Residents' perspectives acquired through ethnographical analyses may provide the chance to gain an essential view into a phenomenon that further consolidates without a critical study of its actual implications, not only for Mexican cities, but also for the Latin American and global contexts.}, subject = {Agoraphobie}, language = {en} } @article{Lutolli, author = {Lutolli, Blerim}, title = {A Review of Domed Cities and Architecture: Past, Present and Future}, series = {Future cities and environment}, volume = {2022}, journal = {Future cities and environment}, number = {Volume 8, issue 1}, publisher = {Ubiquity Press Limited}, address = {London}, doi = {10.5334/fce.154}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20221103-47335}, pages = {1 -- 9}, abstract = {The goal of architecture is changing in response to the expanding role of cities, rapid urbanization, and transformation under changing economic, environmental, social, and demographic factors. As cities increased in the early modern era, overcrowding, urbanization, and pollution conditions led reformers to consider the future shape of the cities. One of the most critical topics in contemporary architecture is the subject of the future concepts of living. In most cases, domed cities, as a future concept of living, are rarely considered, and they are used chiefly as "utopian" visions in the discourse of future ways of living. This paper highlights the reviews of domed cities to deepen the understanding of the idea in practice, like its approach in terms of architecture. The main aim of this paper is to provide a broad overview for domed cities in the face of pollution as one of the main concerns in many European cities. As a result, the significance of the reviews of the existing projects is focused on their conceptual quality. This review will pave the way for further studies in terms of future developments in the realm of domed cities. In this paper, the city of Celje, one of the most polluted cities in Slovenia, is taken as a case study for considering the concept of Dome incorporated due to the lack of accessible literature on the topic. This review's primary contribution is to allow architects to explore a broad spectrum of innovation by comparing today's achievable statuses against the possibilities generated by domed cities. As a result of this study, the concept of living under the Dome remains to be developed in theory and practice. The current challenging climatic situation will accelerate the evolution of these concepts, resulting in the formation of new typologies, which are a requirement for humanity.}, subject = {Architektur}, language = {en} }