@phdthesis{Bockelmann, author = {Bockelmann, Leo}, title = {Zeit, dass sich was dreht. Windenergieanlagen aus denkmalkundlicher Perspektive}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4543}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20211210-45439}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {233}, abstract = {Knapp 30.000 Windenergieanlagen zwischen Nordsee und Alpen lassen un{\"u}bersehbar erkennen, dass sich unser Energiesystem in einer umfassenden Transformation befindet. Allenthalben erf{\"a}hrt diese Entwicklung eine breite und kontroverse Rezeption und auch in der Denkmalpflege werden Windenergieanlagen aufgrund ihrer mitunter erheblichen Auswirkungen auf die Landschaft noch {\"u}berwiegend als St{\"o}rung wahrgenommen. Diese Arbeit nimmt dagegen die historische Entwicklung in den Blick und pl{\"a}diert daf{\"u}r, Windenergieanlagen als bedeutendes Kulturerbe zu verstehen. Angesichts des Voranschreitens der Energiewende wird angenommen, dass gerade {\"a}lteren Modellen als baulichen Zeugnissen umfangreicher energiepolitischer Ver{\"a}nderungen seit den 1970er Jahren eine hohe Bedeutung zugeschrieben werden kann. Daher besteht das Ziel darin, Windenergieanlagen herauszuarbeiten, welche als hervorragende Zeugnisse der Entwicklung der Windenergienutzung in Deutschland zu bewerten sind. Zur Ann{\"a}herung werden diese zun{\"a}chst als Untersuchungsgegenstand typologisch abgegrenzt. Eine wesentliche Besonderheit von Windenergieanlagen besteht darin, dass sie im Verh{\"a}ltnis zur eigentlichen Fl{\"a}chenversiegelung durch ihre vertikale Struktur erhebliche visuelle Auswirkungen auf die Landschaft haben. Anschließend wird die Entwicklung der Windenergienutzung seit den 1970er Jahren genauer betrachtet, welche insgesamt nicht linear verlief und von vielen Konflikten gekennzeichnet ist. Diese muss im Kontext eines wachsenden Umweltbewusstseins verstanden werden, das umfangreiche energiepolitische Ver{\"a}nderungen zur Folge hatte. Auf dieser Grundlage werden schließlich in einer denkmalkundlichen Reihenuntersuchung Windenergieanlagen herausgearbeitet, welche in hervorragender Weise von der Entwicklung zeugen. Die Auswahl bleibt allerdings mit sechs Objekten im Verh{\"a}ltnis zum Gesamtbestand von knapp 30.000 Anlagen relativ beschr{\"a}nkt, weil das auf die Abgrenzung von Besonderheiten ausgelegte etablierte Denkmalverst{\"a}ndnis bei einem zeitlich so dichten Bestand gleichartiger Bauwerke an eine Grenze kommt. Abschließend werden m{\"o}gliche Erhaltungsperspektiven sowie denkmaltheoretische und -praktische Schlussfolgerungen diskutiert. Dabei ist unbedingt ein Erhalt am Ursprungsstandort anzustreben, wobei im Einzelfall entschieden werden muss, ob Belange des Funktions- oder Substanzerhaltes h{\"o}her zu gewichten sind. Die skizzierten Auswahlprobleme regen dar{\"u}ber hinaus zur Diskussion zus{\"a}tzlicher denkbarer Bewertungskategorien an, wobei sich insbesondere die gesellschaftliche Wahrnehmung und {\"o}kologische Werte aufdr{\"a}ngen. Zudem kann f{\"u}r die st{\"a}rkere Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von Funktionszusammenh{\"a}ngen bei der Betrachtung technischer Infrastruktur in der Denkmalpflege pl{\"a}diert werden. Insgesamt f{\"u}hrt die denkmalkundliche Auseinandersetzung mit Windenergieanlagen damit weit {\"u}ber die Herausarbeitung einzelner Objekte hinaus und macht eindr{\"u}cklich auf aktuelle Herausforderungen der Denkmalpflege und dar{\"u}ber hinaus aufmerksam.}, subject = {Industriekultur}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Potocka, author = {Potocka, Anna}, title = {Wearables: Kontrollregime zwischen Affekt und Technologie}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4459}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20210713-44594}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {164}, abstract = {{\"U}berwachungspraktiken und -technologien sind in der heutigen Welt omnipr{\"a}sent und wohl nicht mehr wegzudenken. Ob CCTV-Systeme, Biometrie oder Data Mining - unsere Gesellschaft befindet sich in einem st{\"a}ndigen {\"U}berwachungsmodus, der sich weit {\"u}ber einen begrenzten Raum oder zeitlichen Rahmen hinausstreckt. {\"U}berwacht wird {\"u}berall: privat, am Arbeitsplatz oder im Cyberspace, und alles: Interaktionen, {\"A}ußerungen, Verhalten. Es werden Unmengen von Daten gesammelt, strukturiert, kombiniert, gekauft und verkauft. Dieser Modus stellt mehr als eine bloße Neuauflage des Bentham-Foucaultschen Panoptikons dar: der aktuelle {\"U}berwachungsmodus, die informationelle Asymmetrie als ihren tragenden Pfeiler beibehaltend, dient nicht nur der Disziplinierung, sondern viel mehr der Kontrolle, die nicht prim{\"a}r negativ-sanktionierend, sondern positiv-leistungssteigernd wirkt: es ist nicht das Ziel, die Individuen zu bestrafen und ein bestimmtes Verhalten zu verbieten, sondern sie durch Belohnung, Interaktion und spielerische Elemente dazu zu bringen, sich auf die gew{\"u}nschte Art zu verhalten und im Endeffekt sich selbst zu {\"u}berwachen. Die Kontrolle wird auf diese Weise zum zentralen Schauplatz der Machtaus{\"u}bung, die sich {\"u}ber das Beobachten, Speichern, Auswerten und Sortieren vollzieht. Diese Prozesse hinterlassen keinen Frei- oder Spielraum f{\"u}r Ambiguit{\"a}t; sie verwirklichen die Diktatur der klaren Kante, der Klassifizierung und Kategorisierung ohne Schattierungen. Die Macht selbst befindet sich in einem kontinuierlichen Fluss, sie ist ubiquit{\"a}r, dennoch schwer lokalisierbar. Sie fungiert nicht mehr unter dem Signum einer pseudosakralen zentralen Instanz, sondern wird durch diverse Akteure und Assemblages kolportiert. Die durch sie implizierten Praktiken der Selbstkontrolle, kulturgeschichtlich ebenfalls religi{\"o}s oder zumindest philosophisch konnotiert, sind die neuen Rituale des Sehens und Gesehen-Werdens. Im Zeitalter der elektronischen Datentechnologien gibt es diverse Agenten der {\"U}berwachung. Vom besonderen Interesse sind dabei die Wearables, weil sie intim, affektiv und haptisch arbeiten und so, {\"u}ber das Sehen und Gesehen-Werden hinaus, das Ber{\"u}hren und Ber{\"u}hrt-Werden und somit die Neuregulierung von N{\"a}he und Distanz ins Spiel bringen. Sie schreiben sich zwar in eine Vermessungstradition eins, die ihre Urspr{\"u}nge mindestens im 19. Jahrhundert hat, unterscheiden sich aber von dieser in ihrer Intensit{\"a}t und Sinnlichkeit.}, subject = {Technologie}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Alkam, author = {Alkam, Feras}, title = {Vibration-based Monitoring of Concrete Catenary Poles using Bayesian Inference}, volume = {2021}, publisher = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}tsverlag}, address = {Weimar}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4433}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20210526-44338}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {177}, abstract = {This work presents a robust status monitoring approach for detecting damage in cantilever structures based on logistic functions. Also, a stochastic damage identification approach based on changes of eigenfrequencies is proposed. The proposed algorithms are verified using catenary poles of electrified railways track. The proposed damage features overcome the limitation of frequency-based damage identification methods available in the literature, which are valid to detect damage in structures to Level 1 only. Changes in eigenfrequencies of cantilever structures are enough to identify possible local damage at Level 3, i.e., to cover damage detection, localization, and quantification. The proposed algorithms identified the damage with relatively small errors, even at a high noise level.}, subject = {Parameteridentifikation}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Reshetnikova, author = {Reshetnikova, Tatiana}, title = {Transformation of the Environment: Influence of "Urban Reagents." German and Russian Case Studies}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4351}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20210128-43517}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {256 (thesis) + 23 (Folder) + 83 (CD)}, abstract = {An urban regeneration manifests itself through urban objects operating as change agents. The en-tailed diverse effects on the surroundings demonstrate experimental origin - an experiment as a preplanned but unpredictable method. An understanding of influences and features of urban ob-jects requires scrutiny due to a high potential of the elements to force an alteration and reactions. This dissertation explores the transformation of the milieu and mechanisms of this transformation.}, subject = {Stadtentwicklung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Foka, author = {Foka, Zinovia}, title = {The Space In-Between. Tracing Transformative Processes in Nicosia's Buffer Zone.}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4444}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20210531-44447}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {266}, abstract = {This thesis examines urban partition in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, and how its changing roles and shifting perceptions in a post-conflict setting reflect power relations, and their constant renegotiation. Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, was officially divided in 1974 in the aftermath of an eighteen-year-long conflict between the island's Turkish- and Greek-Cypriot communities. As a result, a heavily militarized Buffer Zone, established as an emergency measure against perpetuation of intercommunal violence, has been cutting through its historic centre ever since. This thesis departs from a genuine interest in the material and ideational dimensions of urban partition. How is it constructed, not merely in physical terms but in the minds of the societies affected by conflict? How is it established in official and everyday discourses? What kinds of mechanisms have been developed to maintain it, and make an inseparable part of the urban experience? Moreover, taking into account the consensus in relevant literature pertaining to the imperative for its removal, this thesis is inquiring into the relevance of peace agreements to overcoming urban partition. For this purpose, it also looks at narratives and practices that have attempted to contest it. The examples examined in this thesis offer pregnant analytical moments to understand Nicosia's Buffer Zone as a dynamic social construct, accommodating multiple visions of and for the city. Its space 'in-between' facilitates encounters between various actors, accommodates new meanings, socio-spatial practices and diverse imaginaries. In this sense, urban partition is explored in this thesis as a phenomenon that transcends scales as well as temporalities, entwining past, present, and future.}, subject = {Stadtforschung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{KhademiZahedi, author = {Khademi Zahedi, Reza}, title = {Stress Distribution in Buried Defective PE Pipes and Crack Propagation in Nanosheets}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4481}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20210803-44814}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {235}, abstract = {Buried PE pipelines are the main choice for transporting hazardous hydrocarbon fluids and are used in urban gas distribution networks. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations used to investigate material behavior at nanoscale.}, subject = {Gasleitung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Arzmi, author = {Arzmi, Azmah}, title = {Reinterpreting Marzahn, Berlin \& Petržalka, Bratislava: From Process of State Socialist Utopia to Utopia of State Capitalist Process}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4392}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20210315-43927}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, abstract = {Housing estates were fundamentally conceived upon state socialist utopia ideas to provide standard housing for citizens. While former state socialist housing estates have been extensively researched in the field of architecture, urban and sociology studies, there is still a gap in identifying how production processes affect morphological changes during the post-socialist era. This thesis compares the processes in the production of the largest housing estates of Marzahn in GDR and Petržalka in Czechoslovakia from 1970 to 1989 through contextual analysis of primary and secondary sources, which include visual maps, diagrams from professional architecture and planning journals, government documents and textbooks, as well as academic journals, books and newspaper articles. Then it discusses how these processes inadvertently created conducive conditions affecting their development in the market economy after 1989. It then interprets the results through application of Actor-Network Theory and Historical Institutionalism, while conceptualising them through David Harvey's dialectical utopianism theory. Harvey (2000) delineates two types of utopia, one of spatial form and one of process. The former refers to materialised ideals in physical forms whereas the latter refers to the ongoing process of spatializing. The thesis aims to show how the production of Marzahn in GDR was more path dependent on policies established in 1950s and 1960s whereas Petržalka was a product of new Czechoslovakian policies in 1970s, changing aspects of the urban planning process, a manifestation of a more emphatic technocratic thinking on a wider scale. This ultimately influences the trajectories of development after 1989, showing more effects in Petržalka.}, subject = {Kulturerbe}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Goswami, author = {Goswami, Somdatta}, title = {Phase field modeling of fracture with isogeometric analysis and machine learning methods}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4384}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20210304-43841}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {168}, abstract = {This thesis presents the advances and applications of phase field modeling in fracture analysis. In this approach, the sharp crack surface topology in a solid is approximated by a diffusive crack zone governed by a scalar auxiliary variable. The uniqueness of phase field modeling is that the crack paths are automatically determined as part of the solution and no interface tracking is required. The damage parameter varies continuously over the domain. But this flexibility comes with associated difficulties: (1) a very fine spatial discretization is required to represent sharp local gradients correctly; (2) fine discretization results in high computational cost; (3) computation of higher-order derivatives for improved convergence rates and (4) curse of dimensionality in conventional numerical integration techniques. As a consequence, the practical applicability of phase field models is severely limited. The research presented in this thesis addresses the difficulties of the conventional numerical integration techniques for phase field modeling in quasi-static brittle fracture analysis. The first method relies on polynomial splines over hierarchical T-meshes (PHT-splines) in the framework of isogeometric analysis (IGA). An adaptive h-refinement scheme is developed based on the variational energy formulation of phase field modeling. The fourth-order phase field model provides increased regularity in the exact solution of the phase field equation and improved convergence rates for numerical solutions on a coarser discretization, compared to the second-order model. However, second-order derivatives of the phase field are required in the fourth-order model. Hence, at least a minimum of C1 continuous basis functions are essential, which is achieved using hierarchical cubic B-splines in IGA. PHT-splines enable the refinement to remain local at singularities and high gradients, consequently reducing the computational cost greatly. Unfortunately, when modeling complex geometries, multiple parameter spaces (patches) are joined together to describe the physical domain and there is typically a loss of continuity at the patch boundaries. This decrease of smoothness is dictated by the geometry description, where C0 parameterizations are normally used to deal with kinks and corners in the domain. Hence, the application of the fourth-order model is severely restricted. To overcome the high computational cost for the second-order model, we develop a dual-mesh adaptive h-refinement approach. This approach uses a coarser discretization for the elastic field and a finer discretization for the phase field. Independent refinement strategies have been used for each field. The next contribution is based on physics informed deep neural networks. The network is trained based on the minimization of the variational energy of the system described by general non-linear partial differential equations while respecting any given law of physics, hence the name physics informed neural network (PINN). The developed approach needs only a set of points to define the geometry, contrary to the conventional mesh-based discretization techniques. The concept of `transfer learning' is integrated with the developed PINN approach to improve the computational efficiency of the network at each displacement step. This approach allows a numerically stable crack growth even with larger displacement steps. An adaptive h-refinement scheme based on the generation of more quadrature points in the damage zone is developed in this framework. For all the developed methods, displacement-controlled loading is considered. The accuracy and the efficiency of both methods are studied numerically showing that the developed methods are powerful and computationally efficient tools for accurately predicting fractures.}, subject = {Phasenfeldmodell}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Shamskooshki, author = {Shamskooshki, Hanieh}, title = {Perception of Socio-Spatial Segregation: The Interaction of Physical and Social Urban Space-Study case of Tehran Neighborhoods}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4466}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20210802-44666}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, abstract = {"How to understand the interaction between urban space and social processes" is a significant question in urban studies. To answer that, the city needs to be recognized as both a physical and a social entity and urban theory and practice need to connect these (Hillier 2007). The present research aims to re-examine the complex correlation between spatial and social inequality manifestations in the city of Tehran regarding the concept of segregation. It observes the causes and consequences of segregation in Tehran and provides an insight into both concepts of socio-spatial segregation and neighborhood effects and creates a link between them. First, I argue when, where, and for whom spatial locations affect the chances of social networks in Tehran. Then, I discuss how neighborhood effects can emerge via social network mechanisms and thus affect the perceptions of residents in the neighborhoods.}, subject = {Soziales Netzwerk}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Chawdhury, author = {Chawdhury, Samir}, title = {Partitioned Algorithms using Vortex Particle Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction of Thin-walled Flexible Structures}, publisher = {arts + science weimar GmbH}, address = {Weimar}, isbn = {978-3-95773-297-2}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.6404}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230703-64042}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {256}, abstract = {Structures under wind action can exhibit various aeroelastic interaction phenomena, which can lead to destructive and catastrophic events. Such unstable interaction can be beneficially used for small-scale aeroelastic energy harvesting. Proper understanding and prediction of fluid-structure interactions (FSI) phenomena are therefore crucial in many engineering fields. This research intends to develop coupled FSI models to extend the applicability of Vortex Particle Methods (VPM) for numerically analysing the complex FSI of thin-walled flexible structures under steady and fluctuating incoming flows. In this context, the flow around deforming thin bodies is analysed using the two-dimensional and pseudo-three-dimensional implementations of VPM. The structural behaviour is modelled and analysed using the Finite Element Method. The partitioned coupling approach is considered because of the flexibility of using different mathematical procedures for solving fluid and solid mechanics. The developed coupled models are validated with several benchmark FSI problems in the literature. Finally, the models are applied to several fundamental and application field of FSI problems of different thin-walled flexible structures irrespective of their size.}, subject = {Windenergie}, language = {en} }