@phdthesis{Koegel2007, author = {K{\"o}gel, Eduard}, title = {Zwei Poelzigsch{\"u}ler in der Emigration: Rudolf Hamburger und Richard Paulick zwischen Shanghai und Ost-Berlin (1930-1955)}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.929}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20071015-9914}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2007}, abstract = {Zwei Poelzigsch{\"u}ler in der Emigration: Rudolf Hamburger und Richard Paulick zwischen Shanghai und Ost-Berlin (1930-1955) (Hamburger _ China, Polen, Schweiz, Iran, UdSSR) (Paulick _ China) Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit dem Leben und Wirken der beiden Architekten Rudolf Hamburger (1903-1980) und Richard Paulick (1903-1979) w{\"a}hrend ihrer Emigration zwischen 1930 und 1955. Die Arbeit ist in zw{\"o}lf Kapitel gegliedert und beinhaltet einen Prolog und Epilog. Im Anhang sind Originaltexte sowohl von Hamburger wie von Paulick, Mitarbeiterlisten der von Paulick betriebenen Firmen in Shanghai, eine Liste der B{\"u}hnenbilder von Paulick in Shanghai, die Projektlisten beider Architekten in der Emigration sowie die Literaturliste ver{\"o}ffentlicht. Der Prolog beleuchtet die Situation in der DDR nach der R{\"u}ckkehr von Paulick und Hamburger aus der Emigration. Unter dem Druck der Partei (SED) mussten beide ihre Biographie erweitern und s{\"a}ubern. Der starke ideologische Hintergrund verhinderte in der DDR zwischen 1950 bis zum Ende 1989 eine ehrliche Aufarbeitung der Emigration und im Falle von Hamburger einen unverstellten Blick auf seine Tortur in den Arbeitslagern (Gulag) der Sowjetunion. Das ersten Kapitel beleuchtet die Herkunft und Ausbildung der beiden, als Studenten bei Hans Poelzig und Hermann Jansen; im Falle von Paulick seine Kooperation mit Georg Muche und seinen Mitarbeit im B{\"u}ro von Walter Gropius; im Falle von Hamburger seine Mitarbeit als Meistersch{\"u}ler bei Hans Poelzig und anderen. Auch die Mitgliedschaft der beiden in der 'Gruppe Junger Architekten' (GIA) wird beleuchtet. Rudolf Hamburger kam 1930 als Arbeitsemigrant nach Shanghai und konnte wegen seiner j{\"u}dischen Wurzeln nach der Macht{\"u}bernahme durch die Nationalsozialisten 1933 nicht nach Deutschland zur{\"u}ckkehren. Er half Paulick 1933 bei der Flucht nach Shanghai, als dieser aus politischen Gr{\"u}nden Deutschland verlassen musste. Die weitere Karriere und das Privatleben bei beiden wurden durch diese Umst{\"a}nde bestimmt. Die Dissertation beleuchtet den sozialen und politischen Hintergrund w{\"a}hrend ihrer Zeit in der Emigration. Rudolf Hamburger wurde als Architekt f{\"u}r das Shanghai Municipal Council zwischen 1930 und 1937 zu einem wichtigen Protagonisten f{\"u}r die Entwicklung der modernen Architektur in Shanghai, der hier erstmals vorgestellt wird. Neben dieser Arbeit gr{\"u}ndete er 1932 die Firma THE MODERN HOME, die 1934 in die Firma MODERN HOME {\"u}berf{\"u}hrt wurde und die zwischen 1937 und 1949 von Richard Paulick unter dem Namen MODERN HOMES weitergef{\"u}hrt wurde. Richard Paulick war auch als B{\"u}hnenbildner zwischen 1936 und 1949 an unterschiedlichen Theatern in Shanghai aktiv. Als Professor f{\"u}r Stadtplanung lehrte er zwischen 1943 und 1949 an der St. John's Universit{\"a}t zum ersten Mal die Prinzipien der Moderne in diesem Feld in China. Er spielte auch eine Schl{\"u}sselrolle bei der Stadtplanung f{\"u}r Groß-Shanghai zwischen 1945 und 1949, die nach den Prinzipien der organischen Dezentralisation erfolgte. Die Schwierigkeiten seiner Weiteremigration in die USA oder der R{\"u}ckkehr nach Deutschland zwischen 1947 und 1949, bis zu seiner Heimkehr in die DDR 1950, bilden den letzten Abschnitt in seinem Fall. Bei Rudolf Hamburger kommt hinzu, dass er in den dreißiger Jahren f{\"u}r den Geheimdienst der sowjetischen Armee (GRU) aktiv wurde. Die T{\"a}tigkeit als Architekt nutzte er in der Folge lediglich zur Deckung seiner anderen Aktivit{\"a}ten. Die Emigration nach Polen, die Schweiz, erneut China, die Sowjetunion und in den Iran (1936-1943) sind immer den Zielen der geheimdienstlichen T{\"a}tigkeit untergeordnet. Mit dubiosen Vorw{\"u}rfen wurde Hamburger 1943 in Moskau konfrontiert und in ein Arbeitslager deportiert, wo er nach Folter und schwierigen Haftbedingungen erst 1952 frei gelassen wurde. Bis 1955 lebte er in der Verbannung in der Ukraine und konnte dann mit der Hilfe seines Freundes Richard Paulick in die DDR einreisen.}, subject = {Berlin / Ausstellung Exil}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Krueger, author = {Kr{\"u}ger, Arvid}, title = {Neue Steuerungsmodelle der Stadterneuerung - … und daraus folgende Anforderungen an die St{\"a}dtebauf{\"o}rderung, die Kommunen und die gemeinn{\"u}tzige Wohnungswirtschaft}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.3997}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20191105-39976}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {384}, abstract = {Großsiedlungen sind nicht nur ein Erbe der Moderne, sondern seit {\"u}ber drei Jahrzehnten Gegenstand der Stadterneuerung. Dieses Buch er{\"o}rtert, was eine heute „normale" Großsiedlung stadtplanerisch ben{\"o}tigt und welche stadtentwicklungs- als auch wohnungspolitisch gesteuerten Ressourcen in einer integrierten Planungssteuerung geb{\"u}ndelt werden sollten. Dabei wird das grunds{\"a}tzliche Planungsinstrument des Quartiersmanagements aktualisiert - {\"u}ber den Gegenstand Großsiedlungen hinaus.}, subject = {Stadtplanung}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Klenter2003, author = {Klenter, Wilfried}, title = {Die Entwicklung eines idealtypischen geriatrischen Zentrums unter soziologischen und architektonischen Aspekten}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.551}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20050314-5043}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2003}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Dissertation zeigt am Beispiel der Entwicklung eines modernen geriatrischen Zentrums, dass Architektur einen eigenst{\"a}ndigen Beitrag dazu leisten kann, die Probleme des Alters in der heutigen Gesellschaft anzunehmen und zu bew{\"a}ltigen. Die Arbeit setzt zum einen an stadtplanerischen Defiziten der vergangenen Jahrzehnte an und verdeutlicht, wie ein bed{\"u}rfnisgerechtes, innerst{\"a}dtisches geriatrisches Zentrum dem Leitbild der „humanen Stadt" zu entsprechen vermag, um damit die Stadt wieder zu einem multifunktionalen Erlebnisraum f{\"u}r alle Bev{\"o}lkerungsgruppen werden zu lassen. Zum anderen greift sie die aktuelle gesundheitspolitische Debatte auf und weist nach, dass ein solches Zentrum als integrierte Verbundl{\"o}sung, die alle Versorgungsstrukturen unter einem Dach anbietet, ideal dazu geeignet ist, die Anforderungen unserer Zeit auf geriatrischem und pflegerischem Gebiet zu erf{\"u}llen. Die Anforderungen an eine derartige Einrichtung sind umfangreich und differenziert. Sie werden unter Heranziehung aktueller Forschungsergebnisse aus stadtsoziologischer, psychologischer, gerontologischer und sozial{\"o}kologischer Sicht hergeleitet und in praktische architektonische bzw. baukonstruktive Handlungsanweisungen umgesetzt. Als zentrale, {\"u}bergeordnete Anforderungen neben optimaler medizinischer und pflegerischer Betreuung werden herausgearbeitet: 1. Erh{\"o}hung der Lebenszufriedenheit der Bewohner 2. St{\"a}rkung der Autonomie und Selbstst{\"a}ndigkeit der {\"a}lteren Menschen 3. Befolgung des Grundsatzes >Pr{\"a}vention vor Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation vor Pflege< 4. F{\"o}rderung eines selbstbestimmten Lebens in vertrauter Umgebung bis ins hohe Alter 5. Gew{\"a}hrung von Geborgenheits- und Heimatgef{\"u}hlen 6. Gemeinwesenorientierung und enge Anbindung an die Strukturen des Quartiers 7. Erhaltung bzw. St{\"a}rkung der sozialen Integration der {\"a}lteren und kranken Menschen 8. F{\"o}rderung eines hohen Aktivit{\"a}tsniveaus und einer anspruchsvollen Freizeitgestaltung 9. Bereitstellung einer anregenden sowie sicheren, weil Orientierung gebenden Umgebung Das vorgestellte geriatrische Zentrum bildet die architektonische Entsprechung zum gesellschaftlichen Strukturwandel des Alters und zu den gesundheits- und pflegepolitischen Entwicklungen unserer Zeit und leistet damit einen eigenst{\"a}ndigen Beitrag, die gesundheitlichen und sozialen Probleme alter Menschen in unserer Gesellschaft zu lindern, in dem nutzerorientierte Geb{\"a}udestrukturen geschaffen werden, die einem integrativen Netzwerk aus Wohn-, Therapie- und Pflegeformen Raum geben. Damit steht das geriatrische Zentrum beispielhaft f{\"u}r eine Architektur, die stets von den Bed{\"u}rfnissen der Menschen ausgeht und mit baulichen L{\"o}sungen auf die sozialen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit reagiert.}, subject = {Altern / Pr{\"a}vention}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Kalugila, author = {Kalugila, Shubira}, title = {HOUSING INTERVENTIONS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON URBAN DEVELOPMENT: Opportunities and Challenges in Mixed Informal Settlements, in Dar es Salaam - Tanzania}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.2293}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20140902-22930}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {304}, abstract = {Rapid urbanisation that is not accompanied by socio-economic development strains the capacity of local and national governments to provide even basic services such as shelter. Informal settlements i.e. settlements not built or developed according to the formal regulations have become a solution to many urban dwellers in developing countries. In Tanzania informal settlements accommodate people from low, middle and high income groups. The study explores the nature of potentials and challenges posed by the existence of mixed socio-economic groups in informal settlements, including an assessment of what can be done to optimise utilisation of potentials and mitigation of conflicts. Using a case study strategy, the study was conducted in Dar es Salaam city focusing on Makongo mixed informal settlement. The results show that mixed informal settlements are as a result of several factors including uncoordinated energies of people. The urban development forces that bring change in the development of the city are stronger than the public states capacity to coordinate and manage them. Informal settlements also offer user-friendly land tenure, flexibility in house construction and proximity to livelihoods. Other factors include the nature of socio-economic living patterns and extension of urban boundaries. Community members operate using social norms. Advantages of mixed informal settlements include availability of plots according to needs and affordability while a disadvantage is, people of different socio-economic groups perceive problems differently. For policies to be effective, their formulation should be derived from what is happening on the ground i.e. addressing informal settlements according to their heterogeneity. Moreover, empowered local authorities can assist in implementing national development plans; also actors in land development including government institutions, non-governmental institutions, financial institutions, private sector, professionals, political leaders, research institutions, policy-makers and training institutions need to recognise, understand and respect each other's roles, and pull resources together to minimise problems related to informality in land development; utilise potentials and minimise challenges in mixed informal settlements in Dar es Salaam. Key words: Informal settlements, land development, urbanisation}, subject = {Verst{\"a}dterung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jordan2008, author = {Jordan, Anne}, title = {Ein neues St{\"u}ck Paris. Planungsdiskurse, Referenzen und die Formierung eines urbanen Images im st{\"a}dtebaulichen Großprojekt Paris Rive Gauche}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.1408}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20091105-14921}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, year = {2008}, abstract = {Die Arbeit besch{\"a}ftigt sich mit den diskursiven Konstruktion urbaner Images in Großprojekten. Aufbauend auf einer soziologischen Definition der Begriffe „Raumbild" und „Ortsbild" wird am Beispiel des st{\"a}dtebaulichen Großprojekts Paris Rive Gauche untersucht, wie sich ortsspezifische Referenzen in einem Planungsprozess bilden, zu welchen Zwecken sie eingesetzt werden und wie mit Hilfe dieser Referenzen im Planungsprozess diskursiv ein Image f{\"u}r einen entstehenden Stadtteil konstruiert wird.}, subject = {Paris}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Javanmardi, author = {Javanmardi, Leila}, title = {URBANISM AND DICTATORSHIP. A Study on Urban Planning in Contemporary History of Iran, Second Pahlavi: 1941-1979}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4597}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20220224-45971}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {237}, abstract = {The evolution of urbanism under dictatorship forms the core of the current research. This thesis is part of a research network at Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar, which studies the 20th century's urbanism under different dictatorships. The network has provided a cross-cultural and cross-border environment and has enabled the author to communicate with other like-minded researchers. The 2015 published book of this group 'Urbanism and Dictatorship: A European Perspective' strengthens the foundation of this research's theoretical and methodological framework. This thesis investigates urban policies and plans leading to the advancement of urbanization and the transformation of urban space in Iran during the second Pahlavi (1941-1979) when the country faced a milestone in its history: Nationalization of the Iranian oil industry. By reflecting the influence of economic and socio-political determinants of the time on urbanism and the urbanization process, this work intends to critically trace the effect of dictatorship on evolved urbanism before and after the oil nationalization in 1951. The research on the second Pahlavi's urbanism has been limitedly addressed and has only recently expanded. Most of the conducted studies date back to less than a decade ago and could not incorporate all the episodes of the second Pahlavi urbanism. These works have often investigated urbanism and architecture by focusing merely on the physical features and urban products in different years regardless of the importance of urbanism as a tool in the service of hegemony. In other words, the majority of the available literature does not intend to address the socio-economic and political roots of urban transformations and by questioning 'what has been built?' investigates the individual urban projects and plans designed by individual designers without interlinking these projects to the state's urban planning program and tracing the beneficiaries of those projects or questioning 'built for whom?' Moreover, some chapters of this modern urbanism have rarely been investigated. For instance, scant research has looked into the works of foreign designers and consultants involved in the projects such as Peter Georg Ahrens or Constantinos A. Doxiadis. Similarly, the urbanism of the first decade of the second Pahlavi, including the government of Mossadegh, has mainly been overlooked. Therefore, by critically analyzing the state's urban planning program and the process of urbanization in Iran during the second Pahlavi, this research aims to bridge the literature gap and to unravel the effect of the power structure on urban planning and products while seeking to find a pattern behind the regime's policies. The main body of this work is concentrated on studying the history of urbanism in Iran, of which collecting data and descriptions played a crucial role. To prevent the limitations associated with singular methods, this research's methodology is based on methodological triangulation (Denzin, 2017). With the triangulation scheme, the data is gathered by combining different qualitative and quantitative methods such as the library, archival and media research, online resources, non-participatory observation, and photography. For the empirical part, the city of Tehran is selected as the case study. Moreover, individual non-structured interviews with the locals were conducted to gain more insights regarding urban projects.}, subject = {Stadtplanung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Jakupi, author = {Jakupi, Arta}, title = {The Effect of the International Community Presence in the Urban Development of Post Conflict City Case Study: Kosova}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.1831}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20130130-18314}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {213}, abstract = {Post Conflict Reconstruction is a very complex topic, whether it is to be undertaken by the Local or the International Community. The process of the Post Conflict Development is to be very hard to investigate, primarily for the combination of socio-cultural phenomena, war and political instability; having difficulties of conducting solid empirical analysis (obtaining reliable data) and dealing with war-torn communities. The multifaceted process of the reconstruction is ought to touch a lot of countries vital segments, whereas each of them requires different approach; coordination with one another; and unification in their common aim. The emergency of the assistance programs are not equal, same as with the priority and weight when compared with each other, therefore occasionally there are programs for the success of which the other less important actions are violated or neglected. The case is with the International Community presence ( the set up), which aside from their mission and projects, it is considered to play a very important role on the urban development of a post conflict city; the setting was never planned or considered in a holistic manner, therefore IC establishment was done ad hoc and it was guided by issues which did not help at its greatest to the urban development of the city and more over to the citizens who were most in need. The study is about the Urban Development, due to the fact that the biggest concentration of the International Community is likely to be in the urban centers, and the experienced changes are of a much considerable magnitude. The reconstruction phase is likely to be lasting at about 10 years and more , consequently the International Community for that time being tends to be recognized as temporary citizens of the city, and it is inevitably that they will be having an impact on the urban development of the city; in that basis it is considered to be significant that the International Community Establishment/Set Up be included into the International Organizations mission and assist in the overall mission of the reconstruction.}, subject = {Stadtplanung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Ifesanya, author = {Ifesanya, Kunle}, title = {The Role of Government Agencies in Urban Housing Delivery in Lagos}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.1761}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20121115-17619}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {386}, abstract = {There is a continuous exacerbation of environmental problems in big cities of today's world, thereby, diminishing the quality of life in them. Of particular concern is the fact that today's megacities are evolving in the developing world without corresponding growth in the economy, infrastructure and other human development indices. As urban population continues to grow in these cities of the Global South, governing institutions are usually unable to keep pace with their social responsibilities, thus, making the issue of urban governance very critical. This is because effective and efficient urban governance is highly essential for the creation, strengthening and sustenance of governing institutions. Lagos, a mega-city of over 15.45 million people and the most populous metropolitan area on the African continent epitomizes the fundamental grave characteristics of the emerging megacities of the Global South, thereby, constituting an apt choice in understanding the emerging megacities of the next generation. Two out of every three Lagos residents live in slums and de-humanizing physical and social conditions. Many of them sleep, work, eat and cook under highway bridges, at the mercy of weather elements. This research, therefore, evaluated urban governance through housing administration in Africa's largest megacity. It examines the extent of housing problems in the city, the causal factors and the culpability of government agencies statutorily responsible for the provision, control and management of housing development in Lagos - the tenth largest city in the world. A representative geographic part of the city which manifests classic characteristics of slum life, listed by Mike Davis as the largest slum in Africa and the 6th largest in the world - Ajegunle - was adopted for case study. The research design combined rigorous literature search (desk research) with quantitative and, especially, qualitative approaches to data collection. The qualitative approach was more intensely adopted because government officials often respond to enquiries with 'official answers and data' which may not be reliable and the study had to rely on keen observation of physical traces, social interaction and personal investigation. The cross-sectional research method was adopted. Information was solicited from house-owners, building industry professionals, sociologists and officials of relevant government agencies, through research tools like questionnaires, interviews, focused group discussions and personal observations. The analysis and discussion of these field data, in conjunction with the information from the desk research gave a better understanding of the status-quo, which informed the recommendations proposed in the dissertation for mitigating the problems. The research discovered that many of the statutory housing agencies have the capacity to effectively discharge their responsibilities. However, it was also shown that corruption and abdication of responsibilities by the staff of these agencies constitute primary causes of the chasm between the anticipated lofty outcome from the laudable building regulations/bye-laws and the appalling reality. It also discovered that lack of political will and apathy on the part of successive Governments of Lagos State to the improvement of housing conditions of the poor masses are major causes of the housing debacle in Lagos. Several germane and realistic recommendations for redressing the situation were subsequently proffered. These include amongst others, the conduction of an accurate census for Lagos, in conjunction with credible international agencies, as a requisite basis for effective planning of any sort. The process of obtaining legal titles for land should also be made less cumbersome, while the housing administration process should be computerized; in order to reduce inter-personal contacts between applicants and government officials to the barest minimum, as a means of curbing the wide spread corruption in the system.}, subject = {Housing}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Hildebrandt, author = {Hildebrandt, Paula Marie}, title = {Staubaufwirbeln oder die Kunst der Partizipation}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.2158}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20140410-21589}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {262}, abstract = {Die Dissertation Staubaufwirbeln oder die Kunst der Partizipation stellt die Frage, ob und inwiefern k{\"u}nstlerische Interventionen zur Aktualisierung und Entwicklung demokratischer Teilhabe beitragen k{\"o}nnen. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung stehen sechs Projektgruppen, die experimentelle Freir{\"a}ume gestalten, in denen neue Formen von Demokratielernen, Stadtnutzung, gesellschaftlicher Repr{\"a}sentation und Symbolpolitik erprobt werden. Die Kunst der Partizipation wird in f{\"u}nf Dimensionen beschrieben: Initiative, Kollektivit{\"a}t, Inszenierung, {\"O}ffentlichkeit und Kooperation. Sie erweitert damit das Repertoire demokratischer Beteiligungsformen sowie gegenw{\"a}rtige Kunstbegriffe. Ihre heimliche Relevanz besteht darin, sich immer wieder dem Risiko auszusetzen, von allen Seiten als unzureichend betrachtet zu werden. Demokratie konstituiert sich hier als {\"a}sthetische Erfahrung. Die Kunst besteht darin, die Fl{\"u}chtigkeit demokratischer Teilhabe erfahrbar zu machen, also gestaltbar und ver{\"a}nderbar.}, subject = {Stadt}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{Foka, author = {Foka, Zinovia}, title = {The Space In-Between. Tracing Transformative Processes in Nicosia's Buffer Zone.}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4444}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20210531-44447}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {266}, abstract = {This thesis examines urban partition in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, and how its changing roles and shifting perceptions in a post-conflict setting reflect power relations, and their constant renegotiation. Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, was officially divided in 1974 in the aftermath of an eighteen-year-long conflict between the island's Turkish- and Greek-Cypriot communities. As a result, a heavily militarized Buffer Zone, established as an emergency measure against perpetuation of intercommunal violence, has been cutting through its historic centre ever since. This thesis departs from a genuine interest in the material and ideational dimensions of urban partition. How is it constructed, not merely in physical terms but in the minds of the societies affected by conflict? How is it established in official and everyday discourses? What kinds of mechanisms have been developed to maintain it, and make an inseparable part of the urban experience? Moreover, taking into account the consensus in relevant literature pertaining to the imperative for its removal, this thesis is inquiring into the relevance of peace agreements to overcoming urban partition. For this purpose, it also looks at narratives and practices that have attempted to contest it. The examples examined in this thesis offer pregnant analytical moments to understand Nicosia's Buffer Zone as a dynamic social construct, accommodating multiple visions of and for the city. Its space 'in-between' facilitates encounters between various actors, accommodates new meanings, socio-spatial practices and diverse imaginaries. In this sense, urban partition is explored in this thesis as a phenomenon that transcends scales as well as temporalities, entwining past, present, and future.}, subject = {Stadtforschung}, language = {en} }