@phdthesis{Chawdhury, author = {Chawdhury, Samir}, title = {Partitioned Algorithms using Vortex Particle Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction of Thin-walled Flexible Structures}, publisher = {arts + science weimar GmbH}, address = {Weimar}, isbn = {978-3-95773-297-2}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.6404}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20230703-64042}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {256}, abstract = {Structures under wind action can exhibit various aeroelastic interaction phenomena, which can lead to destructive and catastrophic events. Such unstable interaction can be beneficially used for small-scale aeroelastic energy harvesting. Proper understanding and prediction of fluid-structure interactions (FSI) phenomena are therefore crucial in many engineering fields. This research intends to develop coupled FSI models to extend the applicability of Vortex Particle Methods (VPM) for numerically analysing the complex FSI of thin-walled flexible structures under steady and fluctuating incoming flows. In this context, the flow around deforming thin bodies is analysed using the two-dimensional and pseudo-three-dimensional implementations of VPM. The structural behaviour is modelled and analysed using the Finite Element Method. The partitioned coupling approach is considered because of the flexibility of using different mathematical procedures for solving fluid and solid mechanics. The developed coupled models are validated with several benchmark FSI problems in the literature. Finally, the models are applied to several fundamental and application field of FSI problems of different thin-walled flexible structures irrespective of their size.}, subject = {Windenergie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Pereyra2022, author = {Pereyra, Ail{\´e}n Suyai}, title = {Continuidades, tensiones y rupturas en las pr{\´a}cticas del habitar, en el marco de las transformaciones de barrios 'tradicionales'. El Caso de barrio G{\"u}emes 2000-2016}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4651}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20220524-46511}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {263}, year = {2022}, abstract = {El presente trabajo se inscribe en el campo de los estudios urbanos y plantea como ejes estructurantes la intersección entre las políticas públicas, el barrio y las prácticas del habitar (de Certeau, 1996, 1999; Gravano, 2003) en el marco de las transformaciones del espacio urbano en los barrios pericentrales, también denominados tradicionales de la ciudad de Córdoba, particularmente lo acontecido en Barrio G{\"u}emes, durante el periodo 2010-2016. El propósito del abordaje se inscribe en conocer y realizar aportes generalizables a la comprensión de las prácticas del habitar como unidad de análisis. En ese marco, el problema de investigación se formula en el siguiente interrogante: ?'cómo se modifican las prácticas del habitar en el marco de las transformaciones urbanas, en un modo de producción capitalista? Se entiende a las prácticas como acciones elementales de las "artes de hacer" que las personas ordinarias ponen en marcha en su vida cotidiana: para circular, cocinar, trabajar, vincularse. También, a través de las mismas resignifican los espacios, les otorgan una valoración (positiva o negativa), se identifican como parte de la identidad y a su vez se reconocen lugares de (des)encuentro y vías de circulación. Para su abordaje se toma como unidad de estudio el caso de barrio G{\"u}emes. El recorte espacial (o físico) del trabajo empírico está localizado en la ciudad de Córdoba, y se sitúa en la periferia del área central. Esta localización permite comprender el surgimiento de las primeras expansiones urbanas como consecuencia del crecimiento demográfico y cómo estas, se transformaron en los primeros barrios. El recorte temporal se encuentra delimitado entre los años 2000 y 2016, respaldado intencionalmente por dos acontecimientos significativos: el censo de población (2001) y la celebración del Bicentenario de la Independencia en Argentina. Los cambios materializados en ciertos espacios urbanos, tanto en ciudades latinoamericanas (Buenos Aires, Salvador de Bahía en Brasil, México Distrito Federal, etc.) como en otras partes del mundo (New Orleans en los Estados Unidos, el distrito de Kreuzberg- Friedrichshain en Berlín, el puerto de Hamburgo en Alemania, etc.) demuestran cómo estos espacios se van transformado acorde al modo de reproducción capitalista. Pues, se trataba de espacios que en algún momento cumplieron funciones económicas-sociales jerarquizadas y luego por la dinámica misma del capitalismo, la sobreacumulación, dejan de ser rentables y pasan a ser espacios "obsoletos". En ese sentido, la omisión de acciones públicas y/o privadas, la desatención y el crecimiento de situaciones sociales conflictivas (delitos, inseguridad, degradación) en estos espacios, funciona como argumento para que los gobiernos locales comiencen a planear el futuro y modernizarlos. De esta manera, se plantean políticas urbanas con el objetivo de impulsar acciones de renovación o rehabilitación para dinamizar económicamente determinados sectores. Dos elementos discursivos aparecen como posibilitadores del proceso de renovación urbana: el turismo y el patrimonio. En ese sentido, bajo la recuperación patrimonial de ciertos lugares se dinamizan los territorios, por lo que el turismo se vuelve una herramienta económica que produce un excedente de plusvalía. La puesta en valor de bienes tangibles e intangibles atrae la afluencia de visitantes y, a la vez, es rentable económicamente. Ahora bien, muchas veces los proyectos tienen en cuenta las variables morfológicas y físicas, dejando en un segundo plano el impacto en el espacio próximo y las relaciones entre los habitantes con su territorio. Actualmente los espacios elegidos por los municipios para la intervención pública y/o privada son los barrios, puesto que son espacios cercanos al centro y considerados estratégicos. Por lo general, el argumento es la necesidad de rehabilitar/renovar zonas poco aprovechadas o degradadas con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida de la población y dinamizar el sector (Brites, 2017; Guevara, 2012). Desde los 2000 el barrio G{\"u}emes asiste a un proceso de crecimiento inusitado. La cantidad de artesanos se disparó y variedad de productos ofrecidos, emergieron los comercios que forman parte de la oferta comercial, gastronómica y cultural del barrio. Hace varios años, presenta nuevos actores económicos que se pueden observar en la apertura de galerías comerciales; ubicadas sobre el eje de las calles Belgrano, Achával Rodríguez, Fructuoso Rivera y la creciente aparición de edificaciones alrededor de la feria artesanal histórica; con la venta y exposición de piezas del arte plástico, gastronomía, negocios de diseñadores cordobeses y hasta la inclusión de la idea del del "desarrollo sustentable" en los techos de las galerías. La modificación del corpus normativo, la aparición de edificación en altura y el boom económico tuvieron como resultado, la valorización del suelo urbano, la retroalimentación en el espacio con el emplazamiento de nuevas actividades comerciales y servicios culturales. A la par, en el espacio barrial se presentan nuevos residentes con otros hábitos y prácticas que ponen en disputa los modos de habitar en el espacio. A riesgo de simplificar, estas transformaciones fueron producto de los cambios políticoideológicos, de los modelos e instrumentos de gestión urbana puestos en juego en los diversos momentos históricos y de las propias prácticas sociales y culturales de los habitantes. De esta manera, se centrará la mirada analítica en las transformaciones de las prácticas del habitar de los pobladores de los Barrios G{\"u}emes, en el marco de la metamorfosis del espacio urbano (atravesado por tendencias de mediatización y mercantilización de la experiencia) que conjugó un proceso de intersección y asociatividad entre políticas públicas y expansión inmobiliaria.}, subject = {Stadtviertel}, language = {es} } @phdthesis{Fauth, author = {Fauth, Judith}, title = {A process-oriented decision model for determining the permitability of construction projects}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4602}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20220309-46020}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {325}, abstract = {In recent years, the discussion of digitalization has arrived in the media, at conferences, and in committees of the construction and real estate industry. While some areas are producing innovations and some contributors can be described as pioneers, other topics still show deficits with regard to digital transformation. The building permit process can also be counted in this category. Regardless of how architects and engineers in planning offices rely on innovative methods, building documents have so far remained in paper form in too many cases, or are printed out after electronic submission to the authority. Existing resources - for example in the form of a building information model, which could provide support in the building permit process - are not being taken advantage of. In order to use digital tools to support decision-making by the building permit authorities, it is necessary to understand the current situation and to question conditions before pursuing the overall automation of internal authority processes as the sole solution. With a substantive-organizational consideration of the relevant areas that influence building permit determination, an improvement of the building permit procedure within authorities is proposed. Complex areas - such as legal situations, the use of technology, as well as the subjective alternative action - are determined and structured. With the development of a model for the determination of building permitability, both an understanding of influencing factors is conveyed and an increase in transparency for all parties involved is created. In addition to an international literature review, an empirical study served as the research method. The empirical study was conducted in the form of qualitative expert interviews in order to determine the current state in the field of building permit procedures. The collected data material was processed and subsequently subjected to a software-supported content analysis. The results were processed, in combination with findings from the literature review, in various analyses to form the basis for a proposed model. The result of the study is a decision model that closes the gap between the current processes within the building authorities and an overall automation of the building permit review process. The model offers support to examiners and applicants in determining building permit eligibility, through its process-oriented structuring of decision-relevant facts. The theoretical model could be transferred into practice in the form of a web application.}, subject = {Baugenehmigung}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Bockelmann, author = {Bockelmann, Leo}, title = {Zeit, dass sich was dreht. Windenergieanlagen aus denkmalkundlicher Perspektive}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4543}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20211210-45439}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {233}, abstract = {Knapp 30.000 Windenergieanlagen zwischen Nordsee und Alpen lassen un{\"u}bersehbar erkennen, dass sich unser Energiesystem in einer umfassenden Transformation befindet. Allenthalben erf{\"a}hrt diese Entwicklung eine breite und kontroverse Rezeption und auch in der Denkmalpflege werden Windenergieanlagen aufgrund ihrer mitunter erheblichen Auswirkungen auf die Landschaft noch {\"u}berwiegend als St{\"o}rung wahrgenommen. Diese Arbeit nimmt dagegen die historische Entwicklung in den Blick und pl{\"a}diert daf{\"u}r, Windenergieanlagen als bedeutendes Kulturerbe zu verstehen. Angesichts des Voranschreitens der Energiewende wird angenommen, dass gerade {\"a}lteren Modellen als baulichen Zeugnissen umfangreicher energiepolitischer Ver{\"a}nderungen seit den 1970er Jahren eine hohe Bedeutung zugeschrieben werden kann. Daher besteht das Ziel darin, Windenergieanlagen herauszuarbeiten, welche als hervorragende Zeugnisse der Entwicklung der Windenergienutzung in Deutschland zu bewerten sind. Zur Ann{\"a}herung werden diese zun{\"a}chst als Untersuchungsgegenstand typologisch abgegrenzt. Eine wesentliche Besonderheit von Windenergieanlagen besteht darin, dass sie im Verh{\"a}ltnis zur eigentlichen Fl{\"a}chenversiegelung durch ihre vertikale Struktur erhebliche visuelle Auswirkungen auf die Landschaft haben. Anschließend wird die Entwicklung der Windenergienutzung seit den 1970er Jahren genauer betrachtet, welche insgesamt nicht linear verlief und von vielen Konflikten gekennzeichnet ist. Diese muss im Kontext eines wachsenden Umweltbewusstseins verstanden werden, das umfangreiche energiepolitische Ver{\"a}nderungen zur Folge hatte. Auf dieser Grundlage werden schließlich in einer denkmalkundlichen Reihenuntersuchung Windenergieanlagen herausgearbeitet, welche in hervorragender Weise von der Entwicklung zeugen. Die Auswahl bleibt allerdings mit sechs Objekten im Verh{\"a}ltnis zum Gesamtbestand von knapp 30.000 Anlagen relativ beschr{\"a}nkt, weil das auf die Abgrenzung von Besonderheiten ausgelegte etablierte Denkmalverst{\"a}ndnis bei einem zeitlich so dichten Bestand gleichartiger Bauwerke an eine Grenze kommt. Abschließend werden m{\"o}gliche Erhaltungsperspektiven sowie denkmaltheoretische und -praktische Schlussfolgerungen diskutiert. Dabei ist unbedingt ein Erhalt am Ursprungsstandort anzustreben, wobei im Einzelfall entschieden werden muss, ob Belange des Funktions- oder Substanzerhaltes h{\"o}her zu gewichten sind. Die skizzierten Auswahlprobleme regen dar{\"u}ber hinaus zur Diskussion zus{\"a}tzlicher denkbarer Bewertungskategorien an, wobei sich insbesondere die gesellschaftliche Wahrnehmung und {\"o}kologische Werte aufdr{\"a}ngen. Zudem kann f{\"u}r die st{\"a}rkere Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von Funktionszusammenh{\"a}ngen bei der Betrachtung technischer Infrastruktur in der Denkmalpflege pl{\"a}diert werden. Insgesamt f{\"u}hrt die denkmalkundliche Auseinandersetzung mit Windenergieanlagen damit weit {\"u}ber die Herausarbeitung einzelner Objekte hinaus und macht eindr{\"u}cklich auf aktuelle Herausforderungen der Denkmalpflege und dar{\"u}ber hinaus aufmerksam.}, subject = {Industriekultur}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{PreisDutra, author = {Preis Dutra, Joatan}, title = {Cultural Heritage on Mobile Devices: Building Guidelines for UNESCO World Heritage Sites' Apps}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4531}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20211129-45319}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {360}, abstract = {Technological improvements and access provide a fertile scenario for creating and developing mobile applications (apps). This scenario results in a myriad of Apps providing information regarding touristic destinations, including those with a cultural profile, such as those dedicated to UNESCO World Heritage Sites (WHS). However, not all of the Apps have the same efficiency. In order to have a successful app, its development must consider usability aspects and features aligned with reliable content. Despite the guidelines for mobile usability being broadly available, they are generic, and none of them concentrates specifically into cultural heritage places, especially on those placed in an open-air scenario. This research aims to fulfil this literature gap and discusses how to adequate and develop specific guidelines for a better outdoor WHS experience. It uses an empirical approach applied to an open-air WHS city: Weimar and its Bauhaus and Classical Weimar sites. In order to build a new set of guidelines applied for open-air WHS, this research used a systematic approach to compare literature-based guidelines to industry-based ones (based on affordances), extracted from the available Apps dedicated to WHS set in Germany. The instructions compiled from both sources have been comparatively tested by using two built prototypes from the distinctive guidelines, creating a set of recommendations collecting the best approach from both sources, plus suggesting new ones the evaluation.}, subject = {Benutzerschnittstellenentwurfssystem}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Weissker, author = {Weißker, Tim}, title = {Group Navigation in Multi-User Virtual Reality}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4530}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20211124-45305}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {148}, abstract = {Multi-user virtual reality systems enable collocated as well as distributed users to perform collaborative activities in immersive virtual environments. A common activity in this context is to move from one location to the next as a group to explore the environment together. The simplest solution to realize these multi-user navigation processes is to provide each participant with a technique for individual navigation. However, this approach entails some potentially undesirable consequences such as the execution of a similar navigation sequence by each participant, a regular need for coordination within the group, and, related to this, the risk of losing each other during the navigation process. To overcome these issues, this thesis performs research on group navigation techniques that move group members together through a virtual environment. The presented work was guided by four overarching research questions that address the quality requirements for group navigation techniques, the differences between collocated and distributed settings, the scalability of group navigation, and the suitability of individual and group navigation for various scenarios. This thesis approaches these questions by introducing a general conceptual framework as well as the specification of central requirements for the design of group navigation techniques. The design, implementation, and evaluation of corresponding group navigation techniques demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework. As a first step, this thesis presents ideas for the extension of the short-range teleportation metaphor, also termed jumping, for multiple users. It derives general quality requirements for the comprehensibility of the group jumping process and introduces a corresponding technique for two collocated users. The results of two user studies indicate that sickness symptoms are not affected by user roles during group jumping and confirm improved planning accuracy for the navigator, increased spatial awareness for the passenger, and reduced cognitive load for both user roles. Next, this thesis explores the design space of group navigation techniques in distributed virtual environments. It presents a conceptual framework to systematize the design decisions for group navigation techniques based on Tuckman's model of small-group development and introduces the idea of virtual formation adjustments as part of the navigation process. A quantitative user study demonstrates that the corresponding extension of Multi-Ray Jumping for distributed dyads leads to more efficient travel sequences and reduced workload. The results of a qualitative expert review confirm these findings and provide further insights regarding the complementarity of individual and group navigation in distributed virtual environments. Then, this thesis investigates the navigation of larger groups of distributed users in the context of guided museum tours and establishes three central requirements for (scalable) group navigation techniques. These should foster the awareness of ongoing navigation activities as well as facilitate the predictability of their consequences for all group members (Comprehensibility), assist the group with avoiding collisions in the virtual environment (Obstacle Avoidance), and support placing the group in a meaningful spatial formation for the joint observation and discussion of objects (View Optimization). The work suggests a new technique to address these requirements and reports on its evaluation in an initial usability study with groups of five to ten (partially simulated) users. The results indicate easy learnability for navigators and high comprehensibility for passengers. Moreover, they also provide valuable insights for the development of group navigation techniques for even larger groups. Finally, this thesis embeds the previous contributions in a comprehensive literature overview and emphasizes the need to study larger, more heterogeneous, and more diverse group compositions including the related social factors that affect group dynamics. In summary, the four major research contributions of this thesis are as follows: - the framing of group navigation as a specific instance of Tuckman's model of small-group development - the derivation of central requirements for effective group navigation techniques beyond common quality factors known from single-user navigation - the introduction of virtual formation adjustments during group navigation and their integration into concrete group navigation techniques - evidence that appropriate pre-travel information and virtual formation adjustments lead to more efficient travel sequences for groups and lower workloads for both navigators and passengers Overall, the research of this thesis confirms that group navigation techniques are a valuable addition to the portfolio of interaction techniques in multi-user virtual reality systems. The conceptual framework, the derived quality requirements, and the development of novel group navigation techniques provide effective guidance for application developers and inform future research in this area.}, subject = {Virtuelle Realit{\"a}t}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Stang, author = {Stang, Ren{\´e}}, title = {Methode zur {\"O}koeffizienzbewertung w{\"a}rmetechnischer Anlagen in Geb{\"a}uden}, publisher = {VDI Verlag}, address = {D{\"u}sseldorf}, isbn = {978-3-18-300623-6 (print)}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4528}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20211119-45280}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {222}, abstract = {Die vorliegende Arbeit richtet sich an Ingenieur*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen der technischen Geb{\"a}udeausr{\"u}stung. Sie greift einen sich abzeichnenden {\"A}nderungsbedarf in der Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Geb{\"a}uden und w{\"a}rmetechnischen Anlagen auf. Der aktuell genutzte nicht erneuerbare Prim{\"a}renergiebedarf wird insbesondere hinsichtlich k{\"u}nftiger politischer Klima- und Umweltschutzziele als alleinige Bewertungsgr{\"o}ße nicht ausreichend sein. Die mit dieser Arbeit vorgestellte {\"O}koeffizienzbewertungsmethode kann als geeignetes Instrument zur L{\"o}sung der Probleme beitragen. Sie erm{\"o}glicht systematische, ganzheitliche Bewertungen und reproduzierbare Vergleiche w{\"a}rmetechnischer Anlagen bez{\"u}glich ihrer {\"o}kologischen und {\"o}konomischen Nachhaltigkeit. Die wesentlichsten Neuentwicklungen sind die spezifische Umweltleistung, in Erweiterung zum genutzten Prim{\"a}renergiefaktor, und der {\"O}koeffizienzindikator UWI.}, subject = {Energiewirtschaft}, language = {de} } @phdthesis{List, author = {List, Eik}, title = {Design, Analysis, and Implementation of Symmetric-key (Authenticated) Ciphers}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4523}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20211103-45235}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {258}, abstract = {Modern cryptography has become an often ubiquitous but essential part of our daily lives. Protocols for secure authentication and encryption protect our communication with various digital services, from private messaging, online shopping, to bank transactions or exchanging sensitive information. Those high-level protocols can naturally be only as secure as the authentication or encryption schemes underneath. Moreover, on a more detailed level, those schemes can also at best inherit the security of their underlying primitives. While widespread standards in modern symmetric-key cryptography, such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), have shown to resist analysis until now, closer analysis and design of related primitives can deepen our understanding. The present thesis consists of two parts that portray six contributions: The first part considers block-cipher cryptanalysis of the round-reduced AES, the AES-based tweakable block cipher Kiasu-BC, and TNT. The second part studies the design, analysis, and implementation of provably secure authenticated encryption schemes. In general, cryptanalysis aims at finding distinguishable properties in the output distribution. Block ciphers are a core primitive of symmetric-key cryptography which are useful for the construction of various higher-level schemes, ranging from authentication, encryption, authenticated encryption up to integrity protection. Therefore, their analysis is crucial to secure cryptographic schemes at their lowest level. With rare exceptions, block-cipher cryptanalysis employs a systematic strategy of investigating known attack techniques. Modern proposals are expected to be evaluated against these techniques. The considerable effort for evaluation, however, demands efforts not only from the designers but also from external sources. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is one of the most widespread block ciphers nowadays. Therefore, it is naturally an interesting target for further analysis. Tweakable block ciphers augment the usual inputs of a secret key and a public plaintext by an additional public input called tweak. Among various proposals through the previous decade, this thesis identifies Kiasu-BC as a noteworthy attempt to construct a tweakable block cipher that is very close to the AES. Hence, its analysis intertwines closely with that of the AES and illustrates the impact of the tweak on its security best. Moreover, it revisits a generic tweakable block cipher Tweak-and-Tweak (TNT) and its instantiation based on the round-reduced AES. The first part investigates the security of the AES against several forms of differential cryptanalysis, developing distinguishers on four to six (out of ten) rounds of AES. For Kiasu-BC, it exploits the additional freedom in the tweak to develop two forms of differential-based attacks: rectangles and impossible differentials. The results on Kiasu-BC consider an additional round compared to attacks on the (untweaked) AES. The authors of TNT had provided an initial security analysis that still left a gap between provable guarantees and attacks. Our analysis conducts a considerable step towards closing this gap. For TNT-AES - an instantiation of TNT built upon the AES round function - this thesis further shows how to transform our distinguisher into a key-recovery attack. Many applications require the simultaneous authentication and encryption of transmitted data. Authenticated encryption (AE) schemes provide both properties. Modern AE schemes usually demand a unique public input called nonce that must not repeat. Though, this requirement cannot always be guaranteed in practice. As part of a remedy, misuse-resistant and robust AE tries to reduce the impact of occasional misuses. However, robust AE considers not only the potential reuse of nonces. Common authenticated encryption also demanded that the entire ciphertext would have to be buffered until the authentication tag has been successfully verified. In practice, this approach is difficult to ensure since the setting may lack the resources for buffering the messages. Moreover, robustness guarantees in the case of misuse are valuable features. The second part of this thesis proposes three authenticated encryption schemes: RIV, SIV-x, and DCT. RIV is robust against nonce misuse and the release of unverified plaintexts. Both SIV-x and DCT provide high security independent from nonce repetitions. As the core under SIV-x, this thesis revisits the proof of a highly secure parallel MAC, PMAC-x, revises its details, and proposes SIV-x as a highly secure authenticated encryption scheme. Finally, DCT is a generic approach to have n-bit secure deterministic AE but without the need of expanding the ciphertext-tag string by more than n bits more than the plaintext. From its first part, this thesis aims to extend the understanding of the (1) cryptanalysis of round-reduced AES, as well as the understanding of (2) AES-like tweakable block ciphers. From its second part, it demonstrates how to simply extend known approaches for (3) robust nonce-based as well as (4) highly secure deterministic authenticated encryption.}, subject = {Kryptologie}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Mauludin, author = {Mauludin, Luthfi Muhammad}, title = {Computational Modeling of Fracture in Encapsulation-Based Self-Healing Concrete Using Cohesive Elements}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4520}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20211008-45204}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {170}, abstract = {Encapsulation-based self-healing concrete has received a lot of attention nowadays in civil engineering field. These capsules are embedded in the cementitious matrix during concrete mixing. When the cracks appear, the embedded capsules which are placed along the path of incoming crack are fractured and then release of healing agents in the vicinity of damage. The materials of capsules need to be designed in a way that they should be able to break with small deformation, so the internal fluid can be released to seal the crack. This study focuses on computational modeling of fracture in encapsulation-based selfhealing concrete. The numerical model of 2D and 3D with randomly packed aggreates and capsules have been developed to analyze fracture mechanism that plays a significant role in the fracture probability of capsules and consequently the self-healing process. The capsules are assumed to be made of Poly Methyl Methacrylate (PMMA) and the potential cracks are represented by pre-inserted cohesive elements with tension and shear softening laws along the element boundaries of the mortar matrix, aggregates, capsules, and at the interfaces between these phases. The effects of volume fraction, core-wall thickness ratio, and mismatch fracture properties of capsules on the load carrying capacity of self-healing concrete and fracture probability of the capsules are investigated. The output of this study will become valuable tool to assist not only the experimentalists but also the manufacturers in designing an appropriate capsule material for self-healing concrete.}, subject = {beton}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Berhe, author = {Berhe, Asgedom Haile}, title = {Mitigating Risks of Corruption in Construction: A theoretical rationale for BIM adoption in Ethiopia}, doi = {10.25643/bauhaus-universitaet.4517}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:wim2-20211007-45175}, school = {Bauhaus-Universit{\"a}t Weimar}, pages = {336}, abstract = {This PhD thesis sets out to investigate the potentials of Building Information Modeling (BIM) to mitigate risks of corruption in the Ethiopian public construction sector. The wide-ranging capabilities and promises of BIM have led to the strong perception among researchers and practitioners that it is an indispensable technology. Consequently, it has become the frequent subject of science and research. Meanwhile, many countries, especially the developed ones, have committed themselves to applying the technology extensively. Increasing productivity is the most common and frequently cited reason for that. However, both technology developers and adopters are oblivious to the potentials of BIM in addressing critical challenges in the construction sector, such as corruption. This particularly would be significant in developing countries like Ethiopia, where its problems and effects are acute. Studies reveal that bribery and corruption have long pervaded the construction industry worldwide. The complex and fragmented nature of the sector provides an environment for corruption. The Ethiopian construction sector is not immune from this epidemic reality. In fact, it is regarded as one of the most vulnerable sectors owing to varying socio-economic and political factors. Since 2015, Ethiopia has started adopting BIM, yet without clear goals and strategies. As a result, the potential of BIM for combating concrete problems of the sector remains untapped. To this end, this dissertation does pioneering work by showing how collaboration and coordination features of the technology contribute to minimizing the opportunities for corruption. Tracing loopholes, otherwise, would remain complex and ineffective in the traditional documentation processes. Proceeding from this anticipation, this thesis brings up two primary questions: what are areas and risks of corruption in case of the Ethiopian public construction projects; and how could BIM be leveraged to mitigate these risks? To tackle these and other secondary questions, the research employs a mixed-method approach. The selected main research strategies are Survey, Grounded Theory (GT) and Archival Study. First, the author disseminates an online questionnaire among Ethiopian construction engineering professionals to pinpoint areas of vulnerability to corruption. 155 responses are compiled and scrutinized quantitatively. Then, a semi-structured in-depth interview is conducted with 20 senior professionals, primarily to comprehend opportunities for and risks of corruption in those identified highly vulnerable project stages and decision points. At the same time, open interviews (consultations) are held with 14 informants to be aware of state of the construction documentation, BIM and loopholes for corruption in the country. Consequently, these qualitative data are analyzed utilizing the principles of GT, heat/risk mapping and Social Network Analysis (SNA). The risk mapping assists the researcher in the course of prioritizing corruption risks; whilst through SNA, methodically, it is feasible to identify key actors/stakeholders in the corruption venture. Based on the generated research data, the author constructs a [substantive] grounded theory around the elements of corruption in the Ethiopian public construction sector. This theory, later, guides the subsequent strategic proposition of BIM. Finally, 85 public construction related cases are also analyzed systematically to substantiate and confirm previous findings. By ways of these multiple research endeavors that is based, first and foremost, on the triangulation of qualitative and quantitative data analysis, the author conveys a number of key findings. First, estimations, tender document preparation and evaluation, construction material as well as quality control and additional work orders are found to be the most vulnerable stages in the design, tendering and construction phases respectively. Second, middle management personnel of contractors and clients, aided by brokers, play most critical roles in corrupt transactions within the prevalent corruption network. Third, grand corruption persists in the sector, attributed to the fact that top management and higher officials entertain their overriding power, supported by the lack of project audits and accountability. Contrarily, individuals at operation level utilize intentional and unintentional 'errors' as an opportunity for corruption. In light of these findings, two conceptual BIM-based risk mitigation strategies are prescribed: active and passive automation of project audits; and the monitoring of project information throughout projects' value chain. These propositions are made in reliance on BIM's present dimensional capabilities and the promises of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD). Moreover, BIM's synchronous potentials with other technologies such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and Radio Frequency technologies are topics which received a treatment. All these arguments form the basis for the main thesis of this dissertation, that BIM is able to mitigate corruption risks in the Ethiopian public construction sector. The discourse on the skepticisms about BIM that would stem from the complex nature of corruption and strategic as well as technological limitations of BIM is also illuminated and complemented by this work. Thus, the thesis uncovers possible research gaps and lays the foundation for further studies.}, subject = {Building Information Modeling}, language = {en} }